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Katelyn Enders Mar 2014
you give me your jacket when it's freezing outside,
and i want so badly to be better for you. you deserve
so much more than someone who thrives on saltwater
tears and the numbers on scales.

you hold my hands when they're shaking and i wish
that you wouldn't because you shouldn't have to take
care of me. you deserve someone that can look at the
world like it's beautiful.

i'm just so sorry that i can't be better.
Clara Oswin Mar 2014
I am made of coffee and cigarettes
Empty and serene
Standing on street corners
Clutching coffee stained pages
Of dull, beautiful poetry

I am the girl at the back of the bus
Staring out the window as
Thick trees spin back
Wishing i could be them
Spin back and change the past

I am lost in a world that is webbed
With spotty blackness
Burning across my vision
It is dull and grey

I run until my muscles throb
And let fat come back up
My raw black throat
And when i arise
The darkness sets in again
But i must not collapse

I don't want to eat, i need to starve
I don't want to be, i need to stop
I don't want-
     It doesn't matter what i want
     What i need, what i feel

Because i am empty and dark and sad
And i do not matter
Ellen Joyce Jul 2013
Her laugh broke the window pane -
shards of glass pouring like rain,
the sound of shattering safety made her blood run cold
as she clung to disintegrating silence.

Grains of silent-self
pricking the backs of her eyes until tears streamed down her cheeks
wiping fiction from flesh, eyes turned to the floor
so you won't see the sadness where the sparkle should be.
Could be.
Would be.

She feels the barbed wire noose around her tongue loosen,
unfurling its razor sharp grip on her throat
to the melody of the sweet small voice singing soothing songs
seducing her to speak.

The words fall clumsily from her lips like ***** clattering plates
splattering waste on wall and doors
leaving a mess that cannot be swept
nor hidden under the carpet or clothes.
"Please. Please.".

She feels eyes burning into naked-self
declaring the truth as if it had the strength to stand,
to bear the weight of shame from times that should remain untold,
but she told.
"Look away. Please. Don’t look at me,
I need you not to look at me, please please please".

She squirms beneath the squirming,
the crawling cascade of bugs under her skin,
in her-self, ***** girl -
ankles twisting, fingers bending, hands trembling,
heart beating, breath quickening, mouth begging
"please please don’t look at me".

The kiss to be seen, breaks like a scream
on the back of a lifetime playing dead,
choking back the words left unsaid,
hiding scars of the wounds that once bled.  

Wounds that call from beneath layers of scar tissue,
a symphony of whispering simpering bacteria
recalling the filthy mire imploding from the pyre;
seal after seal broken leaving her less beauty, more beast.  

In a place where animals do what animals do,
mounted like cattle, like dog catching *****
whose losing the battle to guard her chasm,
to keep the place barred.

Her pleas broke the threshold,
falling forward, hands and knees grinding into twigs and leaves,
his grip so thick on her hair
that he heaves out a scream from the depths of her bowels,
ripping through tension and fear
to gift a ***** with a mark, a shame, a name that won’t disappear –
“Don’t look at me”.  

They call it ******
as if you could name a pain that seared so deep it
drew a blood that would take a week to heal
and a ***** that would never stop rising.  

Her arms buckled under the weight of shame,
of blame, of every screaming name he seethed into her sullied flesh,
with every wavering breath she breathed – “please don’t look at me”.  

His hands grip beneath her hips
nails biting into aching, seeping flesh, filling her pores with
more, more, more.  

Baths - a thing of the past,
water hot, rusted and greying with the rot that lies on her,
with the putrid knot that lies in her.  
“I’m so ashamed.”

Her exhaustion broke her human-ness –
body depleted from repeated invasion that she couldn’t stop,
that he wouldn’t stop -
was sure he had reached a perverse plateau of the boundaries that he breached.  
She underestimated him.  

Label weathered bottle,
nectar alluring drawing inside crawling bugs
as forced kisses stole breath,
focus lost and a nip to his tongue would cost a choke-hold to blur the world,
spit on her face hurled with the venom of an injured python.  

Cold, hard, scraping against skin trying to get in –
“Please.” –
bugs crawling, cascading, invading,
fighting my womb, biting my flesh raw, boring into my blood
turning life force to mud and self separated from beautiful source.  

I felt his thrill at my hip.
“Please don’t ...
Is it masochism to share the most humiliating, hurt or is it healthy?”

Her mouth broke -
alive with sensations and nerves that serve
to taste to feel, to flex a tongue to sing to speak to eat.  
He drew her to her knees,
with greater and greater ease
to penetrate perception with ******* till her jaw ached and strained,
drained, choking back the spoils of man,
feeling panic as her stomach recoils vomiting shame.

Every seal torn open; closed - locking the dirt inside.
This poem was written in the process of therapy to deal with **** and abuse experienced when I was in my early teens.  I share it now as I watch my god daughter turn thirteen and feel a fear for her and a need to protect her.  I share it now because I fought long for a voice and now its audible.
Ellen Joyce Jun 2013
This Dalian prison feels eternal! I stretch across the bounds of matter:
A child frozen in time, an adult melting into darkness, a spirit riding the back of the wind,
and the child drives the adult to an excruciating distraction.
She pierces the heart with her screams, she will not be ignored.
I abandoned her once in the wilderness, she was damaged goods and it was life or death —
She lay weak and broken and beyond saving
I couldnt take her with me, because she looked at me with my own eyes

Except hers shone with tears and bled the loss of innocence and told all our secrets.
My conscious mind buried her there in the woods, she didnt resist.
I held her responsible for all of it, and she didnt even challenge that.
How could she let that happen to us? Fist and boot, **** and *****, *** and ****, and she stopped fighting.
It took me years but one day I felt her move and knew she was alive.
Her eyes bore into me pleading me to take her back; asking me to love her.

I was afraid of her at first; of her wounds and weakness and wanting.
Her fingertips grazed mine; and the our two parts became whole
with a collosal iron clang forcing out echoes of screams cried long ago,
and they were hers and mine. We fitted into each other like russian dolls,
not neatly but with a post-war stagnant silence and scent of blood spilling still.
I tried to be with her, but her need was great —
And I knew she wanted all of me and that meant I must embrace all of her.

She wouldnt be ignored anymore, and was brutal in her attention seeking.
She forced me into her memories, our memories and left me to live what she endured.
She tried to make me see that she saved me, us, herself, but I couldnt understand
How she could torment me this way; relentlessly; painfully; vividly:
I wondered if she was taking revenge on me,
that her ghost was rattling her chains, binding me with them, drowning us both.
And for a long time the two of us tore our body apart and gave way to the weight of madness.

She vomited rainbows inside me and danced me along the cliff edge.
I breathed the whole weight of my darkest days into her till she choked,
as if I thought I could somehow **** her with toxins.
She took up blades and cut my flesh and grew more and more savage with each stroke.
And my body, our body became a war-torn country, the battleground
on which we played out the assaults of our reunion.
One day she regressed to a foetus, ******, transparent and whimpering like a wounded dog.

I saw her then, she was entirely helpless, she gave up to save us both,
And I’d been blaming her all these years, and all she wanted was to be loved —
Spending her days behind masks and dying inside,
And I had wished her dead, pretended she was dead and she let me live.
She bound and gagged herself and selflessly gave herself up for me,
And I wasted the life she gave me, repeating mistakes,
Full of bitter resentment, burning up joy like oil and wallowing in it.

I wanted still to force her out.
But throughout the years she remained and she kept me me and fighting still —
The strength that surrendered her to brutal assault,
is the same strength that keeps me drawing breath into my lungs when the darkness comes.
The waif soaked in ***** and drenched in ***** clamped to my leg
was the same cherub who lay down and endured so that there might be life.

I regret I still blamed her, but I did so with great discomfort.

I imagine a time when we might be able to embrace in the light —
We are of course one and the same, ourself in different times.
I know now you cannot love with half a heart or smile with half a mouth.
She is the colour, and I am the canvas,
together we could make something beautiful and bright.
And Im listening to her cries now, sometimes I stroke her hair,
Perhaps one day I will hold her tight - then there will be love, light and life.
Written June 2011
bxtch Jan 2014
I fake a smile
And say I'm fine
I hide my scars
And calm my mind
I starve myself
And dry my eyes
I hold it back
And keep it inside

Welcome to my diary.
This is the real me.
bxtch Jan 2014
It's just a tease
It's just a joke
I'm sure that she
Can take much more

'Twas just the cat
'Twas just the diet
'Twas just the meds
That kept her quiet

Help her soul
Her soul is fine
But save her mind
From what's behind

Thunderstorms and razors
Linger in mind
"I'm fat , stupid and weird"
Is what's behind

So the purging came
Like a knight in shining armor
And the freeing of pain
Came running through her veins

And all she ever needed
From all of these madnesses
Was the thought of silence
Being only a cut away

Because It was just your tease
And It was just your joke
That made her think
*Happiness is just a hoax
Bullying isn't funny.
bxtch Jan 2014
It's just a tease
It's just a *joke

I'm sure her wrists
Can take much more

For every *word

that ached her heart
was written in red
within her skin

'Twas just the cat
'Twas just the *diet
'Twas just the *pills

That kept her silent

Help her soul

Her soul is fine

But save her perception
From the *false veracities

A deluge of razors
Raid in mind

"I'm fat , naive and eccentric"

Is what's behind

So the *purging

Like knights in gory battle
Relentlessly ravaging
Shattering the girl from the inside


And all she ever felt

Was the *absurdity

Of the gory knights
Ready to slit the thread of life

Blinded by the agonizing relief
She lost her mind to perfection
And ‘twas only then when
*She whimpered in bitter regret


Because It was just your *tease
And It was just your *joke
That emboldened the knights

to make her think *happiness is just a hoax
A revised version of "Withered Joy"
bxtch Feb 2014
It's 2 in the morning
And I'm *triggered already

My body is aching
While I stop myself from crying

It's 2 in the morning
And my stomach is grumbling
I want blood, guts, cookies and cakes
I'm gonna puke them anyway

It's 2 in the morning
And I lie awake alone
With no one to hug me
Or tell me I matter

It's 2 in the morning *
And I'm *starting to recall

Every single name I've been called
Just to push me off the ledge

It's 2 in the morning
And I'm painting with a twist
The twist is the fact
That my canvas is my wrist

It's 2 in the morning
And I've written my last words
I'm caught in the loop of paradise
As I tip the chair to fall off

It's 3 in the morning
And my blood is dripping
My parents are crying
While I died smiling

They open up the letter
And they wept as the read:

*Dearest cruelest world,
Look at what you've done
You've crushed my fragile heart
And please don't tell me I'm being selfish
Because everyone wanted me dead
Sure my parents are mournful
But it's because of obligation
Not love
My siblings won't mind
Since they'll just take my possessions
And I'm sure my friends won't bother
Since they've all left me
So at the end of the day
I've done this for I pitied
What could have happened
If I continue to let them hurt me
Those lonely nights when
you just don't know why
you feel so depressed and angry....
bxtch Mar 2014
Bring me back to the days
When sharpeners were just for pencils
Bring me back to the times
When dieting was just a choice

Bring me back to the place
Where the warmth could still reach me
Bring me back to the person
Who not once had teased me

Bring me back to the age
When milk was my whiskey
Bring me back to the past
When I only pretended to smoke

I guess it's too late
To bring me back to life
I guess it's too late
To pull out the knife

All I want now
Is for you to remember
And look back a the moments
When you made me suffer
To my dear parents
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