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I just wanted you to know
I hold your hand while you sleep
For I will never let you go
Into your head those nightmares creep
Bright eyed baby I am here
Hold me tight we'll make it through
An eternity without a care
And all the care in the world for you
Michael L Dec 2015
A* live to every push and shove
B reathing each and every toxin
C aring not for those awake
D ead to insults from mankind
E lecting to run and hide
F rigid walls are formed
G uiding us to isolation
H umanity smells of lies
I nstinct guards our very souls
J ustice no longer exists
K indly acts evaporated
L iving in this city
M anages to make me numb
N early every feeling gone
O nly existing to revenge
P eople who have harmed me
Q uiet forever alludes
R ansacked dreams haunt me
S treaming lights and screams
T ake hold of my mind
U pon these crowded streets
V iolence becomes a way of life
W here can I go to die
X enophobic people in large numbers
Y oung and old alike
Z ero chance that I'll survive
life is hard in the city
what a waste Nov 2015
I brought your letter
to the edge of a creek
where black birds reign
and the red ants crawl
I left it with the current
All your worth
A handful of words
Bottled to preserve
I left it with the current
and watched it drift away
I left it with the current
and watched you slip away
G Nov 2015
Hold on to me
Don't let go
I can't hold myself anymore
Depression *****
Elioinai Oct 2015
I dusted off some dreams
and shot them in the sky
I was short on shooting stars
and starved for higher light
My box of fire seems empty now
my ride is low on fuel
But I will tread on comet trails
and drink the milk of moons
Nicole Dawn Aug 2015
As I lean back
To float
Upon the clear, bright waters
I heard the whispers
Of the water

They tell me,
You see?
You float
You are naturally buoyant
You are not meant to drown

**Hold on
Put together in like 5 seconds, but whatever
Nicole Dawn Jun 2015
Let me be your confidence
Let me be your strength
If you think you're not enough
Just remember;
You're always enough for me

Let me take your pain
Let take your sadness
If you think you can't keep going
Just please,
Please hold on for me

Let me hold you up
Let me hold your insecurities
If you think you're falling down
Always remember;
I won't let you fall

So New Friend
Let me be there for you
Please just let me in
You are not a burden

In fact,
You're my best friend
I'll always be here for you
Nicole Dawn Jun 2015
Just hold on...
People tell me

Hold on to what?
Hold on *for

Nobody's coming
I'm not getting saved

But still I hold on
My knuckles are white
My hands are shaking
But I'm still holding on

I made a promise
And I keep my promises

You say
Just hold on

And I'm trying.
For you.
Nicole Dawn May 2015
You have been through a lot
I know,
The world hurts

But I need you to hold on
I have never
Had a friend like you

So please,
Hold on

If you leave
I may follow suit

You are great

You are amazing

You are wonderful

Hold on

You have done
Some things
That you aren't proud of

But it is okay
Do not be tempted
Hold on


*Hold on
Please, hold on. I don't know if I could handle losing someone else
Nicole Dawn May 2015
You are smart.
You are nice.
You are friendly.
Don't forget it

I am here for you.
I will not turn on you.
You can trust me.
Always remember that

You are great.
You are wonderful.
You are amazing.
This is true

You don't have to be perfect.
You are already awesome.
You will not always win.
Just keep going

I want you to remember,
I am here for you.
*I am your friend
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