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Douglas Greene Oct 2020
Life's comical creations,
No lack of variation,
People destined to be ******,
Falling with no where to land,

People blessed with ignorance,
No pleas for indifference,
Only bliss and fantasy,
In a world of agony...
I wrote this because in my eyes, it seems the only way to be happy is to be ignorant and unknowing of the world around you
out of the blue snuggles
conversations at an unusual hour
hard liquor combined with tepid water
warmth in the shelter
unlocked empathy
relevance between butterflies and glimpses
partiality for the odds
coffee and tea differences
self-assured soul
chilly winter, moist monsoon, hot summer
grip in sharing
meaningful tuning
vital veins whispering the tag
pecks while being asleep
devotion and passion
troth of a forever presence

A Poisonous Bliss!
Erik Luo Oct 2020
I often wonder
The realness of reality
Like a spiral
Into the endless dream

Old blood darkens
As it leaves my body
From what source
May I speak to you

All the voices
Singing along

Dancing people
Holding hands
Drinking wines

Speaking verses
Of self-reiterated
Of the same story
Again and again

I often wonder
At the beauty of such a view
Of nothing apart from you
Yet to be apart to see you

Voicelessly these thoughts
Perpetually spinning
Talking about

Then again
What am I to judge
For they are a part of me
Repeating what I see

I just feel your existence
In bliss...

you are so beautiful
The New Moon sits in the sky, a new hope
The wolf doth cry out with his song of rejoice
"Life is such a wonderful choice!!"
Filled with hope, the wolf dances and plays
Basking in the new moon's wonderful rays
Calming and soothing is her song
As the wolf listens, he sees nothing wrong
The moon continues to sing, letting the sound ring
Falls into a deep slumber does the wolf, waiting for the next to be sung
PM Oct 2020
Just take me back to the good days.
No monster to watch out for,
or problems or worries for miles.
To those days where I used to smile.
O how I wish we could go back,
to those days of blissful ignorance.
Adi N Oct 2020
She sat on the park bench
basking in the afternoon sun,
when a brown ripe oaknut landed on her lap.

She gazed at it without distraction,
Its colour, shape, symmetry-filled her with immense satisfaction.
The English Oak tree had crafted it with perfection.

Clearly, it was there with a message-

You will take a lifetime,
to truly know my nature.
How could you ever get bored,
when there is creator’s magic everywhere.
Who knew two dimples could make my whole world stop~
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