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Vick Mandrake Feb 2018
My teeth chatter with surprising rhythm
One-e-and-a-Two-e-and- A
bright red face
from the scolding wind.
My knees knock,
One and Two And
my feet tap,
One Two
times this week I've sat in the cold
And two times this week
I wished I were inside
Originally Titled; "When We Were All Outside Smoking Cigars and I Thought I Was Freezing to Death, or. Why Must We Sit Outside, or, The Rhythm of the Cold, or, How Are You Guys All Fine Out Here?"
Desired Dreamer Jan 2018
Your kiss was,
A gentle breeze;
Freezing flames of,
Her memories;
Her treachery...

Colm Nov 2017
My heart is like a snow laden car
Freezing in the bitter cold

Left to stand in a parking lot semi-alone

Clearing my windows I depart
Most anxiously to feel the need

And yet as in each morning, each winter
When the days are dreary and quick to dark

There is a frost to be found all around

And so my hesitant in heart
Is to turn over and start

Warming only by this, the end of this drive

For my heart is like a snow laden car
Covered and only to be seen in part

When cleared away the beating heart
Is too warm too late and frozen still
Truthfully - This poem began as a thought, "my car is only warm by the end of my drive"
Petra Nov 2017
Breath escapes my body,
Only to become encompassed
By the frigid, boreal winter.

I dare not sit lest my body stiffen,
And my mind bear my final moments
In ache and anguish.

The twilight holds a certain latent agitation.
Energy will seep past the horizon,
In the form of caressing rays of sunlight.

Before the world wakes,
I unravel what little protection
I had given my body against the bitter cold.

The cold stabs at my bare skin.
My legs lose feeling and buckle under me,
And the deep snow engulfs my body.

The world is embracing me,
Accepting my valiant sacrifice.
I hear mother Earth sing a sigh of relief.

I finally realized my place within the universe:
A universe which I had always
accepted as home.

It was never my home.
I was always a guest here,
Willingly invited, yet overstayed.
Poetic T Nov 2017
Polyanthus sunsets greet
the hollow days, where the
sun is sheathed behind a
cauldron of dormant pillows.

Where hibernation closes
eyes of many a beast, and
man wished he could slumber
through rigid months breath.

Though we plough upon the
white flurries settling new each
day. We gaze upon the frozen
stars lingering aloft on cold nights.
Juniper Zed Nov 2017
I wonder what if my head would freeze
I sift through diary entries
Under a dim candle’s light
The tunnels in the tundra’s night
They are so bleak, and I mull alone

The dogs followed me
To my frozen retreat
They gnaw at me
And I starve with no heat

The world around is so
Vast, so strange and so
Vast and empty

The dogs are my friends
They just will lick me a while

And I will then be cold no more.
Rae Aug 2017
I'm a withering flower
slowly deceasing,
turning black in the colour
in the winter, freezing.
- cold -
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