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Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018

Loving hymns blessings
the moon's pillowy softness
Life upon my breast
My silver knight sleeps in peace
Meek, ethereal flower

Soul born of the stars
His smile so meek, sweet and sad
His eyes are so bright
Silken arms wraps around me
My blessed silver-tongued hero

Our kismets are tied
Our foreheads touch so gently
We succumb to Hypnos call
Hand in hand, our bodies soothed
Our souls kiss happy

Haven't written a tanka in a while! ^-^
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
The road is long but at least
it's steady, the two hours passing
ever so quickly. The guards in their
armour shone under the afternoon
light, surrounding my carriage as we
move up the hill, the Sunset Path.
"We're not far now, My Lady," the
solider beside me says with a smile.
Indeed, it is true! The winds carries
the music from Luciuscemi, the
grand Kingdom of King Paul,
great, grand and ever so playful.

Esshi squeals in joy, "I cannot wait!"
"You're more excited that I am, Esshi," I tease,
and she has the grace to blush. "Not that I
blame you! Luciuscemi throws the best
parties, always live with music and colour."
"As expected from King Paul. Especially
for tonight!" Ainhara beams. "Queen Donna
did confirm her attendance, Your Grace?"

"Everyone did!" I say as I feel the carriage
come up the hill. Peeking from the window,
I see the carved winged lions by the grand
gates, which leads directly to the palace.
While my guards are in silver armour,
Luciuscemi wore the gold and rides
umber horses.

"Queen Lyn of Aurelinaea has arrived,"
I hear my Chief Guard say.
"Of course," the other guard reply. "Open
the gates!"
After a series of orders, the grand gates are
opened and the carriage moves once again.
While we pass the guards, I see them smile
and nod which I return and we ride
through, in awe of our suroundings
Part 3 of the gala! ^-^
Working on part 4! ^-^
kk Aug 2018
A pencil is of dreams,
the Sandman sings sweetly on graphite.
Unlearn your rules,
unleash your light.
Dance on rhythms of pentameter
and sing melodies that twinkle
on the tip of your tongue,
alliterative opera and assonance
played among the bass that is literature.
Sometimes you must ignore the pain
in your hands,
let callouses build and relish
in blood filling your blisters.
Pain here means progress.
Sweep agony away for the sake of day then sink into the ink of night.
Float on clouds of fantasy and write.
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
"Ainhana, Esshi?" I call and they enter,
both were in similar fitted peacock lavender
elegant dresses that reveals their necks
and the slim waists; their hair packed into
neat buns. I smile, "You both look lovely!"
"As do you, My Lady," Esshi curtsies.
"Let us make way," I smile and they nod.
After quickly embracing my mother, I began
to make my way to the entrance my palace,
my ladies in toe.

The afternoon coats the land and skies in
orange and red, but it's a sight to behold. The
air is so crisp and the birds glide and sing.
At the foot of veined marble, a grand white
carriage with sculpted timber being led by
four horses. The guards stand by the door;
the flag of Aurelinaea flapping in the wind.
"My Lady," the coachman smiles and bows,
"You look exquisite."

"Thank you," I chuckle as he opens the door.
One of my guards helps me in and my
handmaids before closing the door. As the
Chief Guard gallops on his horse, giving orders
to his men, I see my mother stand by the entrance.
"Safe travels, my dear." She says, waving which
I return as we ride out, on our journey
to King Paul's palace!
Part 2 of the Gala! ^-^
Part 3 will be out tomorrow!
Lyn ***
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
The evening turns to night, the night
to day, the day to afternoon until I
come upon the evening, preparing for
the Gala. There is a knock on my door
before it opens, I turn to see my mother
there.  Age has no way diminished her
beauty - her black curls packed into a
high up-do, streaked with silver.

Her dress is that of gentle blue embroidered
silk and long open sleeves, skirts flared
  fastened at her waist; a winking silver crown
upon her head; a antique lace fan in her hand
with carved angels that make the rose-ivory
guard. "You're still not ready? The carriage
has just arrived."
"I know, Mother."
"Well, give them my regards. I'll see that every
thing runs smoothly."

"Thank you," I smile and nod as the handmaids
added the finishing touches. My dress is
much like my mother's but it's off-the-shoulder,
a deeper, velvet blue with gold floral motifs
wrapping around my body; the corset is laced
as then the jewellery, a filigree diadem with a
tanzanite core, a gold lily necklace, earrings
and a girdle belt with a swooping diamond
Part 1 of the Gala! ^-^
Lyn ***
Bartholomew Aug 2018
When I look at you I see more than beauty, more than elegance
I look deep into your eyes and picture your right element
You heaven sent,
With all the stress you get,
in ya life though it made you, it should be irrelevant
Cuz as pretty as you are, you don't deserve tears you deserve me tryna pleasure it
“It” as in you, though you are not an object
You are a diamond in the rough, a treasure with no measure, I'm tryna show u your worth and to them haters I object
But when you catch me starring you think I'm nasty
but really I think you a Mona Lisa, a masterpiece
And even if my thoughts are ***** I ain't too proud to beg so I'm asking, please!
Please know ya worth, know what you deserve, know that I know what you are
You’re perfect in every way, in every sense I make a wish cuz I see a shooting star
I see u laughin with me
I see unforgettable memories and me I'm happy to see........
That when I look at you theres a slight chance that you’re happy with me
Inspiration/ Dedication:

To Sonja; wherever you are.
HTR Stevens Aug 2018
How cool and sweet the air I drank,
Standing beneath the starry sky;
As I stroll’d the starlit bank,
I saw my Fairy Queen float nigh.

She shew’d me petals for my bed,
A long grass for my easy-chair;
Mushrooms for umbrella or shade
Should rain pelt down from Anywhere.

She gave me May dew for my thirst,
Nectar sips to sweeten my lips;
She shew’d me jasmines, bloom’d and burst,
Whilst light-foot’d fairies round us tripp’d.

Not until I heard the church-bell
Strike with delight the morning hour,
Did I hear a thud as I fell
Off the red petals of a flower.

None was in sight when I came round;
A small red flower stood by my side.
Not a stir was heard, not a sound;
My Fairy Queen had gone to hide.
V Aug 2018
The room we shared our
first laughs in, our first hugs,
our first touches, our first kisses.

   Wasn't it precious?
grounded in reality but
fulfilled through fantasy.

   the shallow breaths we both shared,
the way our bodies pressed together,
discovering one another
and learning the bounds of
our movements,
the curves of our hips and
tides of our love,
the way our bodies responded
to our words, our lips, our tongues.

  the bedroom is where we gave
ourselves to one another, the
place where we could share
that of our deepest secrets and desires,
the place where I felt safe with you.

don't you remember that?
you must, if not, maybe it
was im fact memories grounded
in fantasy instead of
memories grounded in reality.
Marie Feb 2019
If you asked her whether she considered herself brave, she’d say no.

She’d say that she is the most cowardly person she knows. When she was a little girl she read stories about wizards and knights in shining armor who saved the day and thought that that could never be her.

She thought it was her fate to be the princess in the ivory tower, trembling in the corner. Leave the dragon-slaying to someone else; she’d never be the hero who saved the kingdom. All she’d ever be was the princess who needed somebody else to fight the battle.

You think that you are a coward, but believe me, if you were any braver, you’d be a lioness. You do not face the world with your fists up, but with your hands open.
You give and give and give little pieces of yourself; you love like a Category Five Hurricane.

You think that you are a coward because you are afraid of so much. Heights, the dark, loud noises, pretty girls, spiders, other human beings.

Anxiety-ridden, picking at the skin around your nails, praying to God that no one can see how close you are to falling apart.
You think that you are a coward because you are afraid, but let me ask you this: how many people ever come face to face with their worst fears?

Most people never will.

But you, you face yours every day.
I found this in my Google Drive-it's from a year ago! It's really interesting to be able to read your old writing and think about how much you've developed.
Lyn-Purcell Aug 2018
Then the door is opened and Esshi comes in,
curtsying. "My Lady, this came for you."
I stare at her hand. "A letter? Place it with
the others."
"My Queen, it is from King Paul. His messenger
insisted that you read it today."
"Already?" I blink as I gently take
the letter and open it, revealing it's content.

Dear Queen Lyn,
I hope this letter reaches you quickly.
I have everything planned out on my
end. The invites have been sent! I look
forward to seeing you and the other Kings
and Queen on the morrow!
Best wishes!
King Paul

I chuckle as I place the letter back in the
envelop, "Well, you've got to hand it to him,
he works fast! Everything is going as planned.
Are Aurelinaea's presents ready?"
"Yes, My Lady!" Esshi beamed as I stare
towards the horizon with a smile.
Okay, well... that was a thing!
Next part of this story is called the gala which is a work in progress!
Hope you're enjoying it so far!
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