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Xaela San Dec 2018
Rain frozen in time
Is a nature's beauty
A phenomenon
Called freezing rain
It glazes the lonely road
Decorated the dead trees
And sparkles in the slightest light
Its beauty is a mask
Masking the hazard it hids
Freezing anything in its path
Even birds can't escape its wrath
Through the slightest touch
Leads you to a graceful death
Freezing rain is the name given to rain precipitation maintained at temperatures below freezing by the ambient air mass that causes freezing on contact with surfaces. Unlike sleet, a mixture of rain and snow, ice pellets, or hail, freezing rain is made entirely of liquid droplets. The raindrops become supercooled while passing through a sub-freezing layer of air hundreds of meters above the ground, and then freeze upon impact with any surface they encounter, including the ground, trees, electrical wires, aircraft, and automobiles. The resulting ice, called glaze ice, can accumulate to a thickness of several centimeters and cover all exposed surfaces. The METAR code for freezing rain is FZRA.

Jennifer DeLong Dec 2018
So cold body like ice
Need some warmth
Could use some body heat
A blanket will just not do
It's to dam cold
My teeth are chattering
My knees are shaking
Not made for winter
Want to hibernate
That would be so nice
Wake up to 90 degrees
Not a wish that can come true
So bring me some body heat
Cuddle up drink some coffee
Let's hibernate till our bodies
Are at least above freezing
Fine bring me a electric blanket
That will have to do
I'm tired of this cold
Body like ice
Need to warm my soul
© Jennifer Delong 12/6/18
Chrissy Nov 2018
the frost made a pretty frosting glaze over the stiff grass
the wind nipped at my warm face and gathered at where my nose met the breeze
my nostrils inhaled the icy air particles
its winter now
it was 1 degrees Celsius in Madrid this morning
Arcassin B Sep 2018
By Arcassin Burnham

So I asked myself do I just move on,
Cause I always fail,
I think my soul dwells in hell to be strong,
Face is pale,

Like the other side of the polar arctic freezing at my feet

While I sink, been through enough of this now what do you
Does it amuse you for me to fall or make fun of my mental state like
I shouldn’t even be apart of this state,
Feeling ridiculed and misleaded,
Florida boy looking out for a way, so do I just move on,
Loving the little things in life to cope on,
Memories are just receipts and coupons,
Is this just something to fall upon.

I have more heart than you will ever have,
Swallow pride if you feel bad,
All I do is sit back and laugh while you laugh because nothing good will come out of this,
Nothing is better than doing good in your life rather than be a pessimist,
I Want nothing more to feel the peace in this,
You'd rule the world with an iron fist,
The golden child with a broken lisp,
Follow my lead if you get the jist,
So I asked myself do I just move on,
No excuse to fail,
So its time to move on,
move on.
cait-cait May 2018
i am holding an axe...

empty towers stand tall in snow
still i climb ,
(each step) —

a toy upon a shelf
(i am freezing)/

you rip the stuffing out of
and try to sew me
shut ,

but the
wound is not healing
(it never will)

the walls get stained with nicotine::
(i miss when they were white)

when i come back to, i am lost -
(because it is dark)

try to howl ,
gurgle instead:
and then
i start to weep-
(and my tears all freeze like little pearls) .

when i look for them again,
(those girls)

they have turned into
(i remember my axe)

and they look me in my eyes —

spit on me, again,
i say

dare you —
this time,
i am not afraid to bite.

(they do not come back for me)
the other title for this poem was “i look at you or maybe you look at me.” I let people on my instagram vote which one they liked better. This is about feeling alone in a battle against many different people you care about. I spent a long time working on it.
"Freezing Pain"
I keep running in circles,
What happened to miracles?
The state done took the baby away,
I have no more strength to pray,
I'm tip-toeing over broken bottles,
Still alive after many throttles,
Trying to numb this freezing pain,
I can't flush these pills down the drain,
All of them I could swallow,
Your happy but I wallow,
No, can't say I wish you the best,
Your sleeping with her yet I can't rest,
She's gonna throw you away like trash,
And then you'll come running back in a flash,
Don't bother I have nothing left to give,
This insanity gives me no reason to live,
Don't bother trying to come back to my bed,
Because I will already be dead. ~ Night Writer
Fiction. It's a mirrored reflection of the reality that some people live in. I call the real world. The real world, where the ones who think they do know no work, doesn't exist. A very true and sad life for some people. Give or take, making variations to what I have written here. Often when I write of such things, People that don't know me assume that I'm writing about my own circumstances. Like when I write about relationships, so many people assume that I'm writing about current events in my current relationship. Sometimes what I do write is from the pain that I've experienced throughout my lifetime. When I write on dark subjects, the friends that I have of whom live upstanding and ethical lives often scold me of how others might interpret that I have a dark soul. And/ or it's a reflection of my spiritual beliefs as well as theirs. I explain, that I often write about the real world to shed life on things as such. Same as when I write on controversial topics, esp most recently, I've been labeled as Anti-American, Anti-God, anti this and that. Pro or radical extremist in the same. I explain that I write on controversial topics where I'm swaying against popular opinion. I explain that, I do this not at all revealing how I personally believe but to speak from all sides with an open mind. And that I just like to reach different genres of audiences. Also to make others think deeply about what I researched for a particular write up so they will tear apart my every word causing themselves to look into it more deeply.
   Maybe, I should just quick explaining myself, quit changing my pen names and just write freely because I can. 04/18/2018 my diary notes.
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