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The Napkin Poet Dec 2016
Every ounce of pressure against my veins,
like the flood of heavy summer rains.
Trying to escape the coating of my flesh,
internal tensions I could not oppress.
I hear crickets, smell the morning dew.
All I can ever concentrate on is you.
Made to feel nervous but oh so calm,
sometimes even sweet like cherry lip balm.
A moment of combustion then release,
your tongue wanders onto my body, into a crease.
I'll never care if I get rich,
so ever long as you ease my twitch.
Stale smoke and the scent of butane,
breath seeps into me like a bloodstain.
You, a child at heart
and I, a freak into abstract art, like Ad Reinhardt.
What a fine creation, our own constellation,
an innovation, better than intoxication.
Chér Dec 2016
How to stand looking at the eyes
The eyes of yours which shine along the stars
Creating their own galaxy
And gulping me into the blinks

How to stand those redden lips
With a little sweet cherry taste
And a lot of loving scent
Along with the sweet melodies playing
This is a new experience for me. Deciding to let the world sees the poems I've made, and also scrolling through others.
sol Nov 2016
dare i wonder what you think of me
for i do not know what i think of myself.
maybe there's a difference between how you see yourself and how you let others see you.
     am i a plague or a remedy
     am i stone cold or burning flames
     am i chilled to the bone or am i a home
sometimes home can be a person, but i am no home.
my hands are cold, they will burn you with
frost. i am kind but i am afraid.
my chest hurts with the thought of you.
not because i wish to have you but because
                            i don't.
maybe i do, but i am an ocean and you are lost in me. i can see the moon.
     do i flee from what i have only to retreat to what i am?
i ask of you, are you something new or the
                             thing that i can't find.
i have a treasure that i wish to keep and
                              not soil.
you are a treasure of your own.
yet i am not worthy.

i can have obsidian or i can have gold.
Man has always been greedy but i am
     am i kind?
am i kind to take a cherry with
     cyanide pit?
you believe me a diamond, but i am only coal.
you, my dear, have a heart made of gold.
rosie Aug 2016
ive got sugar
in my breath
and lilies
in my skin
and you have maps
in your bones
to places I've never been.
when 3 am hits
and our voices are mixed
of staggered breaths
and cherry wine
i tell my thoughts
to ghosts in the walls
and your fingers on my lips
while you stumble
to say,
you put the oceans
to shame
with the way
you move me

Copyright ©  2016 Alyssa Packard
All Rights Reserved
i lost my touch for awhile but it's back and i've never been happier
He felt immersed in the thought of a woman cigarettes and designer clothes
But I'd rather feel immersed in the thought of the smell of cherry blossom perfume and a video game controller in her hands
Call me what you want
Just aspiring for something different
Everything feels like the same old archetype you see in English class
If you payed attention
I know some of us didn't
It's okay
I slept in mine
Because we hardly did anything in there
Talk about false advertisement
If you thought my life ****** before, you're sadly mistaken
Instead of entrenching ourselves with tons of books
We did a little work and took breaks in our work like Clay Aiken
Bouncing into something new only a few times
Now what i expected
I just wanted to be those happy kids in those school commercials
Was that so hard to ask for?
Literature and good friends
You don't even know the first thing of elation like i do when i put those two together.
Dan Gilbert Jul 2016
The cherry tree outside
thatches its delicate fingers
into a mesh of pink petal sea,
fathomless to the eye.

The window frames it,
a perfect picture untarnished by
brushstroke, pencil or pastel.
Each line crisp, each colour full

The wind tosses the branches
into waves that break pink spray
into the breeze. The blossom snows
down like a springtime blizzard.

Soon the branches will be bare,
like bones stripped of flesh.
i have fallen in love
with the blush of the cherry blossom
the delicate scent
the bloom on the branch

i have fallen in love
with the cascade of the cherry blossom
the clusters like grapes
and patterns of light and shade

i have fallen in love
with a pink so pink
fresher than strawberry ice-cream
or revlon’s baby pink gloss

i have fallen in love
with cherry blossoms in the breeze
petals flutter and hover
like snowflakes in the night

i have fallen in love
with every day, every season, every flower
every birth, every death, every sickness
because life changes and alters

i have fallen in love
with life, with love, with pain
i have fallen in love
i have fallen in love
Danny Price Apr 2016
Last cherry blossom
Falling, dancing with my gaze
A distant echo
Wilkes Arnold Apr 2016
What do you see
When the flower meets your eye,
What beauty must hide
In visceral Versailles,
In cherry tree reality...
Does it mystify?
The variegated countryside
Does the chorus nullify
The diversified into harmony
What melodic elegance underlies
That subjective divide
Wistful of waves you fly
What do you see in the cherry tree sky
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