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Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
"Indeed. Well, I won't keep you. Seems like
you are rather hungry."
"All I had was breakfast and Pu'erh tea so I was
being good.  And I still am! I don't plan on
eating too much until the honoured guests
arrive." I smile.
"As do I. Enjoy your snacks. I'll bid the time
with more admiration for Paul's collection of art...
after saving your handmaids from Paul's relentless
He points at Paul with a flushing Esshi and a
giggling Ainhana as I shake my head.
"As you will." I smile.

King Omni, Fugue and Emeka are all
seated on one table laughing. I notice
King Edmund tucking a rose behind his
wife's ear; Queen Sarita and Jugnu sit
with Kim, Yidna and Sue all laughing,
Queen Robin and Fawn admire the ice
sculptures. True to his word, King Brandon
went to save Esshi from turning more deep
shades of red, playfully scolding Paul for
embarrassing her. We are all having a good
time until it is broken by the herald's cry,
"Queen Donna of Vesian! And her husband, King Dean!"
Final part!
Part 9 will be out tomorrow!
Just a few more chapters to go! ^-^
Hope you're all enjoying this as much as I am!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Me and Paul waltz upon the marble
floor with others. Each one of us gliding
swirls of many colours, becoming rainbows
that float in sync with the pianos, the flutes,
the drums, the harps. The aurelian tunes fills me
with nothing but joy, a smile never leaving my
face as my skirts swirl - my body moving
with the soul of the sound. Cleansing, emotive
yet free. When the music is done, we all
clap, cheer and bow.

"And you said that you were not a dancer!"
Queen Sue beams and embraces me like a sister
which I return. After, I embrace both Kim
and Yidna.
"I never said I couldn't dance," I tease. "I just
said I didn't."
"Well, everyone can contest that!" Paul laughs.
"I suppose you're right."
"Just to confirm, Paul," Kim asks him. "All
the shipments were successful in delivery?"
He nods. "It was a smart move
for everyone to send the gifts to me because I
managed to keep it all down to five ships.
So we didn't overcrowd her harbours. From
what I hear, Donna was quite overwhelmed by
it all. Everyone sent more that four crates of
gifts each."
"I do hope she enjoyed the anthologies I gave her!"
Yidna beams.

"I have no doubt she will," I chuckle. "So, is
it just me or does all that dancing have us peckish?"
"It's just you , I'm sure. I really hope you didn't starve
yourself to make room for all the food again."
"No!" I say.
"Yes, our Sweet Queen did!" Ainhara pipes up
as I playfully glare at her.
"Traitor!" I huff as my handmaids giggle and
Paul snickers.
Part 8 of 1!
Enjoy! ^-^
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
"I thought as much. Well, I wouldn't be a
good host if I left you to starve."
He walks and links arms with a startled Ainhara
and a shy Esshi. "Let's go, ladies!"
"Will his brazen flirting ever cease?" Sue quietly
asks me.
"This is Paul we're talking about. The Earth will
stop turning before he ever stops flirting."
I reply gently as Yidna and Kim giggle.
"I heard that!" Paul says without looking back
at us. "Come on, let's go get some small

"By the way, Lyn," Kim asks me, "how
is your mother?"
"Oh, she's fine." I reply. "Which reminds
me, thank you so much for that scented fan
with the ivory carving. It's become my mom's
favourite. She takes it everywhere."
"I'm glad she enjoys it. I hope to visit
Aurelinaea soon so I can meet her
in person."

"What about your health?" I ask worried.
"Won't the journey be ******* you?"
"Not to worry, I plan to come by ship.
Much easier and quicker than a carriage.
I really appreciate your concern." She smiles.
"I... don't want you to strain yourself."
"And I will not. I want to visit your homeland.
I find it ever so relaxing during this season.
Especially with your pavilions."
"Well, do let me know when so I can
have everything prepared for you.
Including some Jasmine Pearls." I wink as
we follow Paul into one of the large dining
halls - one that was connected to the other two.
Part 8 of 2!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
This one has high yellow arches, white columns,
ornate gold fixtures and massive paintings of
Olympus; featuring nymphs, gods, goddesses,
animals wild and docile, mermaids and angels.
A huge chandelier sending colourful stars all around
as we follow Paul to one of the great dessert tables,
rich with various cultures, sweetness and spices.
"It doesn't feel right to eat without our guests of
honour..." Sue says.
"I'm inclined to agree with Sue." Yidna says.
"A few small snacks won't hurt," I chuckle. "It's not
the main course meal. It's just something to bide
the time."

"Agreed." Kim picks up a small porcelain plate and
fork and we all being to fill our plates with
small sweet desserts; Sue takes a chocolate
mousse, Yidna a slice of berry cheessecake,
with me and Kim taking some baklava
with a side of whip cream. They went to sit
down as I browse around the drinks area.

It is then I noticed King Brandon
with his notebook and pen walking towards me.
"Queen Lyn," he smiles.
"King Brandon," I chuckle. "It is good to see you!
I see you were so focused on Pauls paintings."
"How can I not be? I've always loved the
representation of Greek gods and myths.
It's always fascinating to see how artists see
them. How we all see one entity, one embodiment
differently through words, painting, chalk or pencils."
"We are all Pygmalions in our own right,
as you would say," I smile.
Part 3!
One more part to go! ^-^
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Ainhara and Esshi hold the train of
my dress as we descend down the steps.
"Well, you finally made it!" Paul chuckles
walking up to me, a playful look in his eye.
"Took you long enough."
"Fashionably late. Besides, I wouldn't miss
this for the world!" I beam and curtsy.
"What have I told you about doing that?" he
arches a brow and spreads his arms. "Bring it here!"
I comply and embrace him as if he were
family before gently pulling away.

"You remember my ladies, Ainhara and
Esshi." I beam, gesturing towards them.
As Paul kisses their hands gently and they curtsy,
I notice Paul winking Esshi's way and she has
the grace to flush.
"No flirting with my ladies!" I playfully hit
his arm and he smirks.
"Is someone jealous?"
I huff as a response and pouts as he laughs.
"Your ladies are as lovely as always!
I'm just giving them their dues."

"Winking at Esshi is giving her her dues?"
"Yes, it is. Not my fault that you are feeling
left out."
"I am not," I roll my eyes but I cannot help
but laugh and feel more at ease. "Fantastic party
as always. That's the common theme with
Luciuscemian Kings!" he and I chuckle.
"But I don't see our guests of honour."
"Donna and Dean are on their way. They'll
be here soon, don't worry. After all this IS all
for them. So, in the meantime," he extends
a hand with a cheeky grin, "care to dance,
My Lady?"
"Do I have a choice?"

"Nope!" Paul pulls me to the dancefloor
as the music plays, but not before I
see Ainhara and Esshi being approached
by Queen Sue and Kim who wave at me.
I return it with a big smile as the ladies chat
Part 7 part 2!
Haiku Donna will make her grand entrance in part 8! ^-^
It will be out today later on!
Thanks guys, and thank you again, Rob and Yidna!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
At the sound of my name, I see the faces
turn and smiles of many friends;
Queen Sue of Ruikruya in her lilac silks,
Queen Sarita of Khaikar in orange silks,
Queen Deb of Daegeral in magenta,
Queen Kim of Geniael in creams,
Queen Robin of Naeneiana in periwinkles,
Queen Fawn of Yuamor in red-violets,
Queen Dawn of Khesian in dandelion-orange,
Queen Jugnu of Enuryn in jade-greens,
Queen Yidna of Puhan in indigos,
Queen Cne of Phelyra in turquoise,
Queen Xaela of Lonusea in peach,
Queen Ayumi of Wadia in tan-gold,
Queen Sheila of Naizzuzia in cornflower-blue,
Queen Stars of Yurithireatha in green-yellow

King Edmund and his wife in matching
forest-greens attires,
King Omni of Khaniel in silvers,
King Emeka of Ghalali in white,
King Devon of Monait in blue-violets,
King Fugue of Thavia in blacks,
King Yacov of Igrador in olive-green,
King Joseph of Eaqellurene in bronze,
King Fredrick of Emirinait in mauve,
King Rob of Balan in sea-green,
King John of Khesian in melon-red,
King Aslam of Ikaesa in deep plum,
King Brandon of Huarean in ocher,
King Kikodinho of Izugalla in taupe,
King Jobira of Zavalon in orange-red
and many many more.

And last but not least, King Paul of
Luciuscemi himself in emerald-and-gold.
He wears his favourite emerald green
jacket with ruby buttons, bright gold
embroidery of suns and lions; his sleeves
stitched with pearls and rubies to match
the red sash across his chest; his trousers
black as are his boots, but even they have
gold laces.
I received messages saying part 7 wasn't seen...
Come on, HP! I'll have to split this in half also.
Anyway, alot of names were dropped so please
To Rob and Yidna in particular,  thank you very much for your kind comments! They mean alot. Don't worry, I still have them - it's just made it private.
Thank you all so so much, truly!
I'm truly grateful.
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Several chandeliers hang and reflect light
of the many mirrors, bring more light
and colour to the room, especially the dome
top; grand and caved with gilded wood
and animals of the wild and skies.
A sturdy rope holds up the greatest
chandelier of tear-shape crystals and
diamonds rare.

Waltzing under the massive crystal chandelier,
swift and elegant on the sun-patterned
marble floor, is the King himself, smiling
as he twirls around one of the maidens there,
as expected. Paul is known as a playful
spirit, mischievous, kind and an accomplished
dancer. I see the herald, finely dressed
but he did not notice me at first, his eye
is on the bustling life below until I clear
my throat.

He turns and bows, "Forgive me, Queen Lyn-"
"It's alright," I chuckle, "I don't blame you.
This is a magnificent party!"
"I shall announce you at once." He smiles,
turns and cries, "Queen Lyn of Aurelinaea!"
Part 6 of 2! ^-^
Hopefully it's seen now.
Tomorrow, I'll post up part 8!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Ahead is the grand side entrance to his
palace, but not before we ride around
his large angel fountain. Ever so detailed
from head, wing and toe and the waters
so clean before we are pulled to a stop
by the marble steps with a vibrant wide
carpet. The coachman comes around
and opens the door, and gently helps me
out of the carriage and then my ladies.

Turning around, I look at the fountain
with stars in my eyes.
"My Lady, King Paul ordered me to give
you this." The coachman holds out a silver
coins with a lion printed one side, Paul's face
on the other.
"Strange, he usually gives me one."
"He said you most likely would like to
make a wish before you enter and the
other is for later."

"He knows our Sweet Queen well!" Ainhara
laughs. Taking a guard's arm, we walk to
the fountain; my ladies holding the train
of my dress. Below, there are many silver
and gold below the water, and I clutch mine
with a deep deep wish.

'Let there be peace and harmony for us all
till the end of our days.'
I pray.

I toss the coin in, watching it sink and
rest with its sterling brothers and sisters.
"My Lady, it is time," the guard smiles
and I nod.
"Time to let them know I'm here!" I beam
as I walk back to the marble steps and the
music filled palace.
Part 5 is here!
Part 6 will be out tomorrow so PREPARE!
ALOT of people will make their grand appearance,
Haiku Donna most of all! ^-^
I'm finally at your court, Paul! loool
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Paul's courtyard is always one to
be admired; high cream coloured
arches with white statues of birds
upon sleek mint-green marble steps.
His myrtle hedges, high, hale and
trim, in spiral shapes that decorate
the courtyard; potted flowers and
trees by them.

As the carriage rides down the mosaic
path to the palace; a glittering rainbowtic
mosaic orchestra for the eyes; me and
my ladies look to see the large-marble statues
built upon a large pond with waterlilies;
a life-sized history lesson of the proud
Kings of Luciuscemi from the first to
the current, King Paul, in his carved

The music grows into a crescendo as we
approach the palace. We admire his private
pool houses, each of various colours but had
mahogany steps and hanging flower baskets
and lights which makes me smile - I usually
came to Paul's court to discuss treaties but
to also relax and get away from home.
Paul always made sure his guests were
taken care of.

"Look, my Lady!" says Ainhara and she points
at the benches of flowers; daffodils, roses,
lavender, rosemary, mint, white lilies
and many more. "He put flowers there in
your honour."
"Not just mine," I smile, "but of all his friends
from Kingdoms near and far. I am looking
forward to seeing him again."
Part 4 of the Gala! ^-^
Lyn ***
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