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The first time around,
We didn't plan,
We talked in tomorrows,
Because we knew it would end.

Yet on our second go,
We planned it all out,
Now we talk in years,
Because I only have to wait seven more,
Before I can put a ring on your pretty finger,
Though for now that's fantasy.
Idk what it is about her music, but you can't not dance to Katy Perry.
souletry Feb 27
I have 1,440 minutes.
How many memories can my cerebrum calculate?
There's this ache in my head.
I want it to go away.
Throwing my brain off a cliff
would not make things okay.
Perhaps I'll be like the rest
braindead and my pupils won't respond to your light.
If you would stop lingering here
wouldn't that mean I'll be alright?
The lights fade my eyes close.
A new 24 hour period is proposed
What was yesterday
no remembrance of what whoever was
There's something I'm supposed to be holding on too.
Time is slowing
My days are meshing into each other
I'm literally so full of myself.
There's a familiarity in this feeling.
Not only that someone who touched it with clarity.
The lights fade, my eyes close.
What was yesterday
I have completely forgotten about what was
and who is now.
Nothing to consume.
The entire day feels like 30 minutes and I'm just eating at
the second's left overs.
The lights fade
This time when my eyes close there's a face I pushed out
by force
and it reminds me of all I have abandoned.
I cannot open my eyes I'm forced to rest.
In hopes of not forgetting tomorrow.
I woke up.
Lost memory of my last name.
Who I am supposed to be,
But there's a feeling that is harboured in me.
A feeling that used to rip me to sheds
Is now warm and fragile.
What sparked this feeling?
I fall asleep earlier than I'm supposed too,
and forget all that ever supposed to be.
Have you forced yourself to forget who I am and what we were too?
I have no clue where this came from, I just typed a sentenced and went along with know what....hell yeah
If we're being honest,
Not every day is a good one,
You can't make 'em all good,
Otherwise none would be good enough.

Sometimes you just can't fix a broken day,
You just have to take a deep breath and go to bed,
You've got all of tomorrow left.
It's been a long long Monday.
Arcassin B Feb 21
Should be a wonderful thing,
It's an impossible thing,
So many people in ya' contacts,
Its an optional thing,
The Audacity of this generation slumping out thing,
This a when in doubt thing,
No conversation,  never started,
I'm cool with it,
Not having a connection is my expertise,
I need another drink for all the women that I didn't waste time on,
Say you wanna' be friends but still ghost me,
Have you no shame.."

(Full poem below)
To serendipity I yearn,
Yet my soul holds no clue.
The fires of self-indulgence burn,
Unyielding to another's woo.

But life without ambition feels tedious,
The longing for love grows more obvious.

My monotonous days now find cessation,
As my heart seeks leisure, a new elation.
Feep Jan 26
It’s another day.
Yet is it?
Tuesday is the day we met
Tuesday is the day I seen my whole world change
Tuesday is the day I felt complete

Friday is the day you called me cute and laughed at a lame joke i made
Friday is the day you noticed my hair light brown  
Friday is the day your hand brushed against mine and chills ran down my body.

Sunday is the day I run errands
Sunday is the day I felt excited to see you Monday
Sunday is when my world crashed when I seen you with her

Monday is just a day, like any other day
Monday is the day I miss Tuesday, wishing it was part of Friday
Monday is the day I wipe tears because its a reminder of Sunday,

All the days of the week yet Friday lingers in my mind as if Sunday never existed.
Durante os dias mais frios do poderoso inverno
Pense numa primavera doce e sonhe com um verão ameno
Durante as horas mais duras da noite de inverno
Pense em flores e sonhe com uma luz solar mavioso.

A estação chega, fica um tempo e depois foge
A vida passa por um acontecimento circular como a abelha
Como os raios da lua a dançar à volta da Mãe Terra
Para a encantar, abrace-a e beije-a até à morte.

No meio do inverno profundo, pense numa primavera divina
E sonhos de dias de verão brilhantes e sensuais
Nunca se sinta desesperado e pessimista em relação a nada.

Há sempre dias melhores e noites gloriosas pela frente
Mantenha-se positivo e resiliente enquanto a sua cabeça estiver presente
Pense bem e sonhe com raios de sol mais quentes.

P.S. Tradução de: Thinking of Divine Spring in Portuguese.

Copyright © Janeiro 2025, Hébert Logerie, Todos os direitos reservados
Hébert Logerie é autor de vários livros de poesia.
Throughout the coldest days of the mighty winter
Think of a sweet spring and dream of a mild summer
During the harshest hours of the wintry night
Think of flowers and dream of pleasant sunlight.

Season comes, remains a bit and then flees
Life goes through a circular event like the bees
Like the moonbeams dancing around Mother Earth
In order to enchant, embrace and kiss her to death.

In the midst of deep winter, think of a divine spring
And dream of bright and sultry summer days
Never feel hopeless and pessimistic about anything.

Better days and glorious nights are always ahead
Remain positive and resilient as long as your head
Is present. Think and dream of warmer solar rays.

Copyright © January 2025, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several books of poetry.
entombed to die together.,

prisoner utters these words to
their lover~companion,
who has joined him freely, and
that conceptual, hardly casual,
resonates, pinging my sonar
brain long after the famous
opera concludes, leading me
unforced to the writing table…

Saturday 2:1l:25 9:27AM

now, after having lived and
loved for well over 25,000 days,
there is much data to review
much of it corrupt & corrupted,
and of course, it must be done
man-u-ally (manually), and
will require filtering to edit
out the natural edits that the
fog of war, time, and the innate
human desire to improve one’s
recorded history, I conclude;

Not only have I loved others

beyond reason and sensibility,
but more than once,
more than twice,
more than my
faltering courage dare confess…

remembering the physical manifestations, is almost eerily too easy,
to recall the angst, physicality
of loving too well,
heart chested pain worthy of a doctor visit,
desperate hunger feeding on/off
of depression costuming as dreary sadness,
but so overtaking that I am the
cliche of the human berefetted of
all energy, except for periodic moaning,
visitors refused, sleeplessness my
only steady companion

writing worse poetry
than this,
dialing, hanging up, repeatedly,
paths crossing in hallways,
and breaking me down to
aching breaking pieces

when all grownup,
deserted wife and children
for the restoration of another
woman’s love,
but dragged down by
actions & inactions,
she wearied of my agoniste
and left me to
treble tremble when the weight
of the load, they/I
put right on me

now, sipping my morning 3-cuppa of
Caribbean brown beans,
my fresh eyes tearing,
my internal tearing
myself up/down,
half in mocking, half in sympathy
for the lost soul once was,
no longer desperate
but nonetheless joyous that
more than once I was mired
in a state so encompassing
and compressing,
was overruled overrun
with the gain and the pain
of loving desperately
and happy contented
that it shall not happily happen again,
for my poor heart already repaired
by a heart surgeon,
but with damage left from
life’s and loving’s accidents and accumulations, muscles weakened,
parts clogged with memories
beyond repair,
if loving desperately should come back
one last time,
winking, he’s thinking, ha,
for last licks,

*!it would be in a closing act sorta way,
a great fitting fitful accomplishment to die,
one last time, desperately in love!
Elizabeth Kelly Dec 2024
It’s dry and still in the house this afternoon,
The way houses are at 4:00 in December.
I feel a little itchy and claustrophobic,
Sitting on the floor.
I hate this ******* carpet.

I know you love me,
But sometimes I wish you would let me destroy myself completely.

Darkening winter gray settles over us in a dull film,
Berber carpeting the world.
It seeps into the house through cracks in the doorframe you kicked down when we were locked out that night.
Into me too, coating my brain and joints and dreams in liquid fog.
The streetlights will be dark awhile yet.

Cotton ***** fill up my mouth
And I’m fine, just fine.
My grandmother’s favorite color was gray before people awarded points for such things.

It’s nearly night, now, and the sky swirls with peek a boo pink and blue where the clouds are thin and blowing.
No streetlights yet.
The shadows gather at their feet.
I pull out the spaghetti;
Time to start dinner.
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