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he came into my world unexpected
took my hand in his
& finally he satisfied my desperate need
of cσℓℓι∂ιηg sтαя∂υsт
he proceeded to fill my soul with love
I once was running out of

I will always remember
sitting on my balcony watching
εαcн ρнαsε σғ тнε ᎷᎧᎧᏁ
transpire in ink on your arm
worshipping the moon
speaking to it about you. ☾⋆
Aryan May 2019
Sharpen the blade
Never hesitate to
reach the gate.

Sounds whistling
Snow Glistening
Let me go there
I am not listening.

Life is faded all
the way it tricks
me off the way
I made it.

Get the way it done
May God give me a gun?
'll shoot you on a run.

Give me a shout
Made it so loud
Why?It was so rude
Try the way I proud.

facetime death with a procrastination
Choose a destination with all the restoration
with the heart of the **** and shot.

Hit that holy Foul in a pit
I can not grant you a lit
Do me a great favour by just not giving a ****!
Share this poem as much as possible. Anyway If you support this poem please like and comment.
Bummer May 2019
I build castles on flesh and carve moats into my skin,
I wage war with myself and I know I'll never win.
I whisper secrets into rivers and let water wash them away,
I'm too naive to leave, but I'm getting scared to stay.
I think of death too much and I miss you so often,
It's nights like these where my bed feels like a coffin.
I'm coping with a pain, and I can't tell you when it started,
"I'm sorry" is etched into my skin, the words of the broken hearted.

I'll follow you anywhere, even if I'm scared
I'll follow you anywhere, though I know you never cared

Kingdoms keep secrets, and hearts grow heavy,
I was broken long ago, I want to cry but I'm not ready.
I think I'm going crazy now, my home feels more like a hell
I'm trying to get back up, but I'm so far from where I fell.
So I repress, try to protest, all of the miles I have regressed,
And I digress, I confess, but I still feel so ******* upset.
If I keep your letters by my bed will it help me sleep at night?
If I keep you words in my head will it help me feel alright?

I'll follow you anywhere, even if I'm ******* scared
I'll follow you anywhere, because I know you'll always care
Thomas Charlton May 2019
I dream of a world where passions are free to thrive,
Where we’re not controlled by rules that tell us how to live our lives,
But we’re stuck inside a world where people don’t try to diversify,
This place I call the place where people’s passions go to die.

I don’t think people understand it but we’re all basically the same,
Listening to the same repetitive music over again and again,
I don’t like what I’m hearing it sounds illogical and vain,
I listen to what I listen to so how people view me is maintained.

It’s the same with fashion, technology, media and trends,
And no matter how much I want to leave it, the cycle never ends,
My personality is biased and based on what society recommends,
And makes me contemplate if those I call friends are really friends.

Because I like poetry and writing and to most that’s quite obscene,
I’m not like them buying expensive clothes from expensive magazines,
So when I look into the mirror I know exactly what I see!
I see a guy who’s way too scared to be who he wants to be!

Step back, Breathe in, breathe out, repeat, relax,

There’s a point about all of this that I’m wanting to inspire,
If there’s something that you love, wish to be or admire,
Don’t sit by idly, letting the passion you have expire,
Do something with your dreams and make it something you require.

So rise up! Don’t let anyone tell you what you can and can’t be,
Who cares wether or not the people surrounding you agree,
The passion inspires action and the action is the key,
For you to say to yourself how great it is to be me.

So you finally made it, a world where passions are free to thrive,
Where you’re not controlled by rules that tell you how to live your life,
A world that you created to be slightly more diversified.
You’re no longer in the place where people’s passions go to die.
Hunter Taylor Apr 2019
I've never ridden one
but I am familiar with Camels

I've never been there
but I see Hell when I close my eyes

you don't see me
but I wish you would move out of my mind

please just go
the closer you get the further away you feel

I still talk to myself
the more I do the more I understand

you don't know me now
but I don't think you ever tried
the first lines make a valley, the second lines make a mountain
Hunter Taylor Apr 2019
The past is an opaque glass
something I can see but never get through
the longer I look the less I see
but no matter when I look I find you

this universe is centered around my feet
revolving creating dust from stone
nothing I see is from your eyes
and knowing I never will, hits cold bone

my feet only run as fast as my legs
but my stamina controls them too
A thick fog inside my ill and blinding mind
I breathe in smoke hoping to make it though
Hunter Taylor Apr 2019
sometimes when I write
the words are a struggle
but other long nights
they only cause trouble
burning holes like they're running in place
barely keeping still as if ready for a race
barely containing themselves behind my swollen face
broken and ****** and so full of disgrace
***** and lonesome like old mattress stains
and yet I still envy those who are not me

wouldn't you?
Hunter Taylor Apr 2019
I'm not gay but I know what it's like to hide
to keep a door closed to whatever is inside
to be ashamed and afraid for no good reason
to lose yourself causing you to commit treason

but the broken are beautiful as the weak hide
those that were the cause of our demise
like ants under a glass with nowhere to run
karma comes for all of us no matter how dumb
Hunter Taylor Apr 2019
my eyes are heavy with the weight of my words
and the longer I sleep the less that I hurt
but I see you in my dreams every once in a while
the way that you move always made me smile
until you disappear and I choke while I scream
stuck in the false hope of death they call a dream
anna Apr 2019
I saw her in a café, through slightly fogged glasses from the steam of tea
between my fingers,
sipping streams without really tasting.

she stood there with dark hair
just above her shoulders, which
fell in waterfalls along both sides
of her cheeks,

and the mumble of her dark green eyes
differ from the specks of gilt around her pupils,

as I neglect the check
from smitten carelessness
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