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Maryann I Feb 17
Beneath a swirling vortex of stars,
I write my dreams on crumpled paper,
folding each one into the corners of my heart.
Places I’ve never seen,
moments waiting to happen,
they call to me in whispers—
soft, yet instantaneous.

Dive into oceans deeper than fears,
stand atop mountains taller than doubt.
Feel the rush of wind,
the pull of gravity,
the weightless joy of being alive.

This bucket list is more than a record,
it is a promise to myself:
to seek the infinite,
to embrace the fleeting,
to live as though the stars burn only for today.
Jaz Feb 10
Some sort of checklist people have,
That may be found in a photograph.
It could be a one way ticket to Budapest,
Or scaling the top of Mount Everest.
Seeing the Eiffel Tower and Mona Lisa,
Or a picture with the leaning tower of Pisa.
Swimming with turtles in the Bahamas,
Or exploring Peru in search of llamas.
Lying on white sandy beaches in Sicily,
There’s nowhere else in the world I’d rather be.
bucketb0t Nov 2024
\m/ The metal sign is actually a bucket sign. \m/

\m/ The metal sign is actually a bucket sign. \m/
Bucketbots, the ultimate rebels with Big B in the lead, we wear the horns sign on our heads proudly INVERTED.
I don't know Buckethead's beliefs; even as atheist, it doesn't matter, since horns' signs and inverted crosses defy god; nothing is cooler than defying the devil, also, as Buckethead defies metal, music, turning everything on its head.

Taking the whole hand into perspective, facing the knuckles or palm, most evident in everyone's face topping everything, the bucket shapes metal's symbol crown, with Buckethead as King, the G.O.A.T.

Credits where credits are due.
I dream of a world in which anyone who makes this recognizable sign, even as a second thought, invokes Buckethead.  

The sign becomes most symbolic because Buckethead's benefit is uniting everyone in music, BucketheadLand's music.
One of my most loved ones. I Hate Music podcast's Jason & Nick reactions:
Karma Nov 2024
I’ve a friend
With a bucket for a head.
His desires
Are rather misled.
Or maybe it’s mine
Which tarnish these lines
And wished for
A cone friend instead.

If one
With a cone took his place,
If the bucket
Had left not a trace,
Then this blood-covered train
Of thoughts in my brain
Would never have
Once shown its face.

So when my
Bucketed friend lies his head
In the sun,
And on over I tread,
I’ll fight with my foot,
And I’ll make it stay put,
Cause I’d hate
For my friend to be dead.
Yet still, in the grass,
He has bled.
My brain once told me
To end him then and there.
The bucket he wore
And the calmness he felt
Lying there in the warm grass
Made it the perfect opportunity.
I didn't, of course.

Though, now I know who he really was
What he had been doing to someone
Important to me.
Now, of course,
I wish I had listened.
Barnaby Atkins Dec 2022
There are buckets made of plastic
There are buckets made of wood
The former are fantastic
The latter not so good.

There are buckets made of metal
And canvas buckets too
But metal for durability
I'd choose if I were you.

There's a bucket on a digger
And buckets made of leather
The former are the bigger
And the latter not so clever.

There are buckets made of tin
And with a little ***** in hand
Kids can build sand castles
When playing on the sand.

There are buckets made of rubber
Or with a wringer for a mop
And some in white enamel
With a blue ring round the top.

There are so many buckets
And some I may have missed
But if anyone should ask me
That's my bucket list.
A poem by Ray Pattenden
I S A A C Mar 2022
ive been going out every weekend
i dont know if its bad or good
i don’t know if im sad or masking
I dont know if i am replacing habits with other bad habits
maybe im the bad habit
the liable rabbit that fell down the rabbit hole
i always seem to overflow
producing tears by the bucket load
i didnt mean to unload too much
unfold too much, save that for drunken spring brunch
grateful for my team, i know that much
but its hard to me to show my real love
but i live and i learn, i larbour and earn
i wait for my turn, the tables always seem to turn
take a left, trust i’m right, work the day, come alive at night
Leone Lamp Apr 2021
The tree sitter of Nantucket
Lived in a tree and he dug it
He never went down
To visit the ground
So he would **** in a bucket
I hope this is profane enough to represent the genre.
We possess a hidden bucket
And we thrive when it is full
We hurt when others reach inside
Our bucket to dip and pull

We soar with loving energy
When our bucket’s overflowing
It just takes a little kindness
To keep our spirit growing

We possess a hidden dipper
Which we use to fill or take
From the buckets of each other
It’s a choice we daily make

And it’s how we use our dipper
That defines our path in life
So let’s choose to fill each other
And spread joy instead of strife

Notice when your bucket’s full
You feel prosperous and strong
But if your bucket’s low or drained
Despair comes speeding along

You’ll find that when you fill a friend
Your bucket gets filled up too
So keep your bucket ever full
Filling others always fill you
This is Prosperity Poem 100 at and you can see it displayed on a beautiful background (copy and paste the link below).
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Each of us has an invisible bucket. It is constantly emptied or filled, depending on what others say or do to us. When our bucket is full, we feel great. When it's empty, we feel awful.

Each of us also has an invisible dipper. When we use that dipper to fill other people's buckets -- by saying or doing things to increase their positive emotions -- we also fill our own bucket. But when we use that dipper to dip from others' buckets -- by saying or doing things that decrease their positive emotions -- we diminish ourselves.

Like the cup that runneth over, a full bucket gives us a positive outlook and renewed energy. Every drop in that bucket makes us stronger and more optimistic.

But an empty bucket poisons our outlook, saps our energy, and undermines our will. That's why every time someone dips from our bucket, it hurts us.

So we face a choice every moment of every day: We can fill one another's buckets, or we can dip from them. It's an important choice -- one that profoundly influences our relationships, productivity, health, and happiness.
Oh no jobs
The difficult is surrounded me
I suppose I will fail

Down down at the deep of the well
The helper will not save me
His rope was so old and jagged
His bucket was there
But it was so damaged

The land which I was on
Will be fallen over my will

My will is vanished
As the light of candle
Try to resist the wind
The dark united with the wind
To hide all things at mind
And the light could hide
So the difficult succeeded
The wall of failure covered
High ,there is no light
the save of jobs needs only minds and great vexperts
gabrielle Jan 2019
watch me see,
watch me feel,
watch me do everything
of my list of dreams.

except for one thing,
and that is to be loved by you,

even for a moon

who gleams.
at this very young age of mine
i already knew that of this
long list of my wishes, i still
wouldn't achieve the last one.
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