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Jay M May 2020
Seated alone in a church pew
Hushed voices all around
Don't let him hear you;

They say his mother passed
All of his luck has run dry
They say he's the last
Can't you see him cry?

They say he lives alone
Barely old enough
A shabby place to call home
The young man has it quite rough

They say he sits there
Alone in the church pew
Praying for a better life, if an angel will hear
Then he goes, writes for the few
Who will pay him a penny for his thoughts

Can't you see him in the street?
Watch his feet
Slow stride
He's got nothing left to hide
Don't let him hear you say;

They say he wears his father's old clothes
He was the first to go
Down in the ground
Have pity, have pity
Don't let him hear you say;

They say-

"I can hear you!"
He cries, so suddenly,
"And let me tell you what is true,"
"For none of you know me,"
"Or my story, so let me tell it,"
"Not the unfortunate likes of you,"
"With nothing better to do than whisper of my life."

- Jay M
May 7th, 2020
People whispering about someone they've never spoken to, gossiping about someone's life that they never knew about. Don't assume you know someone based on their looks and mannerisms.

*Part of my creative writing portfolio.
Yanamari May 2020
Unsettled heart keeping me up at night
Emotions leaving me raw, overcome
What was once okay lost its security
Who am I and what have I become?

What sacrifices am I making and
Where will these sacrifices take me next?
I'm afraid that they won't understand
I'm afraid of the judgement they'll project

And so the words remain hidden inside.
Whilst people abide by what they should see
The words free to roam, wreak havoc on my mind.
And agree to expel what shouldn't be.

Never afraid of what would never happen
Until I saw what was not to be seen again
Trying my hands at a Shakespearean sonnet style of writing. The syllable count varies on purpose.. the rhymes didn't quite make it, I'm too used to free verse poetry...
The message rather than the words is what has me writing
scrawny Apr 2020
Is this reality?
or just  a dream,
a dream created by my temptations,
temptations that that would destroy me.

Well if it is,
then let me feel every inch
and piece of you
before I wake up from reality,

A reality where our love is forbidden,
forbidden by society,
a society that is messed up
where people judge
for what we are and for who we are.
David Bojay Apr 2020
Skewed vision when I followed the cynosure//
Beam balancing
Can’t hold my own sometimes//
Made up characters to separate my thoughts from “myself”//
Split my cares in eights//
Off with the indecision//
Fall asleep as soon as the tears hit the pillow//
Head up, delusional//
So I think
Perception shields the egomaniac residing in me//
I make it seem as if so, but really with my intentions, I’ll never know how things will play out//
Misterpretating will be my end//
With no one to truly seek, I play with the inconsistencies.... so what about guilt?//
My character doesn’t mind the idiosyncrasies I portray... I do it for the show
Merging with the relentless and the glorious
It ***** to be Sweet, bittersweet//
Ylzm Apr 2020
Truth silenced and condemned
Resurrect as Death in your face
Believe, pray, be positive, whatever
Only the Elect shall hear the Call

Liars removed to prove the lie
Weeds uprooted that good seeds grow
The fruitful pruned for greater fruits
And truth shines without sun, moon nor stars

All things shall pass
But not all in your lifetime
All investments shall prosper
But not all before your money runs out

The old shall pass, and the new shall be
The night ends at sunrise
Or day ended when night begun
The hope for yesterday, not the most wise

As the last straw broke the camel's back
The last tear drop shall break the dam
And the angels' release long past due
Their bowls overflowing with the righteous' prayers
Quarantinistani Apr 2020
Bing Bada Boom,
Legion of Doom.
Hear the World Engine
go 'Vroom Vroom.'

Adam and Eve,
Bride and Groom.
Heavenly Couple
sent down to Earth.

Their wicked *** children
and their twisted *** greed,
wrecked the Earthly Garden
and paid their warnings no heed.

When the day is done
and the fun is over,
the playground is empty and
the children must go home.

Moms and Pops,
They ain't gonna hold back.
We finna get an *** whoopin'.
Its been a long time coming.

All of humanity, get yo *** in line;
CEOs first, emplyees last.
You do the crime,
you do the time.

Dem are de rules
and you brokened them all.
You've run out of time
and there's no way to stall.

Did you forget?
We gotta go back.
The same One who sent us here
will call us all back.

Get your affairs in order
before the conductor comes a-collecting.
Your ticket was punched
the moment you drew your first breath.

Check your itinerary -
duration and detours,
none of them matter.

This trip is one way,
there is no going back.

The destination is final
so be not in denial.

Prepare your defense
and argue your case,

for the Judgement is final
and there shall be no retrial.
Arabic: إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

Transliteration: Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Ilaihi Raji’un

Translation: Surely we belong to Allah (God) and to Him shall we return.
Mystic Ink Plus Apr 2020
Is nothing

At least
One needs
To have
Common sense
To understand
Theme: Everyday Wisdom || In the backgeound of COVID-19
Note: Why to lockdown?
Douglas Balmain Apr 2020
Judgement is our prison:
     the bars, lock, and key.
As we build its walls higher,
     our perspective grows smaller
Until our confines of Measure
​     become all we can see.
Originally published at
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