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K Dec 2018
I began to bawl while she knew nothing
about the body to catch
"You can't do that, Leo."
For three days, I responded, "yes sir"
I knew I was in trouble

I didn't think he'd appreciate this before
us swinging the bat and slashing a guy for him
for us, he was restrained in the cellar with the bodies

He kept staring at me,
chrissake he had to know

As far as I could remember, he hit me
Go on hit me harder, I dare you!
I thought this as if to say
a beating meant that I could do nothing

but oh how he was  wrong
This was created out of sentences and words from a book, I picked out some pieces and worked them into a poem and revised it to flow collectively
Gabriel burnS Dec 2018
light blue - as in light enough to fly; blue enough to fall; a pull in both directions; pooling inflections of the light-wave sifted through the dark weave; near-symmetrically mindful of the sent and received
Why June when it’s December...
Just... thinking ahead...
BEK Nov 2018
There's something incredibly southing about taking in this frigid air
Its chill flows through me
Dispelling the tired leaves of a long sweltering season
I'm left bare
An opportunity to appreciate the strength of my roots
Admire my branches
Though they be crooked, brimming with knots, and countless broken branches
Will I survive this time of reflection and blossom in time for Spring
Or cower in fear of another snapped limb
Katryna Dec 2018
first time?
no? hmmm
im siam and you are?
cold turkey.
cold turkey, nice name.

is that for real coz im starting to believe it.

sigh, of course not!
as if siam is your real name duh!

do you want to go out and have life outside
or you just want to sit back and relax as if you enjoy all this ****?

what do you want siam?
im free.



no thanks,
im done with 1 bottle already.


kiddin, hi im oyster and you are?
oyster, sound scandal isnt it?

i know.

im free,


who am i?
who am i?

say it louder,
who am i?

just do it!




what's your name again?
it doesnt matter anyway,

call me whatever you like.
meet siam from the land of imagination.
siam is a 27 yrs old with no gender (feel free to guess
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2018

When I got introduced
With a new face
In my way

They told their name
And so many something
They want me to listen
Bla bla bla

The same instant
I got the new character
And the story, just begins
Genre: Observational
Theme: We are the story
Emily Nov 2018
Due to what will never be:
Dishes that wash and put themselves away,
Lessons that squirrel themselves away into my brain,
Relationships that begin and mature through no effort of my own.

Character is developing within me:
Perseverance, and
Patience with a dose of selflessness.

So even if I grumble audibly,
I am grateful to what will never be,
For the character it is forcing into me.
Baqir Talpur Nov 2018
What was our love,
If not just an other Shakespearean tragedy?
An other story of tragic heroes cursed by their fate,
Struggling to exist within their characters.
You, facing the external conflicts from family.
Me and my internal conflict
(of not being courageous enough).
Our tragic loss of our selves and each other,
Thanks to the diabolical supernatural elements,
Playing their own characters in the play.
The lack of poetic justice,
causing a poor end to the tragedy.
And in the end a comic relief,
through the humorous character of time it self.

Tell me again,
What was our love,
If not just an other Shakespearean tragedy?
Marley Gold Nov 2018
The Wainscot Weasel lost an eye to a fight with a bird,
But it’s what he did next which makes him absurd.
It’s because he fell in love with a fish in a pond.
In another life he might have belonged,
But his fur had no scales and his single eye swam with tears,
So from a distance he watched her swim through the months and the years.

A year is millennia for a young weasel to wait.
A year is a long time for even an animal to contemplate.
The sun lingered on the water, its surface filled again from the trees.
A collection of orange smudges then reflected the leaves.

The frogs have all croaked and new birds’ calls now echo,
And still sat a lonely, but quite happy fellow.

He followed her tail’s drag through the painting of his existence,
And finally he could no longer put up resistance.
He lowered himself to the pool where she swam,
And the Wainscot Weasel was never heard from again.
Hi this is my wainscott weasel fanfiction poetry adaptation
Mikaela Angela Nov 2018
Will you believe me if I tell you
that my fictional love came to life?

The fictional personality
that I've long been dreaming of
he came to life
what I mean is
he just passed by

I’m trapped between
my dreamland and reality
If I could then I would
stay in my dreamland
for in my dreams, he is reachable
In my dreams, I can have him
and in my dreams
he wouldn’t be with someone else

But in this bitter reality, I could not
I could only stand and stare at a distance

My fictional love came to life
but I'm only a mere helping character
for my beloved protagonist
Gods1son Oct 2018
The human heart is a world of its own
Access into it is one of the hardest things I know
The inhabitants hardly come out as well
And when they do, they disguise most times

They have a veil of sweet words
Often give you a different impression
It would take proper examination
To see the main intention

If you can take an aerial view of most hearts
It's darker than KitKat
Please when you find a pure heart
Give it the respect it deserves!
Who knows the real intentions of the heart
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