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Mercy Nov 2024
Planted in spring, 
Golden kernels sown, 
Roots anchored deep in the earth, 
Blossoms unfurl, 
The fields stretch wide, 
Full of divinity and splendor, 

Through long days and steady focus, 
Obstacles met, paths cleared ahead, 
The work now bears fruit, 

Autumn brings the harvest, 
A bounty gathered with care, 
Golden stalks bend low, 
Swaying in a quiet rhythm, 
Leaves rustle in the wind, 
The sky fills with fading light, 

We gather in fields of gold,
Nature’s work is fulfilled,
A cycle now complete.
Magda Nov 2024
Suddenly it was November.
And it felt like the chance to be happy
was lost.
Shriveled and fragile,
as the slowly rotting leaves still clinging to trees.
November is my birthday month but it doesn't stop it from being desolate.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
The sun disappears much, much later, an hour later to be exact.
This translates into having more daylight and a longer afternoon,
To watch the strolling peacocks in the park, and to have more fun
Admiring the baby bulbs metamorphosing into flowers at night.

The lily flowers are most of the time ephemeral, lasting hours,
Rarely a few days before changing into leaves, which eventually
Will be dried up by the warm air or the rays of the sun. Beauty
Is temporary, so enjoy the spring season and the summer flowers.

I have vivid memories of the shedding cherry tree, which brought
The beauty of spring in front of my house in the dead-end street.
Oh! I miss the atypical moment, when the green lawn was not neat.

Sometimes, the entire top of the hill was littered with falling flowers.
It was strange to sniff the unusual scent of the weather-beaten petals.
Oh! I miss the hours sitting on top of the window like a distraught cat.

Copyright © March 2020, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poems.
Jack Groundhog Nov 2024
The last rose petals fall to the ground
leaving the rosehips bare
as autumn’s chill again comes around
to strip blooms that had been fair.
The rosehips have hairs all wiry and grey
that also break off, one by one.
Her color is gone, she fades away
until this rose lady’s season is done.
Her petals arrayed on frosty soil
decay gently in the cold rain
while in her hips, seeds are born
to bring forth new roses again.
Jack Groundhog Nov 2024
What happened to the little boy
that I once knew so well?
He’d greet each new day with unfettered joy
and wave the last one farewell.

When oaks and maples began to turn
and the leaves had started to fall
the boy happily switched the TV on and yearned
for the return of his game of football.

Somewhere along this growing boy’s way
he became a great deal like me:
I wake and walk to the mirror today
to see where that boy used to be.

Now I cling to every last leaf
that falls from the branches up high
while stretching the days that are now too brief
as the winter comes rapidly nigh.
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Yellow flower, grieving flower, pale flower,
You were burnt by the sun and the hot rain.
Ripe flower, matured flower, immaculate flower,
You've nevertheless kept your phenomenal beauty sane.

The half-yellow and the half-green leaves
Are trying to mimic your beautiful color.
Mother Nature and Fauna are profusely in tears,
And Squirrel and Nightingale in a state of horror.

Flower of one of the most somber and romantic seasons,
Your exceptional beauty merits great admirations
And your sweet and delicious sap is beyond words.

Flower, I'm coming tonight to rest on your turfs,
To contemplate the stars and the sparks,
The abandoned branches and the rods floating in the parks.

Copyright © March 1997, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of numerous collections of poetry.
Translation of Fleur De L'Automne by Hebert Logerie
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Fleur jaune, fleur triste, fleur pâle;
Le soleil t'a brûlée et la pluie t'a échaudée;
Fleur mûre, fleur maturée, fleur immaculée;
Malgré tout, tu as gardé ta beauté phénoménale.

Les feuilles à moitié jaunes et à moitié vertes
Essaient de porter tes belles couleurs.
La nature et la faune sont inconsolables et en pleurs,
Les écureuils et les rossignols sont en état d'alerte.

Fleur d'une de la plus sombre et romantique saison,
Laisse-moi admirer ta beauté exceptionnelle
Et savourer encore ta douce et délicieuse salive.

Fleur, je viendrai, ce soir, m'étendre sur ton gazon.
Viens admirer les étoiles, les étincelles,
Les branches et les tiges abandonnées dans la rive.

Copyright © Mars 2008, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved.
Hébert Logerie is the author of numerous collections of poetry.
Tuomo Syri Nov 2024
Like childhood tales of old,
These home streets unfold in dusk’s soft gold.
But before we close our eyes tonight,
I want to share how I found the light.

Along that path, I was a child so small,
In autumn’s embrace, I’d run to the bridge’s call,
Tossing cones in the water, laughter filled the night,
Gathering lovely leaves ’til the fading light.

I cried when I strayed into shadows stark,
And ran from the dark.
I wandered far from the path I used to know,
But only there I found the road that led me home.

–Tuomo Syri (Instagram @tuomowritings)
Shatter this poem! Tell me what stirs you. Be shameless and merciless!
Lizzie Bevis Oct 2024
Fragrant breeze whispers,
Blossoms bloom in vibrant hues,
Nature's symphony.

          Golden sun shines bright,
          Warm rays caress sun-kissed skin,
          Summer's vibrant dance.

               Leaves ablaze with gold,
               Crisp air whispers change is near,
               Autumn's dormant song.

Snowflakes drift and fall,
Icy winds howl through bare trees,
Winter's stark beauty.

©️Lizzie Bevis
Hebert Logerie Nov 2024
Elle était très gentille
Ne pas l'aimer m'était impossible
Elle était trop jolie
L'oublier m'était inadmissible
Elle était si polie
Que l'ouragan la faisait rire
Elle aimait bien la vie
Et elle avait un beau sourire.

Elle est bien trop polie
Elle aime beaucoup la paix
Elle est toujours ravie
De joie. Je la connais
Très bien. Elle est partie
Je suis très triste. Je ne sais
Quoi faire. Elle était trop jolie
Pour l'oublier à jamais.

Les cloches de la chapelle sonnent
Une autre saison. Très souvent
Je pleure. Je suis triste. L'automne
Est là, mais Alain est mort. Le printemps
Viendra en ****** où fredonnent
Les oiseaux endeuillés par le temps.

P.S. Je dédie ce poème à Alain Barriere (Bellec)qui nous a quittés le 18 Décembre 2019.

Copyright © Janvier 2020, Hébert Logerie, Tous droits réservés.
Hébert Logerie est l'auteur de plusieurs recueils de poésie.
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