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Reece 49m
A hero may wear a cape,
But that doesn’t mean they’re Superman,
They all pale in comparison,
Just another human,
Whether a man or a woman,
Their motives hidden behind their ribbons
Trying to make the world a better place.

A hero may preach peace,
But that doesn’t mean they believe it,
Often it’s just about their image.
The war must go on,
Never will everyone be happy,
There’s too much to complain about,
To be ungrateful about,
To not see the beauty of the planet we call home.
The hero may say they are against this complaining,
Yet, you see them in the streets doing the exact same thing.

Never meet your heroes,
You realize how much you inflated their heroics,
When you meet them in person,
You see how, perhaps, they weren’t a hero at all.
They aren’t a villain,
Just not a hero,
Not what you originally believe,
Yet you convinced yourself they were perfect.
Perfection is a losing game.

What makes a hero?
What makes someone noble?
Or have honor?
Or courage?
People love to play these roles,
Put them on like a wolf in sheep’s clothing,
You can always spot a fake,
They just feel disingenuous.
How can you have honor,
And preach your mantra,
Yet cut in the lunch line,
Like you’re better than all of the rest behind you?
That’s not honor!
That’s being a two-faced dishonorable fraud!
Like so many people,
Who wear the “honorable” facade.

I wouldn’t call myself honorable,
I’ve done things I’m not proud of,
Made mistakes I regret,
Have demons in my heart,
Who remind me where I misstep.
I refuse to identify,
As something I’m not,
It makes me feel icky,
Dishonest, and like a fraud.
Who relishes this feeling,
Of lying for qualities they don’t have?
What do you gain?
All temporary in the grand scheme of the game.

A hero isn’t pure,
They’ve done things they despise themselves for,
Yet they try their best,
To not make the same mistake again.
They try to make a change,
Instead of complaining!

A hero isn’t good,
Or great,
And certainly not extraordinary,
They’re decent,
Down to earth,
Understanding of their faults,
Yet they push forward anyway.
They try to please people,
Not worth their time,
All in an effort,
To see them smile.
They try to save people,
To far gone to save,
Yet, they try anyway,
For they can’t accept,
That some people can’t be saved,
And are lost in the darkness.

Not kings or queens,
But high standards and ideas,
Yet to be expressed,
They haven’t found the words.
A hero has morals,
One’s that won’t change,
Based on who they talk to,
Their code remains the same.
That’s what takes honor,
That’s what takes strength,
Being yourself despite the gremlins,
And the goblins,
And the orcs,
Being yourself,
No matter who’s watching.
“With integrity and honor,
For people to see.”
Words long forgotten,
In our memories.

Integrity requires honor,
Which requires being noble,
Which goes hand in hand with courage and bravery.
A hero is all of these things,
Combined into a pie,
And though we humans try to replicate the recipe,
We end up exploding the kitchen,
Leaving fallout in our wake.

To me the idea of a hero,
Is more reliable than seeing it in reality,
Someone so honest,
So kind,
And always fighting for what they believe is right.

A villain is a hero,
Just for the other side,
With other motives,
And ways of working things out,
And the hero is the villain to the villain.
Who is right and who is wrong?
The common question.
Often times it’s not so black and white,
Nuances aplenty,
If you open your eyes.
Some are just cruel,
But some have a reason for the heinous actions they do,
I root for the villain.

We may come close,
But we will never see the perfect hero,
He’s already left.
While we wait,
We can dream,
And aspire to be,
Like Superman.
As the old pledge went,
“When no one else is watching,
It is up to me!”
And so it always will be,
For each of us is the hero in our own story… we wish we could be them, without fully understanding the struggle or the moral strength it requires.
showyoulove Dec 2024
What are the keys to holiness and perfection? Practice, patience, time, and integrity. Like any good thing, it takes work and lots of it. You don't become Van Gogh, or Mozart, Michael Jordan or Mother Theresa overnight. Granted, some of these people have certain gifts and talents that make it easier, but it still took practice and consistent work. Patience is also necessary. There may be setbacks or failures, mistakes and sleepless nights, but one must be patient and endure, because if you keep going, things are going to look up and trials will strengthen and give us the tools we need for the future. Time is something we all have and never seem to have enough of. Make good use of your time and fill it with good and wholesome things. Do not hurry or rush perfection or holiness or any good thing. Nothing good comes to those who hurry and rush and do not wait. Finally, and perhaps most importantly is integrity. To be holy and strive for perfection, one must have true integrity. As Shakespeare said once "... above all else: To thine own self be true". Be true to who you are and who you were made to be. Do not try to live someone else's life or be someone else. You aren't. You are you and that is that. Be the best you that you can be. For, as Mother Theresa is quoted as saying: "in the final analysis it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway".

God bless us all on our path to holiness and perfection. Amen
David Hilburn Nov 2024
Sorry won't do...
Open to arguably the same
Of what is, a person of who
The truth, when I quietly name...

Children a universal charity...
Elect a seer, or offer a proven
Wait, is ours for a faring vanity
The has your might, as chastity's problem...

Fly by, and heed?
A question of moments, more adores
Ask the question of mete and need
The luck of angel's, is anger was...

A place for cynical wealth, lost
A pace of worthier demonstration, caught
A pax of elucidated reasons, saw us
A person with uniqueness depends, saw it

Given the gift of giving
That youth has come of age
For a sincerity, sated with living
In the shadow of kindness, not angers fate
Another purpose behind, another purpose forward, another purpose excited
Jack Groundhog Oct 2024
Weathervane, weathervane,
whither does the wind blow?
Will you learn to point the way
or will you just go with the flow?
When the fox would rule the henhouse
as the wind twists all around
will the weathercock crow midnight
without making a sound?
Jill Aug 2024
Stupidly genius, moronic and shrewd people eat their fast food on fine China
Failing is vertical, errors are slander
Their gross insults impacting easy digestion
Hyperbole falsehood messiah

Piercingly silent and ardently soft people keep their opinions on fences
Insults are weaponry not to be yielded
Their platitudes cradling fragile personas
Perversely destructive defences

Classically learned and bookishly rich people carry their privilege with kindness
Science is built with colonial scaffolds
Their method constraining all true innovation
Parochial qualified blindness

Shockingly worthy and recklessly small people polish their boots with lead solder
Gravity holding them grounded and upright
Their bootlaces impacting aerodynamics
Inferior sturdy upholder

Gallantly serving and fearlessly trained people douse the political embers
Fire escape blocked with hobnails and lumber
Their pickaxes caught in the thick poison ivy
Nugatory self-rule defenders

The silent, the learned, the worthy, the trained people trade voyeurism for vision
Hologram values are no longer trump cards
Their gazes averted from hate-dripping sophists
Integrity first coalition
David Hilburn Jul 2024
Day to day
Lips of values; simpler eyes
Wishes so profound, asking if intellect may?
Deciding upon sharing, a whetted appetite for why...

Is a humanity seen, the better voice to lead?
Quiet bother, the serious
If not the scurrilous; a wish so alive in said...
Solace and virtue, a place for each seldom of hope, curious...

Wet eyes, with a moment to tell?
Why the tear of valor, to make a realm in each, a patience?
Having come and went to wisdom for a word, with hell...
Which has become a raging stir, of what was a heart of vanity, with terror for ages?

Your strength, if not the storm of perseverance
I've seen to be; a dance in the sunlight...
Where a sigh of requite, is no requiem, of vehement chance
A voice of change, that has become only better in insight's mind

An obvious example, comes to mine...
If the twain is to be a champion, of what we know for truth
Isn't a wish the future, as if a premonition was forever kind...
Every spirit of determination, asking what is a light to risen youth?
So further, for a mightier word there...
Malia Apr 2024
I’ve already done my ten-thousand hours
Under the light of the moon and the sun.
”Self-made” contains its own divine power
In the minds of the Americana.

My bootstraps, I’ve pulled
Until they tore off.
I admit, I’ve been fooled
In this Land of the Lost.

And still yet they shout, at Forefather’s behest:
“Give it your all! And then give me the rest!”
David Hilburn Jan 2024
Ask me when the tune is in order
Simple, mutual and narcissistically pronounced
Pouts we saved, become a rule of thumb
Voices to remember you, a host of inclination, found?

Intuition found your shoe...
Bared and staring at the name of infinite share
We collect a need to us, like the song we woo
The blessing of another muse, is only where...?

Places and faces of direction, an estimate
Of since, we are the clarity of espousal
Sight unseen, the question of vice, has come irate?
Is anger to term the naked, the future of valediction?

A band with hands on the other side
Of commencement, to wish in unseemly did
The character we approve, is but a decisive flight
Of fancy, that has the stone of heed, for a friend

Honor among thieves, or adage of a copping plea?
The tooth we sought, for a dalliance that has the tears
A bird of paradise, that calmly advances on the sake, seen
And heard, with a repose that ventures far, as you near...
Was and was not, the times to a furious skip of deliberation, a funky hat?
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