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The pain I see,
The pain I feel,
Hopeless minds & ignorance kills,
Trap by death but the blind can't see,
Soul full of wickedness,
Chained to the edomite tree,
Chosen by blood,
Cursed by name,
I wish you could feel & see the pain...
Everyday living in this corporation!
IcySky Jul 2015
is like waking up from a good dream,
at first everything was all cool and then,
it suddenly hits you and boom your awake.
Eventually you'll forget and move on
it's what we humans do...
It's how we excel and evolve.
©Davon Brown
Quotes by my homeboy.
Ariana Robinson Jun 2015
Bringing me back to life
When I've spent time in darkness
Awakening my dulled senses
Life was no longer clinging to me like a disease
I finally opened my eyes and saw light
Instead of the occasional darkness
You've awakened me
Poetic T May 2015
Man of white as my wings flow, beware my breath in
Jest, as I will breath anger upon your robed chest.
Never question the fire that lights from inside.

A stick will burn as quickly as a foolish man, I have
No time for morals who wish to see the light of breath.
For all will be ash as my words are spoken upon a draft.

(Bearded Fellow)
Fear not white one who graces the sky with sun set
Breath, eyes never see the truth beyond their perception.
We are of a forgotten moment now passed in haste.

You are an illusion upon my thoughts, you are as I am,
Ancient alone in a world changing faster than we can.
Misunderstood of ignorance of this humankind, man.

(Bearded fellow)
We are in need of slumber, to rest, till the memory of time
Has changed and we are once needed again, words were
As power but now we are forgotten relics of a past.

We will fall to the deepest of silent deaths till we are needed.

(Bearded fellow)
Now we slumber a man of cloth covered in white sheets.

They slumber till this day awaiting that time when, all as
It was and shall be again, sleep white & grey till the day
Awakens you, we will await that impending day...
Broken promises
Deceitful words
Sanctimonious actions
Vanishing relationship
Pitiless me*
Forfeited love
Your calamity
*My awakening
I'm a little bitter tonight
Joseph D May 2015
You fade into consciousness.
No, it did not feel like a slumber,
nor does it feel like night or day.

This new found scenario
Oddly left you without confusion.
Almost without looking you knew,
you were in a cell.
Bars closed, but left unlocked.
No one is there to make you stay
You know what to do.

You head towards the cell gate,
Walking without feeling the ground push back against your feet.
As you walk out, you find more cells as far as the eye can see.
With a lack or surprise you look into one and see yourself.
So you take a seat.

This reflection of you separated, seen in tears.
You watch the show; yourself.
And the moment your focus becomes absolute,
Everything around dissolves,
Replaced with a hospital room.
But you remained in good health.

Now you don't see another form.
You seem to be one.
The same feet that felt nothing,
tremble under their own weight
As if the floor that did not make itself known before
Was pulling you with the strength of our sun

Eyes fixed in a stupor
On the elder relative that had once stood with beating heart and warm skin
He's dead
He's gone
From seeing to feeling the emotion
You understand it's the state you're in
These tears are not hollow as you believed the cells had been

The moment you reach this understanding,
You fade back and see yourself.
You stand up with elegance and ease,
And walk down the cells as if to see what's in store.
Window shopping yourself.
A different version, a different age behind every bar.
The floor still absent to your feet,
The only thing pushing is the natural desire to explore.

What do you think of when you hear;
Kamini May 2015
Feel the tremor…
…The flicker…
The static charge
Of bliss
Whisper HER sweet
Breath through
Your Being.

No time to stop,
No time to be waylaid
By Fears’ tearful face.
Kiss this moment awake
Caress it’s cheek,
Open your eyes
To the Beauty beating
In your trembling breast.
Jai May 2015
There's a fire that's burning
Our skin sizzles from the heat
Can't you feel the flames
The loss of air
You can't breathe

You started this mess with your words
A lit match dropped into our lives
And there you are
Sitting pretty in your corner
The lies and the deceit
The mesmerizing orchestra that plays to your beat

You don't feel the pain
The struggles you left behind
You roll it off your shoulders
And pretend the world doesn't exist

The embers from our lives
Swept up around your feet
The ashes are falling
The smoke makes it hard to see

It's unbearable
The loss
The emptiness
The confusion that you wreak

And although the fire may have consumed you
The wind embraced a spark
The oxygen ignited
And gave birth within the dark

Unannounced to you
That ember grew and grew
Shielded and numb
The walls put in place

A survivor of the fire
With a mask upon her face
if we want to make forward progress
we have to put a stop to all this unrest and nonsense
put your thoughts and words to good use
don't use them as a form of abuse
no one is fake
no one is stupid
no one is anything other than what they are
and what they are
you are too
we all have the same roots
we are all reading from the same book
some of us are just on different chapters
end the labels
end the hate
it is time for us to move on to the next page
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