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Raven Mar 2020
If my feelings were written in words
The lines would never end

A never ending story
Of pages filled with nothing
And everything at once

As if my life was nothing more
And without wouldn't be at all

Now everything that is
Sits quietly in your hand
And without a single glance

I am put back
In just another ones dusty shelf
Ashlyn Yoshida Mar 2020
By playing hatred for attention
       the ones who need it are ignored.
                         Shaking, fidgeting
                                          tape around cotton *****
                red seeping through my shirt sleeve
                    They're going to see what I did
What I've become
What I always was inside.
It's no one's fault but my own
.     .     .
But they don't give a ****.
Artem Mars Feb 2020
If I had said something to you
would you have even heard my voice
we share blood
not exactly
but soon we will be miles apart
I wished we would've changed it
I wish we could go back
I wish you'd try to get better
Cause you made mom's heart go black
She cries all night
I could care less
She misses you
I wish I saw you as a mess
You are broken
She's torn
She's your second choice
You make her laugh when you're around
but little do you know
you're dragging her down
to be brutally honest, I wish
you would go
but that would mean
talking to shows
If I were to tell her all that I know
I'll reassure you,
you'd have no place to call home
And wouldn't that be fair
You never liked to share
You were lazy and never
showed that you care
I won't tell you, the things that I know
but what would that do?
No one would hope
The scotch tape I hold
And the glue that I carry
Will keep mom together, until I get married
Then I will know the struggles
you feel
Because we are one and the same
We stem from the same wheel
This is about my Step-dad and I would like to note, I'm sure he's a great person, but this is something I feel I had to write eventually, and he's not doing his part to heal. It's not his fault for how he is, it's because of his mental disorders. And I guess this poem takes it's roots in the fear that I and he are one and the same in the head. and I don't want to  go through life, tearing families apart like he does, because I've never seen a healthy relationship, I guess this is from the panic of 'what if I'm just as bad and I won't know how a healthy relationship looks'
ok rant over sorry
Ben Feb 2020
Pushed to the side.
Faded into a lifeless mist.
Presence is gone.
Do I even exist?
It really ***** being ignored while being in the presence of a conversation.
Grey Feb 2020
Roses are red,
violets are blue,
you found someone special,
who's perfect for you.
Now she's number one,
and I'm down to two,
I'm glad that you're happy
there's not much I can do.
You do things without me,
don't think to ask,
If I'm feeling lonely
is it that hard a task?
I just need a friend
I don't need any more
So please don't ignore me
I feel uncared for.
Written by a friend.
Katie Katie Jan 2020
I am adverse to crowds
And have an affinity for isolation
I fear dying alone
Yet feel the most lonely when I am not
I fear I speak too loud
When I hear myself communicating
But my words are still unheard or ignored
Despite the label I feel disavowed

My last few calls were for favors
I have not received another in a week
I am asked why I stay inside
And haven't seen a friend in weeks
When I begin to answer
Attention goes to anything but me
It's as if questions are just statements
The silent answers scream blatantly
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2020
People start whole wars
The bigger picture unseen
Red flags all ignored
Idk haha
Kris Fireheart Dec 2019
It's Saturday night,
There's people out dancing.
There's people out drinking,
But here I am sitting
At home all alone.

Is that even right?
I mean,  what am I thinking,
Just sitting here and shrinking,
Not taking my eyes off
The screen of my phone?

My friends haven't called me,
To drag me to parties,  
Or some crazy dive bar,
With two dollar drinks.

It's these kinds of weekends
That make me feel sorry:
I guess I'm just too gone
To party with, me.

But sometimes I hear it,
A knock at my window,
And i know that they
haven't forgotten me.

My circle is precious,
So few and so little,
But my friends are all
I've got,  you see.

So when they bring me
Gifts of whiskey,
Beer and the joy of

I'm always the one to
Respond in kind
And usually with
Much stronger libations.
I'm lonely tonight.
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