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ᗺᗷ Feb 2016
It's not that easy giving you sweet compliments
When sweetness always seems to drip right off of you.
I would much rather use my lips to savor your flavor
Without saving a single drop from falling.
If you want me to be honest,
I spent my morning stalling inside of my dreams
Where I saw you and things that are make believe,
Yet made me believe that anything was possible.
Your heartbeat audible as it’s caught in my crown.
You asked for my favorite song
Well you’re singing it right now.
And somehow, someway, or some other day,
I’ll taste all the corners of your sweet Milky Way.
Dhaye Margaux Feb 2016

I laid my body
On your top
Pressed against yours
To take a nap

Arms were wrapped
Around your chest
We had that moment
As our best

You searched and found
The finest gold
A gem only you
Can touch and hold

I offered like wine
My kisses so sweet
We learned to dance
In the same beat

You gave your soul
United with mine
Moans were poems
With perfect rhyme

Tears flowed from eyes
For a little while
The pleasure and pain
Still made me smile

And your sweat drops
On my smooth skin
Like perfect rain
That I have seen

I can't forget
That perfect night
We shared one love
One dream, one light

I'll sleep on top of
The perfect space
For you are my home
My safest place

Inspired by a romantic photo
George Krokos Jan 2016
'Love at first sight' is a term expressed these days we don't often hear
about people when they fall in love thinking of each other very dear.
It's wonderful to recognise an awakened love for one another so very soon
but if the depth of this love is fathomed, does it go beyond the honeymoon?
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's.
Dhaye Margaux Oct 2015
Yeah, I am older and bolder
Reborn to be a fighter
Mature, yet I am responsible
Still not wanting any trouble

Getting older is not a problem
I am just wanting more time to be solemn
Quietude is a great opportunity
To evaluate my worth, my rights and duty

I am bolder, creativity is my passion
No time for heresays or wrong notion
I am teased by kindness and respect
Beauty is in the heart, not from what they expect

I am older and bolder,  just feel me now
I  was waiting for so long somehow
Explore my exotic beauty and madness
Take me, bathe me with your sweet kiss and caress

Oh, take me now, my love, I am yours
Lets have plenty of travels and tours
Take me to the heaven, take me to the moon
We will grow old together, our life will start soon!
Another mature piece...
Liz Humphrey Jul 2015
I’d done it before—losing that feeling that came in the door
when my love walked through, that the ground I was
standing on wasn’t quite steady and the world was spinning
the other way—but he loves me back this time, so now guiltily solid,
I watch as he shakes, head over heels with that feeling
I'm losing and painfully, I remember when both our axes
tilted right instead of left, when earthquakes followed our footsteps.
I'm scared that time and circumstances are driving me away from the person I love most in this world.
Anto MacRuairidh Jul 2015
I couldn't have stopped, my love
even if I’d wanted to;
I wouldn't have stopped, my love
even if I'd foreseen the consequence.

My darling, being with you -
truly took me to a higher dimension;
a pleasure that engulfed my eyes,
a once in a lifetime kind of pleasure

Making love,
on our honeymoon bed of silk
- who knew I had a weak heart...

I'm sorry I died on your best day of charms

But I am glad I went like this,
forever cradled
                                      in your loving arms...
originally posted on WritersCafe.
S R Mats Jul 2015
"Lovely" The word slips between my lips
As a sigh.

The day is hot,
The water cool.

We are young
And reasonably beautiful;

Something, which no one can take away
From us, except for time.
(2nd publishing run)
James Jarrett Apr 2015
He pounded coffin nails
With a hammer forged of fear
Every word of spite nailing in and holding
Badged and vested
Death and bullets resting in his gun
But still frightened by this woman
Standing proud
Whom he could not bully
Nor subdue
Hammer, hammer, hammer
Testimony to the judge
That in all his years
He had never met a woman like her
Who acted like her
No respect
No fear
Of course not you fool
You charged into the camp
Of Boudicea
Come to **** and pillage
And fell beneath her sword
Hammer, hammer, hammer
You can lock her up
But you can never bury fear
Written for a liar and a coward. Look away little man, look away.
Natasha Dec 2014
These little broken wings, petals almost- reside in the pit of my stomach. Dead perhaps- and with that my heart plumets.
Feather soft, tiny sighs
Dormant little butterflies
When he kissed me
I felt that static surge of electricity,
how could this come to be?
That now everything
Is alive
Inside of me.
He's so cute. I've got the biggest crush haha
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