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Zane Smith Sep 2019
"The most important things are the hardest things to say.
They are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them--words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they're brought out.
But it's more than living isn't it?
The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buries, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away.
And you may make revelations that cost you dearly only to have people look at you in a funny way, not
to understanding what you've said at all, or why you thought it was so important that you almost cried while you were saying it.
That's the worst, I think.
When the secret stays locked within not for want of a teller
but for want of an understanding ear."
This quote helps me understand that whenever I feel emotions so strongly, I shouldn't diminish them. But to recognize them and know they are important, then just telling myself to shut them down because I'm a "teenager". Even if I feel little to no emotions, it's for a reason and it's okay. To just let myself feel how I feel.
Colm Sep 2019
We love the night
Because she holds no secret stars
Or fears no moonlit falling out
Open Skies - An honest series
Colm Aug 2019
We love the rain
Not because we can hear the sky
But that we can see her thoughts
Tearful rain - an honest series
Jay Aug 2019
I am overjoyed that you have chosen me.
But I cannot see why.
You love me,
But I cannot see why.
All I am doing is bringing you more problems.
Laying my stresses on you,
Looking like a ******* mess.
I cannot see why a god like you,
Has chosen a peasant like me.
I cannot see why a king like you,
Has chosen a beast like me.
But you have,
And that makes me insane.
You have chosen me,
Who is
You have chosen me,
And that makes my heart weak.
It aches knowing the trials and tribulations you will go through
To hold me up
If you stick this out.
I cannot see why you would choose me,
But I am going to take it while I have it,
As I would be happy to spend my life with you.
Jay Aug 2019
Every time I think back,
I smile.
Every moment I have spent with you
Has been ******* heaven.
It scares me how happy you make me,
I have felt this attached
Only once before.
And it wasn't like this,
You are special.
Maybe I don't show this,
But you have made me so ******* happy.
My life would be so
Without you.
I would be running on
I would be emotionless,
But I am smiling,
I am warm inside.
My heart is warm again.
You have saved me.
You don't know this,
But you have.
You understand me,
You are there for me.
You love me the way I am,
Which I can't understand,
But I appreciate it.
I have never been loved like this.
You are so honest,
You are so passionate,
You are so motivating.
You think you're an ugly guy,
But you are wrong.
I have been looking at you
For a few days now,
And I can't find a single flaw.
You are perfect.
Where have you been?
M Aug 2019
I said I'd write a poem for you,
Once I got to know you,
And now, I think that I do.

It took some time for your colours to shine,
But now I'm done, so here,
Let me show you.

You are light as the day,
With no hint of dark,
It's all bunnies, princesses and pink.

You bore me to tears,
Like a bar with no beers,
And you certainly can't handle your drink.

You're the arms-length kind,
A mediocre mind,
Fakeness and lies are your craft.

You flutter your eyes,
Like a sneaky tweety-pie,
And all the boys start acting daft.

It can't all be bad,
That would be sad,
Of course, there are nice things to say.

I just don't know what they are,
Not those things in your bra,
I've seen bigger **** in ballets.

You have a nice ****,
a nine, if I'm asked,
But that means that I'd have to say...

If I'm being true,
The best thing about you
Is the sight of you walking away.
I never gave it to her.
Ken Pepiton Aug 2019
A little off normal ain't abnormal,
we be fudgin' the data.

Practic'ly perfect is all
patience strives for.

Cast the spell, callemagin callemalloutsin,
come attend
forsake not the gathering of...

All ye, all ye, outs in free....

Wombed or un, worst and best,

strait straight wait wraith wrath point
to point

tale to tale
story to story from six ways

to Sunday, sun's day in my culture,

Day one. Gin geni gene-ration day, since
light been
sensation spinning
the planetary sweep of balance soft as
in perfect peace

past undersatanding,
aitia yen yanked
beyond all
that ever mattered when

the measurerers in 2019 declare precision
balance twixt being and null is set, one part

in a measure,
one in a ratio, a reasoning, a
cerning of one part in all that man can imagine ever,
higgs-ified-ish-ly materialwise,

reality valances on
one part in 10 to the seventy-nine thousandth power.

Earthling-wise, you are at least,
or worst,
or best,
one in eight times ten to the nine-th.

Therefore, your unique effect on the balance of all
that is,

far more than you've been blamed for and
far less than you've taken shame for and
less precise than the most concise measurer of evil in you.

Moral, aphoristic con clue sion:

Do your part. Don't fudge up. Tolerate human
in light of fudging science.
Tolerate no evil imbalance
in light of fudging philosophy.
Read deeper.
Be still from time to time. Laugh when laughter fixes the problem,
never laugh when laughing makes it worse.
Practicing what I preach, extending my reach past my grasp, beacause
I can. This is America, 2019. We, the people, rule this place. No liar is legal in office in America.
Niki Gray Aug 2019
Before pointing fingers
peer deep inside,
behind your insecurities
is where the truth resides.

The agonizing honesty
that it's easier to blame
than dig deep in your soul.
Find your courage and cast your shame.
Thank you to everyone who is reading my poems.  I appreciate you more than you know.  Shout out to my inner circle love and appreciate you all.
Alan S Bailey Jul 2019
It's argument time...woohoo! Not...

Here goes. I will personally start by letting you know
that we have more time on our hands to dispute
everything from waste of space to using up brain cells.
There's no use trying to pretend!
You and I will go on about this,
I will be "the problem." I will have "no alibi"
and may go on to lose my argument (as always) in the end.
I know, bad poem! BUT SO TRUE!
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