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The Trumpoet Feb 2017
Lock her up! Lock her up! Lock her up!
Your campaign crowds so chanted.
You took it in and smugly smiled
while they all railed and ranted.

But lock her up for what? I thought.
She's been investigated.
For alleged conflict of interest,
she has been exculpated.

So if such accusations,
when even proved untrue,
provide sufficient grounds for jail.
They'll have to lock up... You!
You can also see this and my other Trump poems at:
Link to video of this poem:
Written January 14, 2017
Viseract Feb 2017
There is a key
To an abyss of thoughts
So irrelevant, so minute
It surprises me what I remember
When the gate to these thoughts
Is opened

And is the reason why I'm still awake
Two hours after going to bed
Julia Jaros Apr 2015
Branco e bege se fundem na cortina
Feixes de luz tentam passar
para um mundo onde há muito
foram esquecidos
a poeira e a maneira.

Observe o movimento sutil
do tecido repetido e entretido
A transparência é genuína
mas a poeira
é contínua.

O espaço tímido não se revela
Escondendo sua sequela
de quando tão ingênuo
escondia uma janela aberta.

Bem, está trancada agora.
Sheila M King Jun 2016
I wish I could tell you this as I look into your eyes
But then you’d see these tears that fall and never really dries
I never have gotten over you, can’t say I ever will
My heart belongs to only you-but that’s not the way you feel
I know it’s been a long time since we were together
Seems like only yesterday our love would last forever
I hold a place inside my heart where one else could ever be
I locked my love for you inside– a door without a key
I hear you’re moving on wish that I was too
But I could never love again the way that I love you
I’d walk away from everything to be with you again
But why fight a losing battle when I know I cannot win
A battle in my heart that has become a war
I’d die and go to hell to be with you once more
I’d walk away from all I have to make this dream come true
I give up my life and my whole world if I did not have to give up you
My heart is always yours and there you will always be
I’ve locked my love for you inside- a door without a key
Ysa Pa May 2016
Finding the key
For an abstruse lock
Ominous thoughts
The ticking clock
Reading hieroglyphs
Deciphering riddles
Unraveling codes
Enigmas and puzzles
Extracting secrets
Keeping them secure
Protecting what's hidden
Just to assure
Translating and decoding
Your heart's encryptions
All in an attempt
To make me your decision
thehiddenwriter May 2016
It's all locked up inside,
Bars and barricades all around,
Things don't go out,
Things don't go in.
Lunar Apr 2016
I told him:

Many people are afraid of oblivion,
the phenomena of not knowing what is going on
because you're too deep or lost in something.
But I stared into the oblivion, into the void,
into you because I knew you were so much more.
And I have to dive deeper, to drown if I had to,
just to get to your soul.
And I have to search more, to get lost if I had to,
just to unlock your heart.

He told me:

And that's the time my heart will be unlocked.
Because you're the key to it.
It's because you complete me.
And this love is our treasure,
where oblivion marks the spot.
to gwyn. i hope you find true happiness soon.
and i hope yjh will be that happiness.
stay happy and smile always, i love you both.
Echoes Of A Mind Mar 2016
The lock on my heart
Have begun to rust
It's not looking healthy
But open it
I can not...

It have been there for ages
Since I was small
And nothing can be done
To make it disappear
It makes sure that nobody
Can take my heart away...

The lock keeps me
From falling in love
And even though
That I've gotten old
I still want
To keep it on...

It protects me
From getting hurt
And neither have I ever
A heartbreak...

So I'm living
A life out love
But you know what
I think that's an affordable price
Since you will never
See me cry...

The lock on my heart
Once had a key
But it got lost
And ended up
Somewhere far away...

The lock on my heart
Is not a burden
But sometimes I see couples
And wonder 'bout
What they are feeling
When they are together...

The lost key
Will never be found
The rusty lock will **** me
Before anyone will manage
To open up
The lock on my heart...
There's nothing as a heart made out of just that people have locked their hearts away and sometimes that lock can't be opened again...
Pauline Morris Mar 2016
I am the frozen lock
I am the stopped clock
I am the sand
That slips through your hands

I am the black sheep
I am the freak
I am the hungry  beast
That's never satisfied with the feast

I am the snake
I am the earthquake
I am the boat
That just won't float

I am the rope
I am the loss of hope
I am the godless
For no one can stop this

I am the dead
I am all you dread
I am all but gone
So very far from strong

I am the walking cadaver
I am the shatter
I am the gray matter
That out of my head splattered
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