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Breeze-Mist Oct 2018
For all my efforts
Often I still find myself
Stuck in the between

Even if I lived
For eons in all the realms
I'd still stand right here
Kasey Wheeler Feb 2017
Losing a friend is never easy
But not knowing your friends is a very hard thing to comprehend

She told me we would be best friends forever
Until our hair turns grey and our skin into wrinkles
But oh how our forever was so short
How you left before the grey could set in
How you went away before our skin turns to raisins
And yet you wonder why we never speak,
How we never dare to see
That this life we lived is surely dying
Because one of us destroyed the ending
And how do I know if we're friends
If you never speak a word to me

The memories we have together
Hurt me a little more then ever
When I saw you this morning walking away from me
You didn't speak
You didn't look
But your boyfriend did
And he held something within his eyes
That gave me a bad feeling

Maybe you told him how you never speak to me
And never invite me
Maybe you told a little white lie
Of how I was the one to disappear when I was most needed

But then again you've never been that type of girl
Then again my mother was never that type of woman either
Until she was

How am I suppose to trust a girl who said we would be friends forever and left me alone
On a time of dire need

Now I live day by day confused of what we are
And what we'll be
When the end of year
Comes near

These empty spaces between us
Causes my herat to clench in fear
For if they get bigger everyday
Then surely we'll waste away

How can we heal something this broken
If all we ever do is turn the other cheek?
Do you even miss me?

Do you even remember me?

Am I so easily forgotten in these spaces between?
This is to a friend of mine that I'm confused of whether or not we're friends.
Colm Aug 2018
There is a quiet hour
       Between the mountains

When the trees are higher in the crown
       Than any expectation

And life, wildlife, lays bare beneath
       Resting at the feet of man most kind

Be it moved or unshown
       In this afternoon hour

The quiet distance covers the in-betweens
       And is found there, atop the tops
Written atop and yet between two mountains
Qwn Jul 2018
With all the stars in between,
I'm in love with the moon.
She said in anger
“I was princess
Living at my land
Every thing I wanted
Was come, was brought
I loved the world
When I went to swim
At the river that
Passed at my land
Carrying happy and good
Beside me my friends
Girls at my age
Some men appeared
And kidnapped me and some
Friends and took us out
We all were sold
Slave was treated
I stayed at that
After trials of escape
I was hurt very heart
I satisfied with that
Till I was sold
To your master that
Hurt you dearest, dearest
He said “what you said?
I am dearest in fact”
She said and bowed her hear head
In beauty, in smart
She said “how do you come?
I was at that land
Called Ethiopia”
She said “that was my land”
They said truly at loud
They laughed then cried
He said “I was the master's son
Leader of many families
Prepared to be the second
Leader at my nations
When I was trained
I was kidnapped
I was taken out
And stayed at that land”
She said “that is bad”
He said “that is bad”
The Queen Jul 2018
Which one is better to choose? Infinity light or infinity dark? Both of them are alone. Because they so  deep. They can't see anything around them. Either way I'm gonna be alone. because if I can't see them that means they can't see me either.
EK Jun 2018
I tiptoe on definitions,
trusting that
eloquence and versed language
might be enough.

Underneath the sky, love is a language.

No one is fluent,
but words become my way.

It takes time,
and I might stumble.
But love,

Between lines, I am true.

I am full of intricate detail
that makes no sense
unless you

Brandon Conway Jun 2018
Never aim too high
Never aim too low
Betwixt and between
Lies beautiful poetry

For the heat of the sun melts
The salt of the sea corrodes
Betwixt and between
The stories unfold

The souls combust
The spirits submerge
Betwixt and between
Our words emerge
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