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 May 2014 Zara Degamo
Joshua Ryan
I knew I was hungry,
But I didn't know satiation like you existed.

I was happy with what I was being served, before I'd tasted luxury.

You're corned beef hash across from a plain cheeseburger.

I've never had you before, but you're familiar.
I've searched for this flavor.

Now I've gotten a taste, I'm hungry again.

Don't let me starve.
 May 2014 Zara Degamo
A Woman
 May 2014 Zara Degamo
She was torn apart
Unchasteness surrounding her
But her God could see
Her virtuous soul underneath ~
So He bestowed her
With forgiveness ~
And she became a separatist
Isolating from critics
Making her way through
And accepting the mistakes
She grew stronger
Each day
 May 2014 Zara Degamo
 May 2014 Zara Degamo
I love the word "forever"
I don't really know why
Maybe because it foretells a new beginning
Or a sad goodbye
 May 2014 Zara Degamo
I am afraid
 May 2014 Zara Degamo
I'm afraid

I'm afraid of being betrayed
By those who I love
So I stand in the shade
I dream of
Better days, unafraid,
Of being dismayed

I'm afraid of being alone
The grey unknown
Has been shown
The darkness is now my throne
My isolation is my crown
It rests upon my brow
I've become a clown

I'm afraid of my self
I sit alone on a shelf
Collecting dust
I want to combust
Who do I even trust?

My fears have moulded to my skin
Each inhale
Can cause me to derail

                                  My tale has made me pale
                                  For my fears are like a veil
                                    I have made my own jail
 May 2014 Zara Degamo
She was told to give up her mythical struggle
She was pushed away a thousand times
The walls could hear some words being mumbled
But who could actually stop the cries?

She was the one who hung the chimes
Just because it was too silent
The girl whose heart was free of crimes
But at night, she used to be so violent

Suffering from trauma
She hit herself
Slit her arms
That once were adored

Now it seems that she is doing fine
Yesterday she said "I have been a nike"
I wonder - wonder if her soul is at peace
How long will she have to fight?
You're not alone.
 May 2014 Zara Degamo
first last
"So what does depression feel like"*

It feels like trying to run through the sand after you have just climbed out of the ocean.

Like trying desperately to hang on to the merry-go-round spinning out of control.

Like struggling to keep your head above water in a wave pool.

Like trying to climb up a steep slide and slipping down just as you almost reach the top.

Like gasping for air after you've had the wind knocked out of you.

Like having a crush on life knowing life will never like you back.

Do you understand now?
Turn off all the lights;
ceiling, closet, hall, and eyes;
Now I'm in your mind.
Daisy fresh girl from the garden of her mothers womb
You bloom with perfection; like a wonderful comb
Never let love cross the line
Questioning the reason why you are still alive

It will be okay don't cry it will be fine
Maybe you wonder why the sun sets but never seem to shine
And hatred is flowing straight from your veins
You are an original
Don't let people label you as freak,
That's perfectly not fine oh please don't state that obvious lie
And stop underestimating yourself
I tell you this for the three hundred and sixty-five time

As afternoon embraced
The lights all fade
So does the sparkle in your little eyes
Now take a rest, fall asleep in the river bed
And tell me about your dreams
A piece of you had died
I'll bury you some place beautiful
And when you wake up, everything will be just fine

— The End —