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JAC Jun 2017
It's amazing what you find when you're looking
It's astounding what you see when you're not
And what you see when you're looking at me
Is nothing you've never seen before.
Blooming Words Jun 2017
10 degrees west
just a little more
almost there
but nearly missed
10 degrees west
push for the end
see it over the hill
10 degrees west
always trying
forever climbing
sometimes crying
10 degrees west
just out of sight
just not enough
just try harder
10 degrees west
I stay off track
absorb the beauty
and forge my own
10 steps forward
Michael Frost May 2017
Your colored flags wave in the breeze, and with them flutters my
beating heart.

Your cacophonic symphony rings in my ears, and with it sing the
thoughts in my head.

Your smells tug me in every which direction, and flavors dance
upon my tongue.

Your trottoirs are filled with a million eyes — with men, women,
children of different creed and color. They are them, and I am I, and
together we stride forward.

Oh! What have you done with me, Atlanta?
I was only a lonely, aimless cloud drifting after your twinkling
Ryan Holden May 2017
I rummage and scout,
Whilst I juggle the impossible,
Throwing finely edged blades,
Seeing how many I can grab as they fall,
Poised to strike,
But fail to meet a deadline,
Sieving through minutes spare,
Just to sit for only one.
Feeling like I don't have spare time to write poetry!
Spectre May 2017
You've been dealt a hand,
as has everyone else.
Large numbers, nines and tens,
yet not a single king or queen.
Alas the winner before you is the Ace of Hearts,
your Holy Grail.
You need not a king or queen, when the ace of your heart is prominent before you, hm?
Delta Swingline Apr 2017
I'm picking up everything on the floor and dividing it up into piles.

Things to throw away.

Things to recycle.

Things that don't belong to me.

Things to preserve.

Things to hang up on my wall.

Things to reconsider how much I want them.

Things to stare at.


Things I don't want anymore.

Things that pain me to get rid of but I have to.

And I look at all the dust piling up around my room and I wonder how long it's been since I did something like this.

And yet... I still have to much work to do.
When coming home from another country, you forget that your room back at home is still the same mess it was when you left. And now you have to clean it up.
Arcassin B Apr 2017
By Arcassin Burnham

Anti-Social holding up the ******* to a crowd of people that will **** on everything and your dreams  like they intended while being neutral  and waiting to cut the ribbon knowing that it ain't safe,
anyone's opinion will get erased,
time is standing still but can not replace,
and even we all one race , life is race,
To find beauty out there in this world leading a community to learn to be free almost like a utopia for the homeless and all of the above,
Leaving those that take greed and lies seriously and abandon their beliefs ignoring the word and the scriptures,
Bet you look stupid , take a picture,

Theres not much to say,
in this crooked place,
yeah this world is bad,
while heaven flying pass,
Theres not much to say,
in this crooked place,
yeah this world is bad,
while heaven flying pass.
Delta Swingline Mar 2017

Yeah I know, you weren’t exactly expecting this, trust me I get it. But I’m not big on writing long letters so I’ll keep it short.
You decided to read this so you might be curious as to what I have to say. Well, to be completely honest, I wanted somebody to talk to.

But listen, this letter is the first of many that I will handwrite and leave for complete strangers. I’m not trying to fix the world, and I’m not trying to change lives. But I think that we all need a little more good in our lives. I guess I should tell you that wherever you are in life right now, keep going.

Let some curiosity take over and open up to the world for a bit. Take this week by storm and live a little. Yeah, I get that this may or may not be the best week of your life. But take a minute to just experience what you’ve got. Appreciate the small things like the sunshine or the quiet. I hope that you’re feeling okay, but I think I’m running out of paper. Maybe you’ll see another on of my letters sometime soon. It was nice talking to you. Thank you for finding my letter.

~Letter Writer
Somebody found this... something unexpected.
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