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Zack Ripley Dec 2019
Bring on the rain.
Bring on the pain.
So I feel like I have a chance
That there's something
I could gain.
Delta Swingline Apr 2017
I've been watching too many episodes of "Being Erica" in my spare time. So maybe I should write my regrets out on paper. My biggest regret?

February - April Era.

Why? Well I won't bore you with the details, but let's just say I made a series of mistakes and the consequences came just as quickly as the mistakes were made.

And I know this isn't a TV show, so I know there is no taking back what happened. There are no do-overs. I could create a list of regrets, but that seems like it wouldn't help anybody.

So just for future reference, if we are going to work together, you're going to need to invest in a good punching bag. Trust me, it'll come in handy. I mean, I get mad and when push comes to shove, it's either gonna be you or the punching bag. And I think you might want to keep your body in tact.

Anyways, I guess since we're going to be spending these sessions together, you might as well get to know me. Most of my life is driven by 2 things:

Music and my friends.

And so far... one of those categories is slowly going. It's the whole reason I'm in therapy right now. I need your help.

My life is off the rails and maybe I am making too much of a big deal of this. So teach me how to live life on a restart. How to live... alone?

Or just... how to live at all.

So let's just get started shall we? I'll just write away this therapy like I did months ago. And honestly, this coming week will be hell on earth. But I'm willing to take it. Maybe I will just cry about it.

Maybe I won't.
Just listen in and start the session.
A Watoot Apr 2015
Facing and dealing
with reality
head on
make you stronger.
I've had enough ******* getting through life.  But it's what makes me stronger. BRING IT ON!
Leonardo Lollini Nov 2014
You've seen me grow
You know still I've got long ways to go
I'm only eighteen
A lot I haven't yet seen

A genius I have been
Long ways I've already gone
But I must move on
Can't depend on one event
It would make me a lazy fool

I'm still so young
Maturing has to be done
Just look at my face
For adulthood there is no trace

I'm taking it day by day
I'm ready to take the world on is all I got to say
xoK May 2014
Lovers are fools.
Words like "forever" and "always"
Dance across their lips
Hidden scribbles on notebook pages.
Lovers are fools.
Candles and rose petals
Cloud a room full
Of expectation and uncertainty.
Lovers are fools.
Blind, deaf, mute
And shrouded in moonbeams,
Unable to face the reality of the world.

Foolish lovers,
Open your eyes
For you will  f a l l  if you do not watch where you leap.
Foolish lovers,
How can you stop the time tables,
Step off the life-carousel -
Racing horses frozen in mid-air
And twinkle-light music driven to utter silence?
Foolish lovers,
Teach me how to use my fragile love
As an indestructible armor
Against the lightening bolts and ice storms,
Apocalypse and crop circle fears.

Lovers are fools.
She loves me all up,
So if being one with her means
Being a **fool

I say,
                      *Bring it on.
LDR life.

— The End —