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Kayla Dec 2017
If only you knew that you are absolutely extraordinary,
My Dear, you are capable of so much
You are better than those broken pieces
Unaware of the power that you contain,
You are able to take control.
So please, forgive me if I stumble and fall
You've started a fire in my soul
Passionate, Raw, and Raging
In a world full of shattered potential
and short-lived moments.
In a world that praises overlooked connections
Take A leap, A step, A chance into the uncertain.
In a sea full of people, people that just pass by in your life; never to be seen again.
Take hold of the ones you cherish and the ones who value you most, because within a blink of an eye,
Your chance could be gone, so will they, and regret will return in an instant.
Annie McLaughlin Nov 2017
Her hair became darker and her thoughts became wild
And her heart became heavy and her dreams became mild
Her lips became softer and her eyes became sorrowed
And her hands became beaten and her love became borrowed
VineBabe Nov 2017
I am inherently sad.
I have known true happiness,
full bliss only once and
I have spoilt it.
I did not recognise it for what it was,
I did not realise how it was changing me.
When happiness left...
I did not realise what I had lost.
There was no getting better in sight.
Months it took for me to see
that a piece of me had been torn away,
ripped and clawed at,
leaving a shredded wound behind.
Time is a healer... my ****.
Time is the water eroding the rock,
It is the cancer eating away at your organs.
Time didn't heal my wound,
It made it fester
and now gangrene has set in.
Time has taken away my hope,
that little part of me who took its first beating
when I was just a child.
Time brought my hope relentless abuse,
bruises and nasty breaks.
In place of hope now lays a darkness.
A graveyard of all that once made the sun shine brighter
an empty space where all my dreams go to die.
NitaAnn Oct 2017
so this happened...
it has happened before
then i can stop
but it always comes back
back to the blade
the shiny blade
it calls my name
begs to feel my skin
as it slices
red bubbles up
and runs down my arm
funny i don't feel the pain
so it cuts again
and again
making thin red lines
so this happened....
Rae Oct 2017
They used you, **** well abused you,
but a scared girl will do anything for just a spark at a love
that could have been true.
Tuffy Mutombo Oct 2017
At first his hand prints were soft
Touching me gently, slowly and softly
Then his ego got fed
They became hard
Found strength to swing

My face the target
Swinging and swinging
He hit with a passion

I was his lover and his target
I forgave and he reloaded
Bullets in hands
Shot and my heart he destroyed

My inside pain became seen by many
Bruises and bumps, cut lips and black eyes
They asked why I never left
I told them he took something from me
He took my heart and left me feeling empty
To fill that void I replaced his love with my pain
Some called him an abuser
I called him my lover

To me it was all the same
This piece was written from a woman's point of view. It's not easy to know and hear of stories of woman that have been abused. If you know about someone who has gone through this kind of pain stand up for the voiceless.
Oliver Sep 2017
Gray is all I see

The gray smoke
The gray clouds
The gray hairs
The gray eyes

I used to see all the colours
Before I was broken

She used me
And abused me
And made me loose colour
She made me blind
She made me cry

I hate her
She took my colours
She took my heart
She took my virginity

I didn't ask for any of this
I half want her find this and think for just a millisecond that this is about her
The ether half doesn't want her to know she got to me

I hate it
I hate her
Kayla Sep 2017
It's quite tragic actually
because after time and time
of feeling
and being torn apart piece by piece
my brain was finally done.
Like all of my feelings have been endured and experienced
and what's even more heartbreaking is that It's like I cannot
even feel anymore.
An eternal trench in my stomach
that continuously spews and extracts an addicting
  senseless toxin
  bitter venom
my heart becomes cold
and no more tears can be shed because
Game over.
Kayla Sep 2017
And what was the most fearful part? You questioned.
The most fearful part is not the perception of desolation
or the iniquity that consumes you.
Regardless of the emerging discomfort
of vacancy.
The most frightening part is
that you have entirely
forgotten yourself.
As you lay awake and conscious
Slowly deteriorating at beginning of night,
because you have lost the capability to sleep
and you cannot even cry
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