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Phia Oct 2023
I gave you
A piece of me
Under the impression
That you
Would put a piece of you
Back in its place.
But time and time again,
I am left wanting.
And alone
With nothing left
To give
Getting some feelings out. I am so sick of people leaving. I canโ€™t do it anymore
Phia Oct 2023
One by one
the list gets longer.
Promises of continuity
turn into emotional tourism.
The word "goodbye"
has built a permanent home
behind my teeth.
But despite the familiarity,
I am still left with a bitter taste.
Alone, I choke on the silence
as I sit in the presence
you once filled
wondering what the hell
is so wrong with me
that no one ever stays
Jme Love Sep 2023
Ill never find words to describe
This awful feeling deep inside
My heart  gets weaker and weaker with every break
Inside my soul it hurts it aches
This man that i love and adore
Threw my feelings down and swept them out the door
And what hurt the most is he did it with such an ease
Almost as if he had no feeling
Imy only thought is this is the last time ill ever let anyone have control of my mind
Head held high i turn and say goodbye
Never gets any better. No matter how hard we try. The hardest part is knowing when to say
good bye.
Malia Sep 2023
When the floating moment passes
Everything crashes down.
A second, a millisecond, a microsecond
Itโ€™s short and long and short once more.

Nobody expects the end.
But we know it is coming
Because it always does.

The wind whispers to me:

Iโ€™ve been really busy with school, so I havenโ€™t posted in forever lol

Also, a friend of mine is like weirdly against italics, t h i s, and boldโ€ฆwhatโ€™s your opinion on that?

I know I totally overuse emphasis XD
Gabrielle Sep 2023
My home sits atop a lonely wave
Basking in the sun
My home of flora and sturdy nave
Of which I am a nun

Lilies grow in white quartets
Jasmine from every crevice  
Spiders sew their thoughtful nets
Dust on every surface

Here my pilgrimage ends
At the waistline of the coast
The lemons that became my friends
Will now observe my ghost
Laia Blackthorn Aug 2023
The day you left
You took something fromย me
Softly, quietly,
Pretending you weren't a thief

You ran out
In the middle of the night
And I know I deserved
A better goodbye

You were a liar
But so was I
When I said โ€œI love youโ€
Thank god I lied

You couldnโ€™t steal my heart
โ€˜Cause you didnโ€™t know
Where it was

So instead you stole my pride
So I couldโ€™t be the first
To leave you behind
Zywa Aug 2023
I've been here before,

in this bed, and in this love --

room without a view.
Novel "The PowerBook" (2000, Jeanette Winterson), chapter "HELP"

Collection "Within the walls"
Rosie Aug 2023
Would the growing distance between us be filled with
angered screams
regretful tears
or a quiet understanding?

Would you place the blame on me because
I didn't love you enough
I kept my walls up
and I never invested all of my energy into us?

Would I try to explain that
my head was in a dark place
I was being pulled in a thousand directions
and I hoped you'd see the beauty in my disaster?

Would we reminisce on
our trip to that tiny island
to that little Airbnb
that had the exposed brick?
But I guess we'll never know.
LearnfromBOBD Aug 2023
Who am i
Before i was born
What was i doing
In the mysteries of the unknown
Do i have a name
Where do i call my home
Did i say goodbye
Before i was gave birth by my mom.
Why did i chose my parents.
Who carried me first,
Who cleaned me up,
Who wiped my first tears
Who were my first friend
Why do i have to be in haste
Why do i have to die
Where are you taking me to
Am i going home ?
If a blind man can not see the sun
Does not mean the sun does not exist
Who is to tell me the enigma of Life
ky Jul 2023
When you say goodbye,
you don't mean it.
You mean "I'll see you later."
"Talk soon."
"I'll miss you."

When I say goodbye,
I'm gone.

And you can be sure
I'm never coming back.
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