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Rita Sailor Jan 2019
my love is stained with anger
you're two men in one man's body
the one that never told a lie
the other one invented very concept
Dess Ander Oct 2018
Trying to define a concept
Imagining whether there’s an end to this nothingness
Maybe it’s man made?
Existential questions, and every answer is both wrong and right.
AD Letwixt Oct 2018
Like stones at the bottom of a river
Black and molded by the running water

The stones cannot understand the great undulating liquid above them
Crashing and pounding against the bank

Soon that powerful unrestrained energy settles to a languid flow
Tapering off slowly
Until the river dries
And the stones crack in the hot sun.
Morgan Spiers Sep 2018
i explain my joy as the power outage of a home
                      on a holler
                               in a hurricane.

the lights will flicker
from the sun
to the bellows of the ocean
in such a way that nobody
can confirm
nor deny
their presence.

you can t
                     e  them
from the sidewalks
and the alleys,
but when they are gone
all you can taste
is the cotton
and cicuta.
youphoria Sep 2018
a concept
an illusion
a scam
a false reality
a conspiracy

these years keep flying by
a minute is gone in the blink of an eye
Irlomak Jul 2018
He used to be fine with the fact that he's not an expressive person
it's often hard for him to find the right words to say
he is fond of keeping things to himself
but right now,
the things he would do just to be able to let his sense of expression rise from the bottom of a dark abyss.

His mind is yearning for him to convey his bottled-up frustration of thoughts.

"He needs to tell her how much he loves her  
how much he appreciates her  
how much she means to him
how blessed he is to have her
how beautiful she makes his life
he needs to tell her all these things, but how."

She will never  know.
A concept to fall out of love
Was foreign to me
I thought I'd love you till the end of time
When I thought of you I'd smile
I'd remember all the good times we had together
And it would make the butterflies in my stomach
Flutter and fly
The goosebumps on my arm would spike
The beat in my heart would thump
You made me so happy
How could I ever think of you as anything else
But you showed me how
You cheated and made the caterpillars come out their
Cocoon too soon
Their wings to brittle to take flight
Just cracking and falling to the ground
You lied and made
The bumps disappear
Like a magic trick you took all the faith I had in us and made it vanish into thin air
Most importantly
You broke my heart
Like a clock that stopped ticking
My heart became beatless
The blood and the vessels still flowed
But somehow it stopped beating
And just like that
You broke the heart which had beat for you
And just like that a concept
Was no longer foreign
mouse May 2018
a dream

we are at your house
you are holding me in your arms
your friends are there, and my friends in their embrace
the two of us are so high

we watch a movie
(the lion king is your favorite -
but you love all disney movies)
and we make stupid jokes
and laugh until we cry
and i can taste the smoke on your lips
as you lazily attempt to kiss me
i can feel your smile

and to think that in this world
where nothing ever goes right -
i have someone like you
to turn sorrow into sweet dreams
yo i'm ******* gay as **** dude homie slice. is this even a ******* poem idk
zb Apr 2018
so much of my
life has been
with what happiness
means to me.

so many of my
thoughts have been
with how i
could ever deserve it
could ever find it.

it's been living
under my skin
this whole time.
i just needed
to realize;
being happy isn't like
in the movies.

happiness isn't
a magical serendipitous revelation
that happens
and suddenly
nothing ever goes wrong again.

happiness is
those moments
where you are peaceful
where you are content
where you are in
close proximity to
something you love.

if we could make
the idea of happiness
that much simpler,
we could make
that much simpler.
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