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Inevitable Feb 2021
It hurts knowing you’ve said these words before. Are they different though?
because they’re said to me?
I couldn’t be that significant.
recycled words and metaphors <
morgan Jan 2021
It’s going to cut me down
The way I can't help but compare myself to
The other flowers in the garden
Who bloom
So much brighter and bolder
While my petals will always look out of place
And my roots take up too much space
My leaves are too heavy for the stem
They droop because of the burden I cause them

I try and sway in the wind alongside
The other beautiful flowers in my life
I watch them grow and thrive
While I just sit idly by
No foundation in the ground
Or certainty in my growth
There’s nothing delicate about my presence
I only shrivel in and try not to loathe
Myself or them
I cannot tell
Whether I wish their petals would fall
Or if I want my existence to be graceful as well

They stretch for the sun
But I can only make it to the tops of the trees
The trees are tall
But the sky is so much farther than I can achieve

Flowers are supposed to look diverse, not pristine
But why am I not as elegant as she
Dawn Jan 2021
Insecurity is a fast acting disease.
Pouring into every cell,
thickening the lens,
distorting view.
Erupt in jealousy,
tension fills the chest, breathing deep feels sharp.

Pick at their flaws,
make them feel small, tempt them to inch down to your level.
Do what you can, in every desperate attempt,
But the self disgust still radiates off your skin.

The unjustified hatred will
consume you,
convince you,
that you truly are the victim.

But it is merely a sickness that will eat you away.
Rae Jan 2021
i want you to stop right now.
yeah, you, the person reading this.
look into a mirror or your phone camera.
i don't care what you think you see.
you are beautiful. i mean it. you are the most beautiful person i have ever seen. i'm writing this one just for you. you mean the world to me and you are beautiful.
keep scrolling.
i love you
Louise Jan 2021
Almost three decades later,
and the position I take in my own life is second place.
I placed the blame of my position on the loved ones I trusted
but they are not the ones to take blame.

Two decades have passed,
and I still placed myself second to those
temporary in my life.

Most nights I lay my head on a pillow
filled with the tears I cry myself to sleep.
These tears carry the pain of invalidation
from the loved ones I trusted to love me.

The kind of Love
that I should be giving myself.

A decade into existing on this planet,
and I am so confused by the mixed
feelings my young heart felt.

She craved the loving touch of her mother,
but it was met with bitter words.
She ran into the street to play with the neighbor's kids,
just to be met by mockery and confusion.

She awaits her father from yet another work trip,
just to be met by a distant stranger that
rather be occupied with anything else
other than time with his daughter.

She sits in a classroom filled with
other kids that don't look like her,
confused with many questions
but too scared to ask.

I have put myself second in my life,
believing that I do not want anyone
feeling that way.
So I took it upon myself to put them
in first place in my life.
And now,
I am the one feeling the pain
of always being in second place.
dog pillow Aug 2020
why is it always
her you find yourself wanting
when I’m not around
Nikita Dec 2020
You would shout
And belt.

With each word
You drove a sword through
My child mind

Thank you for the wounds
Thank you for the insults

Without your fierce
Sad and insecure stabs

I’d never be so determined
To be the exact opposite
Of who you think I am.
Nylee Dec 2020
How insecure am I
It comes out in waves
as I call out the names
it's been ever the same
as far, since I was five.

I see them
looking at me,
they can sense my nervous energy,
I can see the anxiety building up
Overflowing the cup
as I grow old.

I am okay
without anybody
But I change immediately
as I sense someone
around me.

It's just me
I feel everyone judging me,
I want high scores
but I can't act right,
I know it is impossible
to please everyone
but at those times
I just forget even to try,
it's how I am.

I do know,
I am getting negatives
because of my inactions
but I cannot calm my nerves.
It is the heart hammering
On the walls loudly,
It is hard.

My eyes
vulnerable to all eyes,
Can't you see that I
am afraid?

I am an open book
with empty lines,
with doodles at sides,
this is my mind
with more scribbles.

I can't grow like this,
I've to get over this
the world is merciless,
won't give another chance
this is it, miss the hit
you go back home.

I am nervous, I am unsure,
I am a mess, looking for cure,
my best attempt of smile
is like another big failure,
I try to speak up, more words
they flow with stammer.
-elixir- Nov 2020
They've become cumbersome
as I hang my head, ashamed
for insecurities are inflamed.
Once again I succumb.

The inflamed bouts of worry,
keeps my mind in a pause
as the devil draws its clause,
of feeling happy in the sorry
alupa Nov 2020
I wanted to say so much,
so many words,
say them out loud,
tell you everything.

But I couldn't make my mouth speak.

I just sat there,
in front of you,

There was so much to say,
but all I could get out was “sorry”
after you talked all the time because I didn't say anything.

I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry and so much more.
So much more
but I just can't tell you that.
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