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Sharmila Juliet Dec 2019
I wanted to spread my fragrance like
Flowers do. Nothing I did wrong. Just
Strive to make me stronger enough.

Don't know where and why it ***** you,
As the way I am living my dream. You
Started to knit the invisible web of
Despise and slander for me with words.

Without any real facts your defaming
Words made my dreams full of
Nightmares and screams. I started
Fearing to consume which I adore.

My fragrance become poisionus gas
For my ownself to swallow tarped in your
Pointless whispers. Still, Do I need to let
You decide my life? No, Not any longer.

I am going to spurn your bruits
with my
Smile. Make you long for the thing which
Now you despise by achieving my triumph
As I wage a war of one, My armaments
Can't fail me now.
About rumors effect
Sharmila Juliet Nov 2019
Dont come near me
I am toxic to consume
Dangerous to let go.
Difficult to measure
How venomous I can be.
I live Entangle within me.
My life dipped in poison
Running all over my vein.
Would make you only numb
Sharmila Juliet Aug 2019
Love in the air
Love in every beats
Beats of my heart
Beats only for you
You are my life
You are my destiny
Destiny of my search
Destiny I desire
Desire I treasure
Desire of my pleasure
Pleasure in your kiss
Pleasure in your embrace
Embrace that I can't resist
Embrace I crave for eternity
Eternity of our togetherness
Eternity of my bliss
Bliss in your arms
Bliss of my life
Life with you  
Life I cherish
Cherish the momemnts
Cherish your memory
Memory I can't forget
Memory that let me live
Live to the fullest
Live with joy
Joy In every moment
Joy in the touch
Touch me with love
Touch my heart
Heart of yours
Heart I want to stay
Stay by my side
Stay forever
Forever with me
Forever holding my hand
Hand in your hand
Hand that heals
Heals my pain
Heals my broken day
Day of mine
Day end with your dreams
Dreams of our love
Dreams that delight always
Always your precense
Always for romance
Romance be romance
Romance for all seasons
Format: blitz
Sharmila Juliet Jun 2019
I am falling for you every time
Whenever I look in your eyes.
The moment I hear your voice
My heart get raptured with highs.

Looking at your those dreamy eyes
My whole world stops for a while.
Is that only your voice sway me
No, you also got me with your smile.

Your look is like a piercing sword
Its entered straing into my heart.
Your music touch deep on my soul
Set fire on my mind and every part.

your songs are like a sweet liqour
My hungry heart never get full.
Tasting your music my heart always
screams one more as its dwell.

You bring back all dead word alive
With your song, whithout it shrink.
My heart already getting week
I can't bear no more of your wink.

Your music which bring the spring
For the eternity as my heart sings.
I inhale your song in every breath
It grab all my heart strings.
This Poem is dedicated to CNBLUE Jung Yong Hwa.

Format : Ballad
  Jun 2019 Sharmila Juliet
I love the look in their eyes
When they realize
The little, smiling, innocent girl
Who’s always kind
Always does her best
Never indulges
Listens to...
But it makes perfect sense to me
I can’t always smile
You just need
To scream
I show you the calm
But I assure you
I am the storm
In the evening, my city becomes
the duskiness of hazy wind
buffeting into the street lights
of busy highway
addressing love with spirits
of solitude.
Always behind you as
an umbrage in daylight
and dream in twilight.
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