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I wish you well,
I bid you great things,
I hope that you receive
all the good that life brings!!!

I will see you around,
Hoping very, very soon,
We shall part for right now,
So, Au revoir, and Adieu!!!

It's time that we part,
see the world and explore,
just start our own joureny, and
See what's in store!!

Farewell and so long,
Cos, we will meet again, but
parting is sweet sorrow,
Until the next time my Friend!!!

Be Blessed and be Wonderful,
hoping you're Feeling swell,
I will see you down the road,

Date: 3/5/2025
Le navire est venu à cheval, à une heure inexacte
Notre frère-matelot, du Panthéon  des Poètes, était à son bord
Jean Pierre Basilic Dantor Frankétienne D’argent
Qui écrivait, à la hâte, le dernier acte
Se trouvait par hasard, miraculeusement sur le port
Il est monté, il est parti sans parler, sans argent
Sans ses chefs d’œuvre, sans une petite maison
C’est la vie, on part à toute saison.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

Franckétienne n’est pas disparu
Il est quelque part, à Ravine-Sèche,  dans les rues
Son inspiration est dans ‘l’émission le Point’
Nous n’avons pas d’autres choix que de prendre soin
De sa mémoire, de son invention et de son imagination
Franckétienne était un génie Haïtien, poète, dramaturge, spiraliste
Ministre de la culture, faiseur de mots, chanteur, peintre et artiste
Son nom était une longue phrase
Et ses paroles faisaient rire jusqu'à l’extase.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

De son vivant, il n’avait pas obtenu sa petite maison
C’était un génie légendaire qui a défié l’imagination
La dictature, l’ordinaire, l’inordinaire et l’abstraction
En devenant un mapou, un baobab. Dirait Wendell
Quel potomitan! Quelle cathédrale! Quelle citadelle!
Pour paraphraser le fils du directeur de Mac Donald
« S’il arrive que tu tombes, apprends vite à chevaucher
Ta chute, que ta chute devienne un cheval, ton cheval
Pour continuer le voyage », la randonnée.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

« Chaque minute compte après cinquante ans »
Disait Franckétienne, puisqu’on peut partir
A n’importe quelle heure, à n’importe quel instant
‘Galaxie plomb gaillé’, pas trop **** du nadir
Une trace invisible sur la tète à la Valentino ou à la Tino Rossi
Frankétienne s’en est allé, l’artiste est parti
Il demeure plus que jamais un Être nouveau
Le géant, l’écrivain, le comédien, le créateur des mots
Est habillé en bretelle comme un gros blanc nègre
Pas comme un monstre de Dr. Frankenstein. Comme une pègre
Le navire est venu à cheval, c’est la mort
Qui nous menace comme si nous avions tort
Nous pleurons maintenant comme la mère
Pour cet octogénaire avancé, pour ce prince de lumière.

Kalfou te kindeng miwo, miba ye.

P.S. Un Hommage à Franckétienne et famille, à Wendell Théodore
Et compagnie,  à Radio Métropole et à tous  les Haïtiens conséquents.
J’offre mes sincères condoléances à tous. Sit ei terra levis!

Copyright © Février 2025, Hébert Logerie, Tous droits réservés
Hébert Logerie est l'auteur de plusieurs recueils de poésie.
The end of anything comes rather easy,
Time is not like a clock, time is freaky.
The sun does not come and go,
The moon does not come and go.
I doubt of the true shape of the sun,
Thinking about eternity is not fun,
And the moon and the earth are not round;
They are shapeless. We are bound
To fail exponentially and to succeed moderately.
Time never leaves, time is funny,
Unlike the clock, it follows a straight line,
Never stops, never breaks and is always fine.
Death is the end of the retirement,
It is the beginning of a new testament.
The end of something is the beginning of another,
Should we remember how many times
That the child has been a sophomore, a senior?
At birth, we were reminded by countless chimes
Of life, that there is an end to everything,
And there is always a new beginning.
The constant ending of matters sends the wrong message,
Always remember that life is a passage.
We move on from one state to another,
It is mind-boggling that we’re always thinking about the future.
Cool Ice Dec 2024
A field of grass, flowers peppered,
Dandelions flying, beauty treasured.
The world was blessed,
Blessed with wonders.
But not with fate,
Soon struck, the thunders.

It was their fault,
But does it matter?
They fought blindly,
Killing each other.
The world glowed brightly,
With the souls that default.

Their powers, too destructive.
Killing everyone along with enemies.
The reason, so dense,
Useless to die with valiance.
They are cruel, THEY ARE WORST.
They show love, pointless, due outburst.

Countless universes,
Countless destruction,
The outcome is same.
Even if they reset the verses,
Even if they save every person,
The. Outcome. Is. Same.
Please just STOP IT…

… There was a field, flowers peppered,
Dandelions flying, beauty treasured.
Now lies the blood and corpses
And the destruction they cause.
The world was blessed,
Now is in coldness and graved.
This was my first poem.
Was hesitant to post cause... I don't like it so much.
Still I won a writing competition with this poem (totally not flexing)

It's based on an AU of the related competition.
𝕀 𝕞𝕖𝕝𝕥 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕔𝕒𝕖𝕤𝕚𝕦𝕞 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀'𝕞 𝕚𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕒𝕣𝕞𝕤..
𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕀'𝕞 𝕡𝕣𝕖𝕔𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕝𝕚𝕜𝕖 𝕘𝕠𝕝𝕕 𝕨𝕙𝕖𝕟 𝕀'𝕞 𝕚𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦𝕣 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥..
Nat Lipstadt Oct 2019
an au revoir here penned,
man on a cliff doing a spring, fall over cleaning

a few rusty drafts still needy for completely
but you know times up when tide rushing out
and on your leg is a big red rash that wasn’t there
when you waded in a few minutes earlier

tastes changes, like seasonal entrees on a restaurant menu,
seasons come and go, reappearing, but last years dish,
out of style, except for the occasional recalling

the body and the work must together concert,
poetry like a lifetime of lovers, you leave them behind
for loving them too well, using up the verses left inside,
then comes the time when love dries up and the words concomitant

the nighttime scraps will still be kept in that sewing box,
that storage space rented on a 99 year lease
but now for my eyes lonely only, this nub is stubbed,
this last one, at last, succinct

au revoir mes amis
Liz Alvarez Caba Aug 2019
I had to learn eventually
Someone else makes you smile
Someone else occupies your mind
Someone else holds you up
I have to realize what we had was literally nothing
Compared to her now
I hope that smile is permenant till your last days here
Wrinkly, old, wise and jubilant
Warm in your bed
Nothing but best wishes truly

-from the girl you called your wonderwall to maybe your unicorn to now no one
Au revoir
Ill doubt he will ever see this, let alone know im on here since he is too, but I sure do hope but good luck and thank you for giving me your precioys time. With someone and alone, I always thought of you. Will always, till my next lifetime.
Hunter Green Nov 2018
At the pinnacles of right and wrong, where life is changed and paths are drawn,
When your thoughts are surrounded by the hardness of stone,
And intertwined with small traces of gold,
Don’t lay on the rock and feel the cold,
Burn away all that traps and treasure the gold.
Those small shining pieces are what holds the truth,
The solid fixtures of wisdom and proof,
The only part that may bring you through,
In the darkness and chaos of all the paths you drew.
Aa Harvey Apr 2018
Remember Me.

Lay me down on a bed of roses,
For my heart has ceased to beat.
My mind shall no longer wander to and fro,
For I must go to my eternal sleep.

If I succeeded in anything,
Then praise the Heaven’s above.
For I was just a mortal man,
In search of his true love.

If I triumphed and barriers overcame,
Then speak of me with pride, for I was just another name.
Another one who died and if I managed to affect your heart,
In the years you had known me;
Then cry for me as I depart,
But never weep because without me you are lonely.
For I am with you, always my friend,
So say see you later, not goodbye at the end.

For it is only a matter of time,
Before we meet again
And then once again you shall have me.
So fight your way through all the pain.

Escape from mourning and live life free,
For every night a hero must fall
And tonight my love, I was chosen to be,
Taken to a higher plateau, way above this world;
To rest in peace, alongside God.

In Heaven I shall wait for you
And once again we shall be reunited.
For love conquers any distance,
That life and death may hold between us.

(C)2013 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
z Mar 2018
often written
is a condition
they call it
the “hanahaki” disease

the details are
that you shall fall in love
it shall be unrequited
and you shall cough up flowers
until you die

i had always wondered
why i never caught
the coughing flower disease

not that i
wanted to die, of course
it’s just

i thought my feelings for you
were stronger than any wind
wider than any land
deeper than any ocean
and my dear
it was a fact
that you did not love me back
not the way i thought
i wanted you to

time passed
and i came to realise
the reason my love for you
did not **** me
was not because it wasn’t strong enough

the reason i had not died
death my the flowers growing in my lungs
is because my love for you was not “real”
because you were not “real”
not really

you were an idol
on the other side of the screen
and no matter how much i supported you
adored you
loved you

we would never be anything more
than an idol
smiling for a living
and a fan
whose smile you saved

and deep in my heart
perhaps, that, i already knew

if i were to cough up flowers
stained with one-sided love
it would be a rose
made of plastic
not “real”
not really
but it would last forever

just like the love
between you
and me
(it wasn’t real to everyone else,
but it was still “real”, in a sense, to me
after all,
who said that romantic love
was the only “real” kind of love?)
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