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Felicia Xie Dec 2017
She watched the world through a sheet of glass.

Flowers blossom as she opens her eyes. The sky is a radiant blue. Dewdrops glitter in the light, perched on emerald leaves. She does not smile. She does not laugh. She opens her eyes, and they are blank, and they are dull. And they are dead.

The trees boast vibrant foliage. The sun is bright and relentless as laughter and the cries of children waft through the air. She lies on her side, staring out the window, lashes blinking slowly and evenly, and those azure eyes could have been the envy of the world. But they are glazed over, and she watches the world move on without interest.

The sky is on fire. The wind is painted with vivid colors, saffron and burgundy and crimson. The very Earth is alive with a passionate soul. The air is sharp, heralding winter, and the people celebrate while they can. But still she lies there, eyes still blinking slowly and dully. She will not speak a word. She will not make a sound. She will not move a muscle. Her chest does not even lift. But her eyes open, then close, then open again.

Winter has arrived. The trees droop, snow weighing down their branches. The bitter cold keeps everyone indoors. The city is silent, cloaked in white and shades of gray. All sound is muted. A hush has fallen over the world.

The girl blinks. Once. Twice. And moves no more.

For how could her parent have known that she was both mute and blind?
Flow Nov 2017
Wine or dine ill take your jacket so take your time
Colm Nov 2017
The real wallpaper isn't plastered
It's ongoing and expressed
Pulled out of the nothing of tongue and cheek
And unknown until it finds itself
At home at last
Surrounded on these four sides
The walls which we keep

*No thought is heard until it is spoken
spoken thought word mind inside speak speaking to understand poem poetry poet verse rhyme sean scribbles lol
Poetic T Sep 2017
A voice is like a raindrop,
       lost in the downpour.

                It is easily washed away.
Where are they
I knew them well
Close to me
Life long
Now scarcity
All gone awry
What I loved
Is now 2,400 away
Nicole Eden Jul 2017
i feel safe here
the words pour out of my body instead of tears
i read other people's words
i feel safe
because i know i am heard
we all want to be heard
i hear you
Dr Zik Apr 2017
Somebody find You in a dew
Somebody wander about into the woods
Men are wandering
Here and there in search of You
I am too in search of You
But the track and style is varied.
They go far, beyond themselves.
I feel and dive inward myself.
So I find You in my heart
They remain wandered about.
And I feel pleasure in my solitude
Dr Zik's Poetry
Book: Simple Words
Beau Scorgie Apr 2017
Somewhere between not yet and no longer.
Do you know it?
You can find me there.
Sit, please, tell me how you hurt.
Share with me all the thoughts that keep you up at night,
and indulge me in the little quirks you've mastered
to fill that space between not yet and no longer.
I have cigarettes and all the time in between.

I believe some people were born to be lonely,
and I'm believing more and more we were born to be seen,
and not understood.
But I don't want to be seen or understood.
One is too humble,
the other too grandiose.
I long for some place in between -
I long to be heard.
What an incredibly lonely place that is.

I know not how to remedy the gaps
between two opposing chemicals.
Too happy.
Too sad.
Too alone.
Too needy.
The cycle goes on and carries me from here to there,
too quickly,
or too slowly.
I just do what I'm told and take my pill.
'ONE at night'
and self medicate with caffeine and nicotine in between.

Now I smoke more than I ever have.
I don't know if I'm trying to fill a space
or **** something inside of me.
Either way it passes the time between now and finding out,
between not yet
and no longer.
Emily Lawson Dec 2016
I've found my new obsession.

Smirk affixed to his face
with sarcastic remarks
and slippery words,

mysterious in that stupid
teenage way.

I'd **** to hear what he has to say
about the nonsensical *******
we're forced to endure
each day
that the government calls an

I'm sure
his opinions on how
we're taught to the standardized tests,
nothing more
and nothing less
could cause enough raw power
to run the whole of New York City
for a month.

Though, too, I'd **** to learn
the terrain of his lips
as our bodies
against lockers,

oblivious classmates
a wall away
consumed by the
world of geography,
missing out on something

He and I,
we'd know what more is,
we'd know how to consume it,
how to keep it at bay,
how to work it
like a hat,
a hat we aren't allowed to wear
at school.

We'd laugh at our own obscurity,
and shared secrets
would run through our veins
like blood,

one cut and it all spills
Any and all critique is much appreciated! Be as straightforward as possible.
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