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Pauline Morris Feb 2016
Steel nuts in a paper sack
You'd think they fall out but they don't
You'll see in ***** I don't lack
I'll stand my ground, backing down I won't

I'm a woman, with the reckless abandonment of a man
Not afraid of taking care of what needs to be done
Saying whats on my mind I will and can

With me you'll know exactly what I think
I'm not like the shifting sand
Even as I balance on the brink
You can see I never ran

I can deal with me and mine, and even yours
Be it a fight or a blessing
I'll stay true to the core
You'll never catch me resting

If you want a confrontation
I'll be there toe to toe
I'll gladly drowned you in information
Showing you just how much you don't know

I have ***** of steel
Protected by a paper sack
I possess an unbreakable will
In a soft fragile shell wrapped
Far too many
are blinded by what they see,
deafened by what they hear,
pascified by what they do,
valued by what they have,
and numbed by what they feel.

Dare to venture yet deeper
within thy own being.
Do not surrender so lightly
to spiritual atrophy
for thy Godself shall suffice!

Thy Well
is not to be so shallow
even in the worst known droughts
of the Soul.
"You're soo going to Hell!"

"Wha-‽Naw; noo.
No. Reckon I ain't.
I ain't goin' ta Hell!
Open yo ****** eyes!
Hell is already upon us.
Hell's right in front'a me.
Hell's right in front'a y'all.
Hell's been tryin' to find me for a good minute
then Hell's comin' for my jester/hard-rock-musician ***
and I'm gonna give it my own hell directly-the-**** back,

See: the Devil hates being stood up to.
Look him in the eye and hold your ground.
He only has what power you sacrifice to him.
Once you flinch, look away, get cocky: you've lost.
That's the crack in the dam; the noose 'round yo neck.

The same be true of God, the coward.
That's what the Devil did, the traitor.
Go figure he hates it, too!
Authority hates dissent.
Whatever side of whatever **** fence.

They both one of a kind;
spawned of Godmind.
Just like us. What, you surprised?
Jesus ******' Christ!
What are they teaching you in school these days?

Jack-******'-****, I reckon.
Go to hell!"
GGA Oct 2015
Stony ground plantings,
surrounded by weeds.
They grow fast and wild,
don't they.
But bear little fruit.

As the sun rises
and gathers heat
they wither quickly. Yes,
Choked out by the weeds.
They thirst,
but cannot be quenched.

They are quick to sprout
with excitement,
but have such shallow roots.
Ah, and as the winds pick up
and the storms rise
they fell first and fast.
Oh, do they ever
tumble quickly.

Having no firm ground
on which to stand.
Such a pity really.
So much promise lost.
Laurent Jul 2015
What if she gives you her smile again ?
Is she gonna feel for a while without pain ?

What if you put her in your dreams tonight ?
Is she gonna stay until it's bright ?

What if you offer her your heart ?
Are you never gonna be apart ?

What if you try to pacify the butterfly ?
Is she gonna want to fly with you ?

What if you share her the rest of your life ?
Are you gonna accept as you are each other ?

You are still right here and waiting for her,
You were both in, you hope not too much.

What if she is still ignoring you ?
Will you just walk away and say goodbye ?

You are both out, you fear too much,
Just keep breathing for a while.

Because she will be always your half,
In that souvenir of her sparkling smile.
Never Try To Test Good People..Because Good People are Like Mercury..When you Hit Them They Won't Break But They Just Slip Away From Your Life Silently...
She was just another schoolgirl

Dreams of marriage and of kids

She had devoted parents

They loved everything she did

Nothing could deter her

from the choice that she had made

Turning seventeen, she left her home

in Forest Glade

Moving north to Epsilon

She chose another route

She would be a dancer

Taking money from the suits

She started slow in Epsilon

A club girl from the start

She had a phony i.d

But she sure could play the part

Was she a dancer or an actress

Seems she was one and the same

She chose to go as Crystal

Though that wasn't her real name

She danced a bit and moved around

The lifestyle she liked

She was dancing up in Buffalo

When she met a guy named Mike

They dated and got married

Soon a kid was on the way

When he found out she was pregnant

He packed up and moved away

She was nineteen and without a chance

To get a better life

Who would want a dancer

With a kid to be his wife?

Nobody that she knew

That would be for sure

And just like the little girl she was

She always wanted more

She had her son, named Ferguson

She then enrolled in school

She was gonna be a big thing

She would not be no ones fool

She chose to keep on dancing

Working late nights, dancing hard

Saving up her money

So she'd get her son a yard

She was still a little girl deep down

She still had real big dreams

She didn't want the normal life

She wanted the extremes

She was a dancer, mother, daughter and

A sutdent every day

She had to keep them separate

Had to keep her lives at bay

She'd many personalities

Depending on her place

She handled each role expertly

With poise and with such grace

By day she was a mother

And a student on the side

She did both of them expertly

And she showed off both with pride

At night she was a dancer

Schoolgirl, teacher, and much more

She would be a patrons fantasy

But she hid down in her core

The little girl she really was

Stayed deep and far from them

She was also now an actress

Dancing, doing things for men

At night when she was finished

She would go home to her boy

She would bend and kiss him as he slept

For he was her pride and joy

She'd then go hit the shower

Washing all their dreams away

She would wash away their kisses

She would make herself okay

Each night she'd play another role

To keep the men entranced

She would change her look up daily

As on the stage she pranced

They'd pay her for her company

And they'd worship all she did

But, all she ever thought about

Was something better for her kid

She finished school in record time

A manager she'd be

She took a four year course

And she finsihed it in three

She didn't have the money

To quite make her dreams come true

But, she now had a diploma

And inside, her pride just grew

She was now a feature dancer

She was the top of mens desires

But the job was getting weary

In fact, our girl was tired

She had her different roles to play

Still mother, daughter, and

At night a dancer actress

In an pornographic land

She'd go home every night and see

Her son there in his bed

She'd go and have her shower

And she'd kiss him on his head

She'd wash away the garbage

Wash away her hidden life

Once again she thought of

Being a mother and a wife

Normalcy, would not be hers

She'd have to move along

She'd done well for her young boy

She had not done too much wrong

A new life far from Buffalo

Would be the thing to do

She's now a mother and a daughter

And she might live next to you

She broke the chains that bound her

Used her dancing to improve

Made herself much stronger

And she then did up and move

Now she doesn't go home late at night

To wash away the grime

She can go home and go out to play

To give her son some time

The sad fact is there's lots of girls

But not as strong as her

They do not escape the dancing

When they end up, no one's sure

But Crystal, she's a hero

For she made herself move on

She's a mother, actress, daughter

with a super cool young son

Where she went I don't know where

But, she ended up on top

Ther rumours were she married

In fact they said that he's a cop

they say that she's still out working

In the clubs, out with the girls

But she's no longer a dancer

She's out showing them the world

She's helping them get into school

They confess to her their sins

She knows of what they talk about

For she's been just where they've been

She doesn't go by Crystal

She now goes by her real name

But, she might just live next door to you

And to tell would be a shame.
Seán Mac Falls Jun 2015
Golden soul feels deep
Passion so like the flower
Praise only for sun
Àŧùl Aug 2013
Dig the ground,
Deeper & broader,
Large enough to accommodate,
And peacefully lay us,
The commoners to rest,
Without causing any disturbance,
To the Clout-clad looters.

Don't rest till you collapse lifelessly,
Into the mud extracted for digging,
Digging their trap deeper enough,
Deeper enough for all the clout,
'Cause you wouldn't even want,
Their zombies to be turn-out,
Escaping out stark naked,
Out in future to plight,
****** and blight,
Pester and fester
The future generation.

Oh but do we not know,
They will survive and flourish,
Indian or Russian or American or British,
The clout will always be there to ****/eat,
**** blood and eat meatballs,
Why they will survive,
And why the civilians suffer isn't riddle.
I refer to hoes as tools for digging, like the ones you might use in your gardens; the other meaning may also fit in with other combinations of similar words.

Clout-clad looters = Politicians

There's this globalization of the schemes of scams.

Hopefully, this lantern of questions will enlighten the way.

My HP Poem #401
©Atul Kaushal
karen dannette May 2015
Feel the rage within you
Trying to consume you
Living out your fears
Of what's really out there.

The world we live in created by desire
Can you feel my vibrations pulsating and throbbing?
Throughout every part of your mind.
I'm still human in this game we call life

We are given a responsibility to be honest with ourselves
and how much each of us can show all others respect and love
Yet, here I sit feeling like I want to ***** in my mouth
For the one person I thought I was in love with
..... that would kick someone when they were down.
this poem is personal and I am sick with the actions taken against someone that has always been good to me and how I never know when to keep my mouth shut.  Feeling like this s may be unforgivable.
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