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Rainswood Jul 2021
I’ve tried to leave her before
but watching from the plane I cry.
the patchwork valley below
digs into my heart.  
nestled between blue mountains
cradle me here, I am safe.
I literally cry whenever I fly away from home, therefore I know is where I’m supposed to be.
Q Jul 2021
for a mother has lost her child

for a sister has lost her brother

for a friend who has lost his grandfather

for our azure has cried for us

for the soil is losing its place for us

for that's the only thing that we can do now
it is the thing we've been doing now.
stillhuman Jul 2021
How do we clash
so harsh
and yet sparse
but it lasts
anger blush
as we laugh
I guess love has its price
Zoe Mei Jul 2021
wants me to tear
my heart out ******
for her to hold,
still-beating, sticky
fingers tasting rich
like butterfly feet;
but see
the scar-marked bark
has closed it in
pulse-roots solid strung to lungs
corded grip of kin
sordid so
she asks me smiling again
and hands me the silver platter
and her
shining dinner
Rainswood Jul 2021
scraped knees and busted knuckles-
nine summers spent running with the boys.

precious gift-
stardust and curls.
my devotion to you was silently sworn,
my sister.

watching you grow-
the magical years.
barefoot ballerina,
wild daisy soul.

passing years
have narrowed the space between
my world and yours.

navigating the rivers
of motherhood

still dancing
wherever we go.
Wishing my little sister a very special birthday. XOXO, Lizzy Love
Elizabethanne Jul 2021
I fought a war
I won
See, sometimes I’m not sure if I did
because the war is over
but my hands are still dripping red
they drip all over this better future I’m trying to build

I am opening the ledger to my childhood
I can taste dust, sweat, and tears
I can taste innocence again
only now it feels wrong
like I should have known better
They took home from me
gave me scraps and told me to grow
"Big and strong baby you have battles to fight."
years later I am finally learning
how to take a deep breath
without my own blood choking at my lungs
with only my mistakes to pay the consequences for
I drip far less over this better future I am building

-Would you call me a martyr if I told you how many times I sacrificed myself for my future?
Anais Vionet Jul 2021
Paris, earlier today. It’s a (vaccinated) summer family reunion and I’m catching up with relatives I haven’t seen for AGES. Like my impeccably dressed (three piece suit on a warm, un-air-conditioned, Saturday) 83 year old great uncle.

We cheek kiss

“STILL searching for love, Uncle Remy?”

“Forget love. My dear, I’m an old, self-absorbed narcissist. What I look for is someone young and frivolous whose most complicated desire is fun - specifically fun that can be bought - that’s an important distinction.”

I gasp and pose.

“You’re looking for MEEEE!,” I squeal.

“Oh, if I needed a spoiled, over-serious, temperamental, unappeasable rich girl - I’d think of you.”

“You GET me!,” *I beam with pride
My French family are SO funny - they are brutal with complements. =]
Megan Jones Jul 2021
We joined the group at the bottom of the cracked stone steps, some of them were barefoot
Roots and twigs bending and contorting
A collection of those repressed failed attempts, of blood and memory, joy and visceral pains left behind

She was new, moving with grace and apprehension
Her voice swam into my ear so effortlessly
As if the drum and cord had been sealed by string
Were you meant to? Were we meant, too
Did you find your way through barracks and empty closets?
Or through delicate spoons and an architect’s vision of the future?
What difference does it really make, in the end

She moved closer, saying that my intuition was the only thing saving us all from another life cycle, the replicated experience, of a collapsed star
That the scars all pointed in the same direction, to the garden where we stood, still

At an impasse between flipping through an old photo album, ripping at the seams
And the light shining on the white flowers and moss on the forest floor
They’re waiting for you on the North shore, they’ve been waiting a very long time

The Doldrums shifted, the tides adjusted from a decades long fixed position, the sails followed
Their many voices whispered over my shoulder
“it’s the only direction we haven’t tried yet”
This is the first time I’ve written in over a year - this poem came from reflecting within a space I’ve kept inside myself of peace. But that space stores all of my various attempts at changing the circumstances of my life, small iterations over time, all failed and locked away in a place I never talk to anyone about. This year has provided a lot of clarity, finding a sense of real direction that takes completely diving in instead of nearly identical iterations. The direction was North all along, the future, and not the past, always held the key.
Donna Bella Jul 2021
It’s a cold breeze
Yet I feel no breeze
I fight everyday trying to stand
Yet I fumble again
Sometimes I crumble under pressure
Sometimes I’m fighting my demons to the end
Sometimes I let you get too much of me
So I lack
I begin to lack everything that is needed
I begin to lack life
I begin to lack sense
I begin to not see the path i was on
Here comes the breeze again
Anne Jul 2021
blinking sunsets creases,
dewy in concepts of me.
to you,
i was perfect.

sweet creation,
swaddled in salmon silk.
your one,
your only.

nestled in your armpit,
hushly hummed stories.
beautiful worlds,
golden mornings.

when did it all go wrong?

i've broken your heart.
i'm sorry that
i'm bad at apologies.
i get that from you.

wet face,
red throats
empty stares.

hospital lighting,
missing liquor,
endless consumption.
sadness you've never known,
until me.

our silver clouds
still glow at night.
for you,
i will win this war
against myself.

i will become someone
you're proud to know.
your baby still loves you,
and always will.
love u mom
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