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showyoulove Feb 2018
Hush now my child dry your little eyes
The one who made you hears your little cries
Hush now my darling be not afraid
For you are safe and in his hands you are laid
Hush now my little one dream your sweet dreams
His angels keep close though they are unseen
Hush now my baby rest your sweet head
For he is awake while you sleep in bed
Sleep now my child so safe and so sound
Can you feel our love and blessings that abound
Wherever you go he is close at hand
Someday my baby I pray you'll understand
One day you'll be grown and we'll be so proud
Every night by your bed on our knees with heads bowed
We prayed for you in every moment that came
For joy, blessings, and that in his arms you'd remain
Close your eyes and take a breath let sweet sleep descend
Let your worries fall away with the day's end
showyoulove Feb 2018
How beautiful this sacrifice
Of prayer and love that is our Christ
For we were once bent down in shame
Now we bend to praise your name
When I sit among the oaken seats
surrounded by Your endless faithful,
the angelic choir in my ear,
incense cleansing my soul of woe,
I am there. I am there beneath
Your golden altar presiding, steadfast;
I am there. I am there feeling that same spirit
that has endured for millennia and imbued the souls of
our greatest writers, our greatest poets,
our most beautiful songs, our most saintly people,
and our drive for charity which
no force of evil in the world can ever, ever undo.

I sit there in awe, astonishment and fear,
as Your humble and quaking servant
raises Your True Body and Blood to the heavens;
You are among us!
Not riding in a chariot of gold nor bearing an ivory crown,
nor in flaming glory nor terrible thunder,
but amongst the sick of heart, the poor of soul,
the vain of face and the dreadful of mind.

It is then when I hear those chanted words
from the mouth of Your servant,
whatever tongue of men they be uttered in,
that I come to fully understand Your unchanging core:

"Through Him and with Him and in Him,
O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
all glory and honour is Yours,
forever and ever. Amen."

The goosebumps upon my skin,
the shiver down my spine,
the sideward glance to your tearful faithful;
my own eyes brimming amidst such wonder.
showyoulove Feb 2018
Lord, we all have our demons, but you can make us clean
In temptation help me open my heart and eyes to see
Your presence and the goodness that lies within
That you would fill our needs helping us not to sin
It is so hard for me to accept both good and bad
To embrace this light and dark with everything I have
The flesh is not bad but the picture is altered
And, as a result our perception has faltered
You came to call sinners to restore us by your glory
We are yours Lord: a special part of the story
You bind the wounded, heal the sick and lame
Eyes, ears and hearts are opened at the sound of your name
You are Lord over our life and our death
Keep us close to you and, when the time has come,
Bring us home to you when we take our final breath
To live forever in fullness and love singing praises to the son
showyoulove Feb 2018
Jesus healer of our every ill
Let all things be done according to your will
You heal our broken hearts and, once more, make us whole
You are an oasis to the desert of our soul
You are Lord over all creation: water, earth, and sky
When I am weak and worn, into your arms I fly
You are the divine physician; healer of what ails us
We look to you for healing when this world fails us
I would be lost if I didn't know that you are by my side
I dwell in the safety of your shadow when I am terrified
I love you my Lord, take pity on my state
Have mercy on me in your love so great
If it please you Lord, take this pain and suffering
That, of your power, I might sing
But if you don't and this is my cross to bear
I am reminded of your suffering there
Let this be my sacrifice pleasing unto you
Hear the prayers of your servant; faithful and true
I offer it all up for the intentions of those people today
Especially those who need healing in some way
Look on us with eyes of love; hide not your face
We call you now: let your presence saturate this space
showyoulove Jan 2018
The rich and the poor, greatest and least
Are seated together to enjoy the feast
Here at the table of plenty the water never runs dry
You’ve been invited to the wedding of the Most High
His blood becomes the most precious wine
His body becomes food; most divine
Joyful music fills the air
And suddenly we become aware
Christ unites himself to us in the most intimate way:
He enters every part of us and dwells therein today.
To be so close to this purest form of love
Is a little bit of heaven come down from above
And, once exposed to such energy, it must be expressed
To create new life in the flesh and in the soul.
So often, we try to put other things in a God shaped hole
We are left empty and wanting more
Our vision is clouded, but God came to restore.
True love conquers fear, and death loses its power
It is a safe shelter and, forever, your strong tower.
We have this crazy love that transcends both time and space
And from this love; we receive mercy and grace.
The love of God is greater far
Than the sands in the sea and every star.
He looks at us with warm, bright eyes,
I pray that we would soon realize:
That love conquers all, not war or hate
And that we would act accordingly before it’s all too late.
Written 1-22-18 at St. John Neumann Catholic Church
showyoulove Jan 2018
Take my hand reaching out in the dark
Cling to me when you miss the mark
Hold on to me, I’ll never let you go
I’m always right beside you I want you to know
Put your hand in my hand; feel the nail scars there
Put your hand in my hand and feel how much I care.
My hand will guide you both night and by day,
Let me guide you and show you the way.
Put your hand in mine and feel them rough and worn
The hands that saw a world hurt and torn.
Put your hand in mine and feel the tenderness and strength
The hands that, to find and bring you back, would go to any length.
The hands that cured the *****, and healed the sick and weak,
My hands are reaching out; if only you would seek.
See how much I love you dearest child of mine
All you see before you I created by design
I want the world for you, but I want you in heaven with me
Take my hand; I will give you the faith to truly see.
Put your hand in my hand and let me fill the hole
I don’t need your success I want you to give me control
I will not lead you into danger or make you go astray
Feel my hands on yours every time you pray.
Even in the darkest night my hand is there to save
I love you so much that my very life, I freely gave
Feel my arms wrap around you in a warm embrace
Let me heal you, give you peace and grace.
Take my hand and walk with me. Child, do not fear
Even when you cannot see me, I am always here.
Take comfort in my presence as you rest, safe from harm
As long as I am with you there is no need for alarm
Do you trust me? Then take my hand and follow
I can make you whole once more, this world can leave you hollow.
Can you feel me with you on this very night?
Take my hand and come with me as we walk into the light.
showyoulove Dec 2017
Light of the world you broke through the dark
Came into this world and made your mark
We were lost and confused with no one to guide
Wrapped up in sin and shame we thought we could hide
Broken and cracked you picked up the pieces
Of our hearts. You smoothed the creases
Piece by piece you began to put us back
You gave us the support we once lacked
Slowly things started to take shape once more
And what I saw shook me to the core
You took the broken pieces and created something new
The picture upon which I gazed rang so true
A stained-glass window, a cross, a tree, and a heart
Out of death, love made life; a brand-new start.
I stood there smiling as I looked upon the scene
As I drowned in your mercy and love I was made clean
The stained-glass shone so beautifully
And my life will flourish fruitfully
For the light that now shines from within
Has made me more open
To your love and light, the son in the dawn.
At times, darkness creeps in and isn’t all gone
You are the light in me; an eternal flame
And since then I have never been the same
You are the star I follow to keep me going straight
But sometimes I wander and I make a mistake
You shine so bright that the darkness has to flee,
Light of the world help me truly see!
showyoulove Dec 2017
Peace be upon you and your home
Blessings and graces abound
The love of the Lord goes wherever you roam
And wherever you are may he always be found

Grace to you and all your kin
Glad tidings and good news we bring
A man like us in all but sin
Born this night; Heaven and nature sing

Rest easy tonight, do not be afraid
For one has come to save us one and all
Shepherds and wise-men in homage paid
A bridge builder breaking down walls

Hail full of grace the angel said
You shall bear a son and call him Emmanuel Jesus
Let God’s will be done in me Mary prayed
Understanding how God sees us

Peace on the earth and good will to men
Let it start with me and then
Let all who look at me see this light
Shining like the star on that first Christmas night

May you be at peace now and always
May you never run out of thanks and praise
May the God who made you draw you close
In the love of Father, Son, and Holy Ghos’

Peace in the sea, the air and the land
Peace to the people, the flock of His hand
Peace to all nations their leaders in power
That we would have peace and safety in this dark hour
showyoulove Oct 2017
Keep Watch

Keep watch with me for an hour or so
Be vigilant for when I return you do not know
Keep watch through the darkest light
Keep watch and you will surely see the light
Be alert for the hour is quickly drawing near
For those who are prepared there is no cause for fear
Stay awake with me in the garden as I weep
Though it is hard, do not give in to sleep
Be with me as we walk side by side
Be wary when life is good of the sin of pride
Keep your eyes open and fixed on your savior and friend
And in the storms my Guardian Angels I will send
Can you not stay awake for an hour in the day
Are your eyelids so leaden that you drift off in slumber
Be watchful be awake for one day I may call your number
Are you ready when I come again in glory and power
Will you stand strong and tall where evil cowers
Are you open to the Spirit’s guiding
Are you filled with wisdom and understanding
Do you proclaim the good news and do so in the power of my name
Do you live in my love and are you forever changed
Do you seek first to understand then be understood
Do you seek to make peace where there is war
Do you work for the common good
The time is now, what are you waiting for
Open my eyes to see with your love and truth
Open my heart to the joy and faith of the youth
Open my life to your wisdom and plan
Open my soul as only you can
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