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Nandini yadav Apr 2020
विदेश से एक अजीब सा मेहमान आया है
नाम उसने अपना कोरोना बताया है
देश में परेशानियों का पहाड़ बनकर
हज़ारों मुसीबत अपने साथ लाया है
हाथ मिलाकर वो लोगों को फ़साता है
दूरी बनाने से वो दूर भाग जाता है
मास्क ना पहनो तो वो खुश हो जाता है
और बार-बार हाथ धोने से वो हार जाता है
बीमारी का भय दिखाकर सबको डराता है
पीछे पड़ जाए एक बार तो बहुत सताता है
लापरवाही करे इंसान अगर तो
मौत के द्वार तक भी ले जाता है
डरना नहीं है इससे बस अब ये करना है
अपने हाथ और शरीर को साफ और स्वछ रखना है
उचित दूरी बनाएं सबसे घर से बाहर न निकलना है
लड़ रहे जो हमारे लिए उनका साथ निभाना है
नहीं करना अनदेखा इसको इसको सबक सिखाना है
बिन बुलाई इस आफ़त को
देश से बाहर भागना है,,

Corona leave us now

A strange guest has come from abroad
The name he called his corona
By becoming a mountain of problems in the country
Have brought thousands of trouble with you
By shaking hands he lures people
Distance makes him run away
He does not wear a mask
And he loses by repeated hand washing
Fear of disease scares everyone
Once again it hurts a lot
If humans careless then
Even leads to death
Don't be afraid just do it now
Keep your hands and body clean and clean
Make the right distance most don't get out of the house
Fighting for what we have to do with them
Do not ignore it, teach it a lesson
Un convened this crisis
Have to run out of the country
For more videos or poetries..Subscribe my channel
Nandini yadav Apr 2020
लॉकडाउन हो गया देश में
संकट बड़ा ही भारी है
जब बन्द हो गए सभी घरों में
तब कुछ सेवाएं ज़ारी हैं
बन्द हो गए मंदिर सारे
लोगों के मन मुरझाये हैं
अस्पतालों में देखा हमने
भगवान निकल कर आये हैं,
खुद की परवाह किये बिना
दिन रात जो सेवा करते हैं
देकर नई जिंदगी हमको
खुद रोज़ मौत से लड़ते हैं
मुश्किल भारी इस घड़ी में
कोरोना जैसे रावण है
कोरोना की कमर तोड़ने
आया पुलिस प्रसाशन है
घर परिवार को छोड़ कर अपने
गली सड़कों पर खड़े हुए
न घुसने देंगे कोरोना को
इस बात पर सब डटे हुए
दोस्तों ये समय है ऐसा
हम सबको साथ आना है
बेवज़ह घर से न निकलकर
कोरोना को सफल बनाना है।

Protector of the country

..Lockdown in the country
The crisis is too heavy
When all the houses were closed
Then some services are released
Temple closed
People's minds are withering
We saw in hospitals
God has come out,
Regardless of myself
Those who serve day and night
Giving us new life
Fight yourself to the death every day
Hard heavy in this hour
Corona is like Ravana
Corona's back break
Aaya is a police officer
Leaving home family
Street standing
Will not allow corona
All set to the point
This is the time friends
We all have to come together
Not needlessly leaving the house
Corona has to succeed.
दोस्तों अब आप मुझसे जुड़े रह सकते हैं मेरे custom url के साथ
Nandini yadav Apr 2020
चारों ओर कोहराम मचा

सारी दुनिया घबराई है

स्वर्ग सी अपनी धरती पर

ये कैसी आफ़त आयी है,,

जबसे मैंने जन्म लिया

न देखा ऐसा मंज़र है

धरती के सीने में घुसता

कोरोना रूपी खंज़र है,,

सूने हो गए गली मोहल्ले

बन्द हो गए रास्ते

घर में रुकना है अब तुमको

बस जीने के वास्ते,,

अभी समय है रोक लो खुद को

घर में ही सुरक्षित रह पाओगे

अभी नहीं संभले तो सुन लो

आगे बहुत पछताओगे

प्रकृति की गोद में पलकर

उसी को छलनी करते हैं

ज़ुर्म करते बेज़ुबानों पर

और ख़ुद की प्रसंशा करते हैं

कोरोना नहीं ये कर्मा है

तेरी हसरत गुम हो जाएगी

जब-जब बढ़ेगा ज़ुर्म तेरा

कुदरत कहर बरसाएगी

बात पते की बता रही है

सबक सिखा रही कोरोना

घायल करदे जो धरती को

तुम ऐसा काम करोना,,

तुम ऐसा काम करोना,,

Corona or Karma!

There was chaos all around

The whole world is terrified

Heaven on earth

What a tragedy this is,

Since i was born

Neither seen it

Enters the chest of the earth

There is a dagger like corona,

Gone neighborhoods are listened

Closed roads

You have to stay home now

Just to live,

It's time to stop yourself

Will you be safe at home

Listen now if you don't

You will regret so much

In the lap of nature

Sieve the same

At foul play

And treat themselves

This is not corona

Your beauty will be lost

Whenever you will increase crime

Nature will wreak havoc

Talking of address

Corona is teaching a lesson

Hurt the earth

You do such a thing,

You do such a thing ,,
Hello friends, to listen my other poems please subscribe my youtube channel miniPOETRY
Nandini yadav May 2020
फ़िर से वो दिन आएगा
जब सारा देश मुस्कुराएगा
कोरोना का अंधकार मिटाकर
एक नया सवेरा साथ लाएगा
फ़िर से वो दिन आएगा
जब सारा देश मुस्कुराएगा
लॉकडाउन हुआ है जबसे
कैद हो गए घर में तबसे
बिछड़ गए अपनों से सारे
कोरोना के कहर से हारे
ये हार का सिलसिला जल्द खत्म हो जाएगा
फ़िर से वो दिन आएगा
जब सारा देश मुस्कुराएगा
बन्द हो गए धन्धे सारे
छूट गयी मज़दूरी
चाह कर भी न कमा पा रहे
हाय! कैसी मजबूरी
इस मजबूरी की दीवार गिरा
हर वर्ग काम पर जाएगा
फ़िर से वो दिन आएगा
जब सारा देश मुस्कुराएगा
खुल जाएंगे रास्ते सारे
सब बंधन मुक्त हो जाएंगे
हरा के फिर कोरोना को
आज़ादी का दीप जलाएंगे
बिखर गई है अर्थव्यवस्था हमारी
उसको मजबूत बनाएंगे
बिगड़े हुए इन हालातों में
सारा देश एकजुट हो जाएगा
फ़िर से वो दिन आएगा
जब सारा देश मुस्कुराएगा
करें प्रकृति को नमन आज हम
और करें ये वादा
न छेड़-छाड़ करें धरती से
न हो ऐसा इरादा
प्रकृति का साथ पाकर
हर आंगन खिल जाएगा
फ़िर से वो दिन आएगा
जब सारा देश मुस्कुराएगा
सारा देश मुस्कुराएगा..

This country will smile again

When the whole country smiles
Erasing the darkness of corona
Will bring a new dawn
The day will come again
When the whole country smiles
Lockdown since
Imprisoned at home ever since
All the people who were separated
Lost from the havoc of corona
This necklace will end soon
The day will come again
When the whole country smiles
All closed down
Missed wages
Can't earn even after wanting
Oh! What helplessness
The wall of this helplessness fell
Every class will go to work
The day will come again
When the whole country smiles
Will open all the way
All ******* will be free
Beat the corona again
Light a lamp of freedom
Our economy is shattered
Make him stronger
In these circumstances
The whole country will be united
The day will come again
When the whole country smiles
Bow to nature, today we
And make this promise
Do not disturb the earth
No such intention
With the nature
Every courtyard will bloom
The day will come again
When the whole country smiles
The whole country will smile ..
Please...Stay home and stay safe
अपना और अपने परिवार का ख्याल रखें।इस मुश्किल घड़ी में लोगों की मदद करें।lockdow को पूरी तरह से फॉलो करें।
ये कविता एक उम्मीद है एक आशा का प्रतीक है इस निराश की घड़ी में,मुझे पूरी उम्मीद है कि जल्द ही भारत और पूरा विश्व इस समस्या का समाधान खोज निकाले गा और सब कुछ पहले की तरह ठीक हो जाएगा।
जय हिंद जय भारत
We walked 500 kilometres,
We are not marathon runners,
We ran only for food and family.

The walk was long,
But our minds were strong,
Hunger came along.

Hunger put us to faint;
Public watched us like saint,
We were treated as a quaint.

The going got tough;
Our foot became rough,
We felt the tiring walk was enough.

Tears poured in our heart,
Disease ripped the whole world apart,
But humankind was selfish and smart.

Public and rulers slept,
We remained helpless and wept,
Banks disturbed us with debt.

Fishes in the sea cry,
The eaters put it to fry,
Our hunger cries were buried,
Towards our homes we hurried.

Frogs rested in the shadow of a snake,
Hunger tested us during this corona quake.

Corona turned a manhunt tiger,
Killed us with its sharp tooth of hunger,
Our hearts filled with demonic anger,
Hunger kept disturbing us longer.

Our corpses were a useless exhibition,
Media wolves framed our deaths a suicide,
We had no place to reside,
Train tracks became our new home inside.

Our hunger and pains remain unheard
Ruthless rulers find our sufferings awkward

Our hunger creates leaders and robbers,
Rulers filled our society with backstabbers,
We will emerge as leaders and food feeders,
The globe will become our followers and readers.

To all living beings we will feed,
To our future generations we will become a seed,
If hunger kills a human like a crop-killing ****,
Our hands will destroy the humanimals with greed.
Coronavirus had put the globe to a halt. Migrant laborers are the biggest victims who are battling corona and hunger together. Their voices are unheard. My poems always want to be a voice of the voiceless in the globe. Migrant labor population work for their family leading the worst life. But there was no helping hand for many migrant laborers. The house owners evacuated them and asked them to suddenly leave their homes. The migrant laborers have to make long walks towards their hometowns as they had no transportation, food or accommodation. The rulers in so-called developing countries like India left migrant laborers to walk long kilometers to reach their homes. No facility was properly made and the whole country stood silently to witness their sufferings, as they had to make a long tiring walk for around or more than 500 kilometres. Many of them could not battle their hunger and thirst.
I wondered today if anyone was recording in high definition this World in caution? kisses banned, so’s holding hands, but wash your hands a lot or you might miss to ‘Out that ****’d spot’.

How apt, a spot, a circle, a corona, isn’t that a beer? Let’s all now cheer for key workers, clap for nurses the NHS, let’s forget what started this mess, was it China? A pangolin? A Mandarin?

Conspiracy theories abound, they’re all doing the rounds, oh look it snuck back in, abound, around, they’re all circular sounds, circle back to the start, wash your hands.....’Out that ****’d spot’.
20:41 BST
Pradeepa May 2020
People who won the bread now buy the bread.
People who were beyond their jobs are now having time with their family.
People who were busy in their career now share the household work.
People who spent time only with their colleagues now play with their kids.
People who are rich now eat and manage money like the middle class.
People who are middle class eat and manage money like the poor.
People who are poor now are hungry and are pushed to poverty.
People who go for walking are now walking on their terrace.
People who spent time by going to temples, mosques, churchs, hotels, malls, cinema halls, recreation centers, parks, walking and jogging, gym now only go to shops for food and medical needs.
People who did their household work with the help of servants now use their own hands to clean, mop, sweep and wash.
This poem depicts the lockdown situation  not only in India but throughout the world.
SpiralDancer May 2020
Corona created chaotic choices.
Crumbling and collapsing decaying capitalism.

Birthing conscious awakenings in all corners of the world.
Kindness became the new currency.

The spoon fed fear, once zealously swallowed.
A Grimm bed time story for children grown up
Always thirsting for more,
having known nothing else.

Before the tide turned.
Before the silence.

And the old ways, became the old ways.
And the new ways -
Free will.
Still feeling like dress up clothes
not yet feeling the fit.

But with the courage and curiosity of pioneers,
We learned to feel comfortable in our own power.
We grew into our new skin, as we shed the old.

Conscious awakened.  
Now flying freely.
Free birds flowing on clear currents.

Skies of infinite possibility
Illuminating landscapes of love,
Dancing in footsteps of joy
Draped in New dreams
and hope
On a newly
birthed Earth.

We called that time,
The Beginning.
Written March 23rd.  This great pause for us all is filled with opportunities to shift the collective into a new way of being
Genduk May 2020
Eat at home
Drink at home
Work from home
Love at home
Read at home
Nourish our home
Alone at home
Together at home
Make peace at home
Grow beans at home
Educate from home
Sit and cry
Grow patience
from home at home
Sunstrike May 2020
Suffocate me so my tears can be rain,
I will water the ground where I stand,
So that the flowers can grow back again.
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