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1.7k · Feb 2021
Seni Seviyorum
Shadiya Zubair Feb 2021
How I fell for you?
We have never met.
But still I let you in
to my world of battle.
When things weren't good for me,
You made me laugh,
Bestowing the peace of mind
I always yearned for ,
by your magical voice.
Semi seviyorum (turkish) - I Love You❤
1.1k · Aug 2020
This too shall pass..
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
Days are getting longer
Hopes are getting bleak
But don't let them, let you down
Because remember "this too shall pass"

We, in the midst of chaos
But bear with all of them
by giving a shot of smile
Because remember "this too shall pass"

Refrain from cursing the days
Live in each season as it passes
by doing what you love
Because remember "this too shall pass"
🍁We are in the midst of chaos.Each and everyone are cursing the days.But this is just a part of life.It depends on how humans adapt to this very situation. When it's a good time, enjoy each and every moment, if it's bad, be patient. Sometimes we have to undergo the worst to get the best.🍁

"This too shall pass away" a Persian adage which is apt for every moment of our life.

"How much it expresses and how chastening in the hour of pride and how consoling it is in the depths of affliction"
-Abraham Lincoln
About the adage🌿
791 · Aug 2020
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
The long rain passed away
Without taking me away
Sparkling smile fade away
And made me alone

The sad day came again
Darkness of life hit me again
Pulling me into loneliness
And making me cry

Loving memories splashed on me
I tasted its sweetness in full
How can I forget it? the essence of love
Which makes me alive

Immense words of pearls
Which prices a lot
The words of entity
That makes my heart contented

Its my soul
Embraced by heaven
PS:I wrote this poem when I was in 8th🌼
🌿Memories of those who had an enormous influence in our life.
Maybe the one who we considered as our own soul!

Life is unpredictable sometimes, in one way or other way we humans are always alone.🍁
775 · Aug 2020
Shadow and me..
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
The gloaming reflection of mine
in the light of sunshine.
She stays close to me always
even after the sun lose its blaze.
She is the pitch black darkness
that stirs inside my mind of aloofness.
I wish someday I can hold thee
and thou art can heal me.
☘ I wish my shadow will get up and walk beside me ☘
702 · Aug 2020
Fight back!
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
Plethora of fears confined her
She fled from them, in search of equanimity.
She scurried hither and thither,
But, alas! She couldn't find any.

Days went by cursing her life's fate
She realized how helpless she is
And one day she dared to fight back,
which vanished her fears in thin air...
☘"We are held back by fears not limitations. So fight back the fears!"☘
633 · Jul 2020
Amour propre
Shadiya Zubair Jul 2020
Unveil yourselves
Decipher the lyrics of your life
by fathoming the flaws
The rhythm may not be sublime
but bestow the music of your own,
The music of your worth and love!
🍀We discover many things in our lives which we love and envy for but the thing we always forget is ourselves, our values.The sad fact is that we don't love ourselves.So give a break from what you are doing now and discover the you in you.Their maybe many flaws, but try to love those flaws because those flaws makes the real you.Don't envy the things what others doing rather be yourself do the thing you love which will eventually make others envy on you!🍀
542 · Aug 2020
Enigmatic love
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
She is the incarnation of true love
The love that is enigmatic!
She is every beats of my heart
The heart which is abundant with her love
She is the soul to my body
The body which she prudent with her love and care
She is the mentor of my life
The life where she immersed me with euphoria
She is the light of my darkness
The light of hope and encouragement
Her qualities are beyond the horizon
She loves me to the eternity, so do I

I will love her every bit,
But it saddens me that even if I give all my  love to her it will always be a shortcoming.
Because her love for me is enigmatic !!

But  still "oh dear mother I love thee!!"
A love that is inexplicable!☺
451 · Aug 2020
Letting go...
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
Everyday I unlatch my book of 'mind'
Unfailingly clinging to the page of 'memories'
My days went by tearing up all day
ruminating back the doleful moments.

One day I questioned myself
"How can I get over this agony?".
A sudden rumbling voice snapped back my thoughts,
then I heard an arrant afar in a hushed tone  'let go'  'let go'  'let go'!
🍁To 'let go' also means to give up resisting and struggling to hold on to meaningless issues in exchange for powerful and wholesome moments that come our way by allowing and accepting unchangeable realities that come by in our daily lives. Accept 'what is', and let go of what was!🍁
375 · Nov 2020
Shadiya Zubair Nov 2020
"I have been the black hole in a
classroom for far too long absorbing
everything but not allowing my
light to escape!"
❣I came across this from a video I came across yesterday.I felt like sharing it here :)❣
I was busy lately because of my classes and exams, its been very long time since I posted something here.Hope you all are doing well!💖🤗
343 · Aug 2020
The one.
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
Be with the one who embraces,
who you really are.
But not the one who despises you!
🍁Be with the person who embraces your tears as they do your smile.Who reminds you of the light that exists within you on your darkest days.Who doesn't feel difficult to love but impossible to live without!🍁
275 · Aug 2020
Walking away..
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
On that forlorn and barren pathway
He was kneeling down with a weary face of variegated emotions,
which was unknown.
His eyes were glued on that person who was trudging away from him.
He looked and looked, till his eyes became as sour as his heart.
Wishing she will look back once.
But, by then the darkness engulfed the luminous light like his dazzle of life fading away,
as she goes away..
Walking away.....🚶🏻
268 · Sep 2020
Shadiya Zubair Sep 2020
A strand of hair fell on her
beautiful turquoise eyes
She got stuck for a moment.
But then she realized that,
his hands won't reach her
Because he was too far away to do that!
Yearning for his touch and then reality
248 · Nov 2020
Got lost
Shadiya Zubair Nov 2020
Strolling over these strange pathways
without any destined goal
But my mind is at ease, without any
fear of, past, present or future
I loosened up my majestic wings
to float through those soothing current of winds
Today I saw the snow drifting through the cold night
Such an unforseen serene feeling, it gave!
With a cold heart, I drift off to faraway places
Chasing myself in the storm and fog
In this vast and wide sky
Wishing someday to find myself.
💮Its okay to get lost once in a while, sometimes getting lost is how we find ourselves!💮
236 · Jul 2020
Shadiya Zubair Jul 2020
Evoke yourself with love
and climb the heights of nirvana.
Someday you will look behind and
will see how gracefully you flourished!
Augment yourself with love and kindness🌸
228 · Sep 2020
Fear of getting hurt
Shadiya Zubair Sep 2020
In this life of ambiguity
Every time when love beckons you
Your mind may get down to uneasiness
Because of some strange fear enclosed around you.
Yes, the fear of getting hurt again
But now you have to proffer your love again
To someone who is aching for it
To someone who you can't see through your naked eyes
Yes, to your own soul, shower it with your love
to that extend that your zest and aura
rejects anyone who doesn't know your worth
Sure, it will heal your scars and mend your soul
by bestowing the happiness you deserve
Love yourself, mend your soul and be happy🌻
213 · Aug 2020
You are not alone..
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
My eyes were lulled to sleep,
unveiling those secrets of my life.
My heart started pounding crazily
and my whole body got numb.
Then I forced open my eyes,
I saw me in between those empty four walls.
I bolted out from there,
escaping from that weariful dreams.
Instantly someone held me
with those caressing arms.
Patting my back with silent console
while my head resting on that shoulder.
That day I realized the fact that,
"Even in the darkest moment of life
there are some hidden instruments
which will always play for us!"
✨You are not alone in the struggles of life.Entire cosmos is with you.Don't let the darkness engulf you. Rather than being in the darkness open your eyes and look around and then you will realize the fact that there are many people who actually care about you.✨

To be alone with yourself is to be alone. To be in the company of others is to be alone together. The only time you are not alone is when you forget yourself and reach out in love — the lines of self blur, and just for a wild, flickering moment, you experience the miracle of others. And now you know the secret.” ― Vera Nazarian

Don't give up,life goes on..🙂🤗
205 · Aug 2020
I wish
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
I wish our hearts were mendable,
so that we can prepare ourselves for
many more heartbreaks!
You wish?
202 · Aug 2020
Life of woes..
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
Let your life of woes go away
Like a dandelion puff
waft in the air and
let the cajoling wind of nature
solace you by bestowing
a blitheful life of amour!
Dandelion - A symbol of emotional healing
199 · Jul 2020
Its okay to be not okay
Shadiya Zubair Jul 2020
Strangling in the life of miseries
Grieving on the irreplaceable lose
Ocean of memories entangled within
Tears of love poured on me
Hands that locked me into a sudden embrace
My heart skipped a beat
Shuddering on that tight chest
Crushing out my bones
Squeezing out my ocean of tears
Then he whispered in my ears that,
Sometimes its okay to be not okay!!
🌿Sometimes we know that sudden lose of something inevitable in our life will lead us to lifelong grieving by remembering those cherishing memories it bestowed us.
So we have to pour out our feelings rather than suffocating in the pain.
So sometimes its okay to be not okay!!🌸
179 · Aug 2020
Live life fullest!
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
You rock in thousands shades of
  Vibrance and Vigour
Forget it not even for a while
Let's shades of grey go astray and
There is no time to be lagging behind
So the lyrics of life be rhymed in your
own unique flamboyant style
Let it be upside down,
A little bit wrong, take no worries
But live it enjoy it up to the brim
As long as you thrive!
☘I believe that everyone should live their life up to the brim they thrive for. Sporadically it's an understatement. But live in the moment, "live the way you love the way you live" that's what all matters.
Life ain't a Fidus Achates. Life can be insane sometimes and life consists of a plethora of chaos and dramatic clichés. **** 'em up and dulcify your life with your own creativity.☘
164 · Sep 2020
Shadiya Zubair Sep 2020
Life with love is a life thats been lived
A heart that's broke is a heart that's been loved!
159 · Sep 2020
Never promised!
Shadiya Zubair Sep 2020
Adore the days and live in the moment
Be grateful for the ones who are still by your side
Because tomorrows are never promised!
Like withered leaves we will also fall down someday
But don't let your  guard down easily,
just seize the day and cherish the very moment.
Live in the moment✨
155 · Sep 2020
Shadiya Zubair Sep 2020
If you feel like your whole world is falling apart be grateful for the fact that you are still breathing. It is a ray of hope implying that you have given another chance to build up a world you ought to be in rather than the one someone made for you. So stop investing your time in conjoining the broken pieces together, but create your own pieces and establish a world of your worth, love and happiness. Because a world made by you will always have the strongest foundation than the one made by someone.
Simply just thoughts🌷
151 · Sep 2020
Shadiya Zubair Sep 2020
If you are too tired to speak,
then be eloquent in silence
Sometimes it does seem hideous,
but devour it and taste it.
Maybe somewhere you will find it
Meaningful silences are better than a
                meaningful words.🥀
148 · Aug 2020
Move on..
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
Holding on to something paltry
will drag you down even more
Once you embraced it as something worthy,
when you realized its not anymore
Wailing on that for some days,it's
But don't do that, not anymore!
🌼The short time pain accepting the truth is much better than the longtime pain of believing an illusion!
     If you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option you will miss finding the one who treats you like a priority :D🌼

"If you are brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello!"
                            - Paulo Coelho
116 · Aug 2020
Never been in love..
Shadiya Zubair Aug 2020
I have never been in love,
but that didn't stop me believing
how magical it is!
#love #magical #poetry #neverbeeninlove

— The End —