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AndresAjala Mar 3
Here I kneel,
to speak with you,
my god, who is me.

Here I kneel,
to give thanks,
to be grateful for every moment.

Thank you for flowing,
without control.

Thank you for having no expectations,
but still holding hope.

Thank you for allowing me to be myself,
without wishing to be someone else.

Thank you for not seeing mistakes,
but recognizing lessons.

Thank you for setting limits in my life,
but not rigid boundaries in my relationships.

Thank you for all I have to give,
but also for all I allow myself to receive in balance.

Thank you for letting me walk this path of life with trust.

Thank you for not taking everything personally.

Thank you for not judging others,
but for understanding what they mean in my life.

Thank you for not seeking to be loved by others,
but for embracing myself.

Thank you for all the things that make me different,
for that is what makes this individual so unique and defines me.

Thank you for walking life with purpose
and confidence.

Thank you for every moment of my life,
because it has made me who I am.

Thank you to all those who have hurt me,
for they have shown me how strong I truly am.

Thank you for all the incredible things that will happen today.

Here I kneel to tell you
that I deserve a love that is pure,
that I deserve abundance,
and I am open to receiving it.

Here I kneel to tell you that I love you,
and that I love myself.

Here I kneel to say thank you,
thank you for so much gratitude,
for so much love,
and for so much happiness.
Anais Vionet Jan 25
Outside it’s breezy and twenty degrees
in here the air feels humid and still
the floor’s elbow-to-elbow and I guarantee
dance for 40 minutes and the heat can ****

I left the dance floor
fully drenched
we drank at the bar
til our thirst was quenched

I peeled off my overshirt
but that didn’t work
I still felt flushed and sweaty
a guy motioned me to dance
but I wasn’t ready

Then someone opened the door
the icy air rushed in—I didn’t flinch
It felt like heaven—I wanted more
dance guy was back, the entitled prince

the 05611 is full of pushy guys
when they want something
they try and try and try
I pretend I can’t hear them
cause the music is bumping

Friday nights are such a release
a time for fun and controlled caprice
but it’s also a hot-point time to do-a-prendy
when you say no, divers can turn unfriendly

I’m not Julie Andrews—I’m not offended
It’s kind of a complement, I’m just not interested
If you can take a yes, then you should take a no
I could be protecting you, for all you know, (******/aids)
so chill-out playas don’t be so gung-**.
Songs for this:
Hit My Heart by BOY
Cake By The Ocean by DNCE
BLT Merriam Webster word of the day challenge 01/23/25:
Divers = numbering more than one

do-a-prendy = a quick hookup
05611 = Yale's zip code
down to my last dollar for the weekend;
chances of falling in love in a club – I can’t pay for
those feelings. crying thoughts about what it means
to be in love, with delicate watercolours. paint me as
a feeling, as pruning a rose falling piece by piece into
that pit of love

for love is so deep when it first trips you off
your feet, the sounds of it sound slow and easy in my ear –
but like club music, the dj plays a slow song, then suddenly
blares the mood with music to bleed out my ear drums

am I… bleeding out this love, coming up
with a gift of sweet nothings in chocolate box?

      love is all sparks, but any spark can be made\\
         but that real fire in your heart, comes finding
                                                        your right match.
David Pan Dec 2024
Do you sense their means, a shot and fast,
Where words are power, opinion takes no feather light.
Where rhythm and rhyme will make anything be true,
A world of with others are waiting for you.
If your heart beats fast when you create and ran
If you want to share what wake your brain,
Come and join us now, let your voice be heard,
In the Poetry Club, where you truly awake
Write, and think, and we all create
New place for us to share, to trust.
Make your story, and you may best.
Languages do not make us alone,
we can make the beauty of it along.
You can use translate,
and it’s no, and nor too late.
From David Pan-Basis Independent Brooklyn/ Accident if someone get similar things as I do.
MetaVerse Oct 2024
There once was a fella from France
Who'd dance a libidinous dance:
     He'd focus the eyes
     Of the club on his thighs,
Then dance himself out of his pants.
Odd Odyssey Poet Sep 2024
To all the boys, we're going out for a night,
Toss a coin to say we're just chasing tail tonight
But we always have to keep a heads up, for when
You probably get denied by a dime, twice this night

As we’re drinking like it's the end of a movie scene-
Waiting for our eyes to fall to black, we could barely see

Unfortunately, I caught my teeth in the skin of heat,
And I tell you- it wasn't that wise to try and dance;
Hoping to give all my intentions to her eyes chance-
But by a glance, I seen all her friends having a good
Laugh behind my back, all because of my two left feet
I S A A C Jul 2024
nightmares in action
side eyeing distraction
you could never be real
never tell me how you feel
running through crowds to escape
your face, my fate
too close to the poisons i grew
your place, replaced
give myself grace
rub my rose quartz slab
hypothesize a better end
rub my rose quartz slab
hypothesize a quick end
Shannon Soeganda Jul 2024
When death finds me,
May it find me alive.

When the time comes,
May death find me—
before I find my self.
Some people die at 27, they are just not buried or cremated until they turn 77.
Carlo C Gomez May 2023
stationary now
duct tape loves
mouth and hands

inside removable interiors
heliocentric discontinuities:

the racket club
and the backstroke
the rabid club
and the hallucinogenic backchannels

swallowing too many placebos
on his balcony
facing away from the sun
blank diary entry
open on the table
'from despair to where?'

stationary in the trunk now
he says it will all
make sense soon

Annalise Jan 2023
Sleuthing drunkenly in a car home.
My nature subdued by the foul
nature of the world.
Gay club I leave my body hanging out to dry.
I can show every but ever moment of myself
and I love every send of it.
Belly is out.
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