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Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2021
You deserve much better
That is plain to see
I can't possibly imagine
What you see in me
You should be with someone capable
Of giving love and devotion
I am so ****** up inside
Numb to almost all emotion
You and I are different
Your heart is made of gold
While my own is solid as a rock
Impenetrable and cold
Why was I created this way?
Who have I become?
I barely recognize myself
Or remember where I'm from
Please don't get too attached
Because I am not made of glue
So just because you are stuck on me
Doesn't mean I will be too
Left all vulnerability behind
To deteriorate in the past
It's easier to remain indifferent
I've learned good things don't last
You can't sweep me off my feet
I've already been knocked to the ground
And I'll only drag you further down with me
The longer you stay around
Please don't give me presents
I am not worthy of the price
Somebody as ******* up as me
Shouldn't be with someone so nice
Please leave me for your own good
Before I rip your feelings apart
All my edges are sharp pieces of glass
If you get any closer I'll break your heart
Stay as far away from me as you can

Every night when we say goodnight my heart ****. Sad and thinking tomorrow will never come, therefore I'm sleeping now so I could catch you in my dreams. Just close your eyes and see me right next to your heart. You breathing in me. I live on you like parasite. I know you love me,  I hold   you tight in my heart. Love you to the sky and beyond. G--Nyt HONE !
David P Carroll Apr 2021
When you smile my heart smiles to
And with your gentle touch it leaves me breathless
And your kiss is so warm and caring and when
You speak my heart skips a beat
Smiling so bright because I'm in love tonight
And your devotion is my very essence
Allowing me to thrive because I love you so much.
Love You ❤️😗
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2021
If saying you love me
Must say I love you too
Then I will have set words free
Have never rang more true
Mohit Ramola Apr 2021
Confidence is my armour
Optimism is my saviour
I wander in the darkness
And kiss the silence
Don't tear my wings
Don't force me the rings
Even if I get thrashed
I will land into my saviour's arms
My armour would be holding my palms
Phoenix-Rising Apr 2021
I have long thought I would rather
Fall into an abyss than
Continue to live, work,
Force myself through every day
It is not easy to want to die,

But I will not, die that is,
**** myself, I guess, I
Will continue to push myself
Out of bed every morning,
Force myself into life

But it is not force,
It is how things are, how
They are meant to stay
Life is only wasted on those
Who choose not to live it

And I will not be wasteful
Will not crawl into the hole
My depression wishes
To keep me in,
I will not die, but not only that,
I will live
Wings of a butterfly fluttering in air,
never knew his  life extends not far
livin' to the fullest,only he care
savouring each moment, can only be fair
            Realising his  beauty,wishes to live some more
            flirts with his wings only he wear
            however, life's ending soon does, doesn't he fear
            lives the life till he got,
            loves the life with all his might...
We all got only one life. But we have more days than a butterfly to live.
Like it enjoys its each moment till Fortnight,we must enjoy our each moment till we got!!!
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2021
I spend my hours lonely
Staring at a phone that doesn't ring
Lying to myself
Pretending not to feel the sting
Around my room in laps I pace
Because it is hard to stay standing still
Restless and anxious
I can't concentrate
Distress is too strong to ****
A tiny part of me is relieved
To see you haven't changed at all
It makes it easier to stand nt ground
When back to you I want to crawl
You must be a magician
Putting me under a spell
With one wave of your wand enchanted
Conjuring heaven
We're really in hell
You keep my adoration in your pocket
Instead of in your heart
It's obvious I am the only half affected
When our lives are forced apart
It feels as though I inhabit a cage
Only when you disappear
Your absence holds me captive
Then am freed when you get near
Dancing on a narrow line
Seperating sense and satiety
If I succumb to my shameful desires
That means forfeiting my sanity
Trapped behind bars inside my brain
Cannot escape my expectations
Disappointment is inevitable
Yet I still surrender to sweet temptation
Shades of blue inside and out
Mixed with the occasional grey or black
All other colors vanished with my trust
I'm pretty sure they're not coming back
Cloaked in heavy misery
Weighs down my overwhelmed soul
You don't even have the decency
To return all the time that you stole
You placed stars directly in my eyes
Just so you could watch them burn out
Ignorance was comfortable
Til you showed me what I now live without
Silence chokes with an icy grip
Solitude freezes spirit right through my skin
No matter how many games you play with my emotions
I still participate although it's impossible to win
I almost titled this "Sad ***** Hours" buuut figured those who dont get that reference might be offended haha
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2021
Just a scent all it takes

And am rendered powerless to your hold

I miss the days i harnessed control over my emotions

Now and then imagine a world without your chains but honestly
Prefer the restraints
I can't imagine a world outside your arms. The very idea of all that freedom scares me.
Amanda Kay Burke Apr 2021
Turning in bed throughout the night
Pestered by demons
Didn't invite
The last thing wanna do is face my pain
It's the only subject boiling on my brain
You said not to worry and stress without cause
Know no other way of coping with my flaws
Is it easy for everyone else to show themselves love?
Self- loathing drags me down and I cannot rise above
First doubt creeps in like 5 o'clock shadows
Insults that start small and then grow
On mind like frost coating a thin layer of ground
Freezing to the insecurity to which I am bound
Last night's insomnia paints bags under eyes
Circles so deep and dark they can't even be disguised
I eat up lies you dish out like I haven't been fed in weeks
Hungry because gut never finds the nourishment it seeks
The distractions I consume to fill the void only render me more hollow
Skeleton becomes a nest of pity in which I choose to wallow
Fears bloom faster than blossoming flowers
Watered by teardrops that pour out in showers
Within bones
The middle where marrow should be
Instead filled with stones
Inside skin a storm is raging complete with lightning and thunder
Perished as teardrops poured
Presently pain pulls me under
I quickly surrender to rain clouds in the sky
Working to save my soul
Guess it is time to accept that in this universe some forces are beyond my control
I wish i could choose who i love
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