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San-Pei Lee Jul 2019
No matter the dreams you have
I'd shift the stars to align them with mine
But if your purpose leads you far from me
For however long, I'd wait for your return ever patiently

If you ever find yourself lost at sea
I'd dive in to keep your soul company
My shadow rippling against the white of the moon
Even during the halcyon nights of winter

Because on our hearts
Flutters a matching pair of wings
Wherever you are
As long as you're willing, I will always follow
It comes in waves
One moment
I'm naked
Under the

My world
Into ways
I want

Next minute
Each letter
Until I
You. <\♡
Ruhee Jun 2019
Excuse Me
What would it be?

Heartless Confusion
Or else my Life's Conclusion?

Oh God I lament
For all pain I underwent,

This Confusion is killing me deeper
Like that Fast Growing creeper,

My heart is bleeding
With that confusion faster beating,

I know not Where's my destiny
Please stop disturbing me mentally.

Fathima Ruhee
Jaxey Jun 2019
You tell me
To follow
My heart
I ask you
Which piece
Lost and confused
Seb Tha Guru Jun 2019
I’m shady because I want more?

I’m the snake because I chose not to slither?

I wasn’t built to fit in your circle anyway and for years you didn’t encouraged me but laughed when I was “out of shape.”

I didn’t even want the last laugh, I ended all my moves pretty shallow.
I thought the grass was mowed so tell me, how low does it really go?

See from this love village a boy grew a rose from his own soul and soil with no water or seed from his fellow peers.
To only realize, he was prince all along and when he tried to show others the way
They ignored him.

As times goes on, the circle gets smaller.
We will never forget The Marathon Continues.
However, everybody can’t go.
Everybody isn’t built nor ready for this race or this fast pace.

Still painting my pictures perfect, they never needed us.
We couldn’t get inside the doors but now they’re greeting us.

Ash to ashes.
Burning dust til dusk.
Only love we see through the lust.

More than just a poet, these words aren’t enough.
Seb Tha Guru Jun 2019
I been trying to find the perfect way to open this.

At the same time, I really don’t think that anyone notices.

Behind these word’s a person that had lost themself and the only thing they could do is run and fight themself for their pursuit to happiness.

A simple man.
No love from his own wife.
Well maybe not in his love language at least.
They can’t even hold a conversation.
Take the *** away, there’s nothing left to lay in.
Debating with himself like everything is a complication.

She’s angry.

Always feeling you’re down and out.
Your outer shell is hard, but inside you’re crying out.
And can’t even find comfort to just talk about it.

Comfort is a thing these days that seems so challenging.
You have to find the middle ground for both of you to balance in.

To find a partner who’s on target with everything you’re missing is inevitable.
Can’t even find a cure or therapy not even using ThereFlu.
I know a lot about it, I been there too.
When the only thing you’ve got is right there staring right back at you.
Surrounded by mirrors.

In a fitting room with hits and misses like target practice.
Only thing you seem to do right is moving backwards.

Fronting for people who don’t have your back.
Nor your best interest.
Especially when they’ve never experienced your position.
This all takes persistence.

And to these, one person beings who swear that they’re so in love, when everything hits the fan how do you stay above?
Maybe you can help the next, or spark their mind to understand that everything starts from your mental and deep within.

So where do we begin?

This love cycle’s something that just happens to us over and over again.

Break the walls.
Your fitting room shouldn’t expose and fragile yourself.

Take that weight off of your shoulders and put it back on the shelf.
Give it to God.
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