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Anais Vionet Dec 2020
I’m under the Christmas tree like a present,
yeah, to rifle packages with my name on them,
but I’m caught, transfixed, looking up through the shrine
forgetting myself in delight at this multi-color heaven.

I’ve never lost my wonder at fulgid Christmas lights -
driving around gawking at decorations half the night.
If only the world could stay like this - but we can’t
sustain rhapsody - we can only trespass on bliss.

Merry Christmas Everyone!
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Looking up in the sky;
counting the stars with you.
Flying with the wings so high;
seeing the sun shine besides.
Collecting all the reasons;
knowing about none.
Comforting all the seasons;
whispering to the wind.
Connecting the glittery dots;
glowing in your eyes.
Tying up all the knots;
following the destined paths.
Dressing up with all the grace;
crushing the flowers with smell.
Holding onto each place;
remembering about every bloomy spring.
Wanting of warm magic;
wrapping under creased sheets.
Welcoming the day with beans being classic;
wondering about the spice of love.
Falling on the ground;
dancing like brown leaves.
Rising up with your sound;
listening to the delicate birds.
Looking up in the sky;
counting the stars with you.
Flying with the wings so high;
seeing the sun shine besides.
- Aishwarya Kulkarni
aviisevil Dec 2020
they'll dance in our skin
make love in our scars

to the sounds of our sin
beneath fallen stars

they'll swim in our dreams
in a home with no doors

drowning as they spin
circling them rotten floors

and as lovers we die,
as lovers we die --

for how less we lived
as lovers we die

you and i,
forever together.
I wish for nothing else, but to find love.
JL Nov 2020
When desire is a means
To postpone the joy of today,
Let's keep it aside then
And feel the delight in every day.
That which is joyful,
Is complete in every way;
This being our nature
Let's continue to stay,
Unwanting of anything
That simply may,
Seems unreachable and hence
Cause undue delay.
Let's be in the bliss
And joy of today.
Blissful of today.
Mystic Ink Plus Nov 2020
Until you
I never knew
Everything, I need to know
The right path
What home feels like

All align to peace
And so much more
Genre: observational
Theme: For a very first time
What if it is not what I imagined
What if the cold breeze is harsh on me
What if I couldn't find my warmth then
What if I feel lonely, even though I wish to be alone
What if that dream stays as a dream
What if I fail to love the moment
But what if,
What if all my "what-if's" are wrong
One day :-)
Looking for you
What else can I do
My heart is still lost
But its paid the cost
Of trusting your cover
And until I discover
More pain to numb this
I'll hold on to fake bliss
sarathegreat Nov 2020
The tranquility of it all;
the failure to see it,
the failure to notice it.
Blind by deception,
blind by illusion.
The blinding of oneself
...self torture...
another heartbreak another lesson
Raian Maruvin Oct 2020
A have a guardian angel of woe
Watching over me
He collects my due of sorrow
Pocketing it in black memory
Only when I have been too happy
Will then he a little share
Out of his enormous collection
A carefully measured handful spare
So I am never lost to sadness
Nor ever in happiness corrupt
Living a life in measured scales
Between the two, in his trust
Devoid of bliss, far from infinite joy
Safe from maddening grief and
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