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hazem al jaber Oct 2017
let's do as we did ...

good morning my sweet girl ...
my all feelings which i feel now ...
as i felt last night ...
when you were with me ...
there into my secret world ...
there were i always get you ..
into my all dreams ...
which only created for you ...
there where i could show you ...
all the love which i hold for you ...
there  where we could make our love ...
our sweet love ...
with no shame ...
with brave feelings ...
yes sweetheart ...
come to me now ...
as you came last night ...
to my dream ...
here i am into my warm bed ...
waiting you ...
to make again ...
as we did last night ...
into my hidden world ...
there where no one ...
only you with me ...

come my sweet angel ...
to make what we did ...
again ...
take off all what you wear ...
and  jump into my bed ...
good morning girl ...
my all desires ...

hazem al ...
MinaChan Sep 2017
What a word
What a feeling
What a thought
As can be
Thats what I am
Thats what I think I am
Sane as can be
Normal is me
Insane is what I believe
Colm Sep 2017
I wonder if she
Thinks about this
As much as I do?
Herself being
Of course
Who she is
It's possible
That she does
Just as I do
Never spoken though
Arlene Corwin Sep 2017
I woke up thinking about this.

         A Thought About Loyalty

I’ve been thinking about loyalty:
A many-sided world of nuances,
The subtle differences.
We all know it means faithfulness,
A sticking-to devotedly.
Unfurled it shows its nasty sides,
The negatives that worry me:
Allegiance and adherence -
-Ism’s steel prepared to go to war
Against all criticizers,
-Isms’ others
Carving up the brotherhood
Of man.
Not for nothing
That a missile system drawn
To sense and intercept an enemy:
Is named the Patriot:
A system to annihilate.

I worry ‘bout obedience,
Compliance and submissiveness.
I like reliability, dependability,
Dedication if it’s not perverted
Duty, if it leads to thought,
A moral sense,
An ethic that agrees with life;
Loyalty without the strife.
Loyalty to think about.

A Thought About Loyalty 9.10.2017
Nature In & Of Reality; Out Times, Out Culture II;
Arlene Corwin
Loyalty . what is it?  Good and bad, as always
Mister J Sep 2017
I wake up each day
With only you in my head
Why doesn't it stop?

I've never felt this
Strange in a very long time
What's wrong with me now?

I think this is love
It just took me by surprise
How could I face you?

I want to be yours
I just want to deserve you
Is it just too much?

I hope to be yours
Wishing you will be mine too
God let me be hers

Let her see my worth
Let her realize this truth
I am hers to keep

I love you so much
I can't stay away from you
I am yours only
Compiled Haiku-style. Yours to enjoy. 5am thoughts. :)
Paul Jones Aug 2017
It takes a lot of      time and energy,
to spin a web strong      enough to hold dreams.
22:00 - 30-08-17

State of mind: calm; tired.
Perspectives: philosophical; spiritual; structural; natural.

Thoughts: from thinking - that the capacity for knowledge is only as great as the structure that has been build to contain it. A web is a good metaphor because it is a framework on which things are caught. If a bird flies into a small web, it passes straight through it. A great mind will catch great ideas because that is what it has been developed to do.

Questions: What happens to a person when they challenge themselves to become familiar with what they have an aversion for?
Àŧùl Aug 2017
Twins, they are your kids,
Identical they are delightful,
Tie them together you do,
S**ensual feeling for both you & me.
My HP Poem #1654
©Atul Kaushal
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