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adriana Dec 2020
my name
is case sensitive
adriana tamara
is how it’s spelled
sometimes as one word
and sometimes as two
but always as only lowercases

my name
is humbling
as it reminds me
that i am merely
one girl
against the elements
i am merely
one voice
muted by wind

my name
is empowering
she shows me
that my mouth
can never run dry
that my thoughts
can never go dormant

my name
looks small
compared to all of the rest
because i
am small
compared to the world
even in my own perception
i am too little
to know everything
to understand everything

my name
is my teacher
is my guardian
is my keepsake
& when i think i know everything
about poetry, about loving, about people
she humbles me
and i continue to learn

case sensitive
why i write my name as adriana tamara
swim through the sky

dreaming of flight
wanting to escape
finding my wings
seamless shapes

limitless reach
stretch above my head
galactic needle
pulling infinite thread

field of pyramids
I'm twenty feet tall
stumbling to find
the end of it all

the house I knew
twisted somehow
and all the rooms
are locked away now

the college campus
that I once roamed
with elevators broken
construction postponed

looking through the floor
glass beneath my shoes
wearing a skirt
afraid of the view

someone I've never met
capturing my heart
sweeping me off my feet
are they real or not?

the roots of any dream
might never be found
but none of them are real
no matter how profound.
Emi Jay Sep 2018
like a flower in a high place,
i cannot help but gaze upon
the beauty prospering adverse
to callous wind and granite stone;

one day i will watch you fall grace-
fully, petals aflutter, and mourn
the absence your passing creates:
a world less beautiful and rare.
patricia May 2018
i have built a room made of songs and unspoken words
struck by the moonlight, my secrets lay beneath the ocean waves - asleep and unafraid

the walls are painted with the lightest shade of blue,
for it reminds me how right and genuine love felt like.
the night sky is my ceiling and every star gleams for my welfare

with complete surrender, tears fell from my eyes one last time,
the word 'home' escaped from my mouth
and my heart finally took its rest
patricia Apr 2018
she never had the courage to speak
and all those years she walked in the same halls
feeling emptier everyday
Valerie Jan 2018
velvet stains on the crevice of your lips,
and you taste like water, not whisky.
your lucid sky-coloured gaze chase to meet me,
and even in the dark, they're evergreen.

they say that we're made of blue blood,
but all i taste is red, red, red- metallic, like rust,
i can feel my heart pulsing underneath my wrecked lungs,
because here am i, soaked in your stardust.

the room is struck with electricity when you arrive,
ochre colours my cheeks and heat in my skin rise,
like the silver waves, you sweep me in with the tide,
and once again, i'm yours, lovely, you have me stupefied.

when i'm around you, my heart pumps crimson,
and i wear your breath on my neck like a chain of diamonds,
and you look at me, glory behold like i'm your redemption,
like i'm an ultraviolet, phosphorescent burst of magnetism.

(i want you to look at me like that forever).
lowercase intended.
Macy Opsima Aug 2017
i have built a garden
full of words that spills relief
just in case i forgot how it feels
to feel something besides pain
h b r Jun 2017
of course there was a time before

a time when the night was gentle
the moon perched in the shadowed branches
the stars rustling about in their tiny flickering fullness
like blinking birds

in an instant
everything took flight
i soared with you and
laughed laughed
laughed so hard and sweet
life was long
and happy

we threw bread to those star birds

then when i got home i pulled out
my soft black notebook
it was dusty
but i wrote
and then i cried
and it spilled over the paper
in a rush of quiet ink

i spelled your name out
over and over and
with the curves of the letters i bent my body

eyes glittering
like those little star birds
something followed me through that night
i turned and turned but i could not catch it
and i found that
i couldn't take a breath
so i screamed
the sound was raspy and it was high and it
swung through the rafters
it tiptoed along the windowsill and
buried itself in your eye
where it sang and sang

there was a time before
it is to me now as an echo is
h b r Jun 2017
how had i
failed to recognize
as she slipped down
the stairs.
i could not speak or
i had dwindled to almost nothing.
i know i tried to say
right from the start.
i know that there are girls far prettier than me and
far prettier than you.

at a certain distance she looks
far and miserable
but walk up
to her and there is
something cosmic and
there is a critical beauty
and there is the Earth and
it has filled with love
like a heart.
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