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jas Jan 2018
ok get this..
you chose me as a pawn in this game
simply to be moved around
to your expense
used and abused
that's your taste
bitter isn't it?
making me the weakest piece
is just so easy
I was fooled
blinded by a fantasy
and so here I am
uttering my last few breaths
drowning myself in the suds of alcohol
the sour taste in my mouth
and the black empty space
drilled by your immaculate actions
a pawn, no more, no less
is all i'll ever be
in your game
that you only play.
day 25
i get screamed at a lot.
not because i didn't do the dishes
or i didn't take the dog out.
but because my mind is a tsunami
of unhealthy thoughts.
and i isolate myself in a room,
so i can keep to myself.
i may look happy
i may look proud
but i will never be enough for you.
Dolly Balou Jan 2018
Teasing, playful teasing.
That’s how it began.
I laid my eyes on you, and thought you were the one.
You thought I was too; well that’s what you said.

We sat by the river, minds aching from words unsaid.
How was I to tell you how I truly felt?
Lost. Continually lost. Unable to speak.
Numbness was always your chosen communicative style.
Tell her nothing, maybe she will understand.

You had me on a short lead for extreme lengths of time.
At first this lead was coated in sugar, it had me putting it on myself.
The lead started to lose its sweet, sensual, sugar coating.
Eventually the lead was no longer a lead, but an unbreakable noose.

You tried to let go of the connection, yet the end of the noose was tied to your wrist.
You had complete control, this you knew.

While holding me by my throat, you dragged me to places I never, ever wanted to go.
You made me fight for your love.
I thought I was in control.

Remember I felt as though I had put the lead on myself?

Well there came a time where this noose had to be removed.
It was weighing me down.
It had caused me to make decisions which you led me to believe would make you want me.

It took my innocence.

It led me to the hands of another, in the hopes you would want me then.
That is what you told me.
You didn’t want to hurt me.
If that were the truth, why were you holding the rope?

Did you ever want me?

Or did you just want to lead me astray and watch me suffer along the way.
YoussefM Jan 2018
Step by step
Thoughts wiping tears
I am just a child can't handle that
Its does not make me a man , I'm still a ****** child with an abused life
I still want to be a child , I still want to get unto the house and see Nobody cry . **** ... !!
How should  I write it
Where i should post it  
Who gonna read it , who gona feel it .

                         But too late now

I am a man now
Who is getting a baby now
I hope you can feel me now
I hope i can be free from this period now
Jillian McLean Jan 2018
She was abused,
you were the abuser

You were amused
But all you did was use her.

Leeann Rose Jan 2018
Her heart was used and abused.. Letting it break is what she refused. She had to patch it up every time she felt it crack ... In the dark place she never wanted to go back ..
That's where her old heart was at.
link Jan 2018
i hope your tongue burned as the lies rolled off it,
forcefully spoon feeding me overused "i love yous"
that never meant anything in the end.
lins Dec 2017
I'm being used.
Being used by you.
I feel abused.
Like that's all you can do.
You pull me in.
With your kind eyes.
Then your words grow thin.
And I see your lies.
You lie to my face.
It's not a joke anymore.
I try to show grace.
But what am I fighting for?
You share your heart.
And I begin to care.
Only to be ripped apart.
My heart left bare.
I'm getting so tired.
Of the same old fight.
I end up wired.
Every single night.
Your aren't even real.
I can't trust you.
You can't even feel.
What could I do?
wrote this a couple months ago but now I'm over it
I examine my heart expecting greatness but all that is present is a blank canvas waiting to be exploited and abused by someone who would eventually abandon it after its purpose has been fulfilled
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