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Ronza Jairy Feb 2019
How the **** are we suppose to walk away?


To what will be
What will come

But on the other side
Of all that fear
And unknown

Is freedom as light as a feather

There you may lift yourself up and carry on like ,
“hey so this is what life is huh?”
Ronza Jairy Apr 2019
A mental wrestle
Thinking about us back then/
what we are not now
Ronza Jairy Oct 2019
Revisiting you
Is like playing with fire
I always get burned
Ronza Jairy Jan 2019
So i guess it’s gone
the love we sketched up for years
eraser to page
Ronza Jairy Apr 2019
Make peace with mistakes
they have no power unless-
we breathe into them
Ronza Jairy Apr 2020
Music penetrates
captures, calibrates the truth
it flows right through you
Ronza Jairy Apr 2019
Life ain't a straight line
the lows and highs remind us
hearts are here to beat
Ronza Jairy Mar 2019
Not feeling feeling
Cut myself out from the box of pain
Coasting through
Fixating ***** it up
Just getting by
Taking a moment with the sky
Saying hi
It’s cool to be here
Visualizing what I desire
I want more
I want so much more
Than what we had together
Taking risks to risk it
All or nothing business
We only get this moment once
Embrace each one
Even pain has purpose
The beauty that comes from it explains its worthiness
sadness should transpire into art
Utilize it
As long as we are living
Truly living
I promise to pen these bubbling words
And paint pain
To the end
Ronza Jairy Feb 2019
Dearest useless fear,
you consume far too much time
without benefits
Ronza Jairy Feb 2019
**** anatomy,
such a complex gift to give-
but you, are worth it.
Ronza Jairy Jul 2019
Let it be known that
You can’t evade memories
they will creep back in
Ronza Jairy Jan 2022
Was wrong all along
Drinking is a punishment
Not a true reward
Ronza Jairy Mar 2020
All unfelt feelings
Will manifest in your life
Know when to release
Tip your teapot. Stay light
Ronza Jairy Mar 2019
What is it about us?
That we would rather conquer countless exterior challenges
than face ourselves?
How daunting to get to the root of all the hurt
That we instead choose the
lesser path?
Weakly attempting to advise other broken victims
with no real purpose
but avoiding our own
Ronza Jairy Apr 2019
You break your own heart
Everytime you don’t listen
to your gut and soul
Ronza Jairy Apr 2019
First, endure the pain
Dissect then digest it whole
Stop wearing it out
Ronza Jairy Mar 2020
I have had enough
Of feeling Im not enough
You dont deserve me
Ronza Jairy Mar 2019
Some choices aren’t so black and white

I miss you in my loneliest hours
I miss your sensational clean scent
I miss the way you carried yourself
I miss watching you charm the crowd in envy
I miss how willing you were to help me
I miss your undeniable glow
I miss your beautiful soul
I miss how you hardly said no
I miss how easily you loved me
I miss even the hard times
As there are none without you now
I miss your sleeping face
I miss your sweet embrace
I miss everything we had
I let go of someone so great

The price I pay is in memories
Flooding my days
Ronza Jairy Dec 2020
We home a flame

           ( )
          (   )
         (     )

   it is our duty

to softly protect it.
Ronza Jairy Aug 2019
Your memory is
A butterfly that visits
Me time after time
Ronza Jairy Mar 2016
Be patient,

To unlearn someone who pumped your heart with life is a feat
To pay them no more mind
For your **** broke of hope
Hallow inside
Attempting to deflate each correlated memory
Piercing one by one with a spike
Unraveling the world you built with one another
With all your might

Be patient,

Time will come around
Your bend and
hug you,
Hold you
Until you feel whole again;
As you always were
Through cloudy glasses
You'll see you again
Beaming and open with a ready heart
An end led a start
Keep going
Is all I know
Sorrows will come  

                                              Will go
Ronza Jairy Mar 2019
Mourn all of the buried words
You wished you said
Ronza Jairy Apr 2017
I was born to the stars of Gemini
the twins
the teeter-totter of mixed emotions
                                a fork
in the road
because we want everything while,
we don't know what we want
a dish of yes with a side of no
to be an artist
to say yes to every job offering
to go to the party
to hide under our sheets and dream a little dream of certainty
curiousity is what we bleed
spilt personalities beyond belief
I like to say I'm four people in one
minus the insanity
but the truth is I don't feel right
stuck between I can't and I might
leave you
Ronza Jairy Apr 2016
Take  them off that

For those moments when you question yourself, think less of yourself and begin comparing your grass to others and get down. You are worth every bit of admiration you invest in your heroes, exes, friends, crushes and celebrities out there. Imagine where you could be if you restored some of that faith you give to others freely. Begin with a breath of belief and repeat after me...[reread poem]
Ronza Jairy Jan 2019
You are your own gift
to your own astounding self
must you forget it?
Ronza Jairy Oct 2019
Thankful for each day
I wake up to your sweet face
Please don’t disappear
Ronza Jairy Oct 2019
On the sink naked
I wait for him in the dark
Welcome home sweetie
Ronza Jairy Sep 2020
Hurt folks hurt folks/shift
focus towards healing
for the greater good
Ronza Jairy Sep 2019
You are not living
If you’re always looking back
At all you didn’t
Ronza Jairy Jan 2019
Why deny self love?
Would you really regret it;
Giving you, your all?
Ronza Jairy Jun 2019
These darks clouds cover
My body like satin sheets
Yet I can not sleep
Ronza Jairy Jan 2019
Yesterday is gone
The present moment awaits
Ronza Jairy Jan 2019
Please live out passions
Dont waste your time following
Be your own legend!!
Ronza Jairy Jun 2022
Sooner we realize
We deserve a better life
We can manifest
Ronza Jairy Aug 2019
It’s you and this time
That I revisit the most
Captured past in glass
Ronza Jairy Apr 2019
We are made of stars
Divine everlasting light
Gifts of existence
Ronza Jairy Apr 2019
Nature teaches us
The clouds need to cry their weight
for future rainbows
Ronza Jairy Oct 2018
I believe trees represent all our paths in life. The thicker the branch the stronger and more significant a connection or decision. All to the smaller thinner needles-those are the little choices we make that create our everyday and slowly shape our future as a human on this journey. Through heartache, experience and sacrifice, we can become resilient. Take deeper roots/routes and learn from lessons as we stand still, to feel, maybe mourn, continue our growth and the beautiful cycle of rebirth. Change to the power of infinity.

©️Ronza Jairy
Ronza Jairy Jan 2019
We must listen up
when our dreams start conversing
subconscience reveals
Ronza Jairy Apr 2019
There’s no master plan
Each moment fades into past
Make the most of now
Ronza Jairy Jul 2019
Every moment serves
A fresh breath to present with
Leave the past alone
Ronza Jairy Feb 2017
My father
my lovely, unbreakable father
braved the Iran Iraq war in the 80s

My mother had just given birth to my older sister
and my father was to defend Baghdad, leave behind his beautiful wife and first born to live with missiles and miss the first decade's memories of my sister's existence, withdrawn from his love

He was young
but aware that he would need to survive this battle for 3 and that breaking was not an option

My father
my soldier of a father
had to fight in the frying sun, dirt and blood of his brothers for 3 years until the fighting was done
Iran then held him behind bars for 7 innocent years to stomach stale bread, spoiled soup, to rot his teeth and live inside of his head

My father
my prisoner of a father
learned that only so much pain will turn you numb
turn you to silence
when there's no where to run

My father
my hero of a father
stands today as if a war had never come

My father
my selfless father would rather not bare his stories for they have been buried deeper than the bodies he had to bury

When I asked him if he would watch a documentary called my country my country based in Iraq
he immediately declined saying
"Lay buyun takhren ichmendi"
translated into
"I don't want to remember anything"
how ignorant of me to think that it would be a fun thing to do...
while my poor dad is still wrestling with his memories
trying his darnedest to suffocate them
I'll never know what really happened because he is a vault forevermore
he would not dare burden his little girl with what he endured
that sole fact makes me proud to be my father's daughter

My father
my incredible father could probably write a better poem
yet I could not be more grateful for all the sacrifices he made to give me a life

if my dad never made it home
I'd never have made it to tell you
about my father
**My perfect father
Ronza Jairy Apr 2020
How songs can take you
back to the beginning of love
then drop you right off
Ronza Jairy Mar 2019
Help us all fighting
battles between ourselves
We shall overcome
Ronza Jairy Mar 2020
Confront our past
this time it’s just natures way
of telling us to
Ronza Jairy Feb 2016
Leonard sings the lines
coated with cues & compassion
memory switch turns on
how well I do,
I do,
that Lennon poster plastered against his wall
laying back in the ruffled bedding
while staring at it
as his nasal voice spoke over the melody of Chelsea Hotel
he explained that Bowie had won him solid after Five Years
I lay satisfied calculating every word
storing each conversation
even the dust of minor details could never dissolve in importance with time-
was the grand total accounted that night
garments betrayed;
fed to the floor
alarm clock sitting unemployed
and fun
lived outside
the oxygen on the other end of the window
schemed entrance
knowing the secret to happiness
was trapped behind the glass
of that
narrow basement
with tiny cheap carpets
one lonely leather couch
a coffee table ambushed with ladders of books
but if you stepped a few past the vintage vent
you’d stand still mesmerized
we were it-
living bodies beaming the crazy disease
that grips us devilishly
though once “cured” or should I say….abandoned?
leaves humans looking for advice and confidence
on forums
in kitchen cabinets
the middle-aged bus driver-
and the bus driver’s ******,
he doesn’t want to shrink your ****!
we’re all walking scars
compromising with the cracks in the ceiling
scrapping up ashes of dead ends
in attempts of reconstructing remaining evidence to pave the right direction
to Tomorrow
searching for the master reason
hunting for the map of purpose
in grimy bars
beaten up bathroom stalls
beds with broken springs
and books with words the dictionary doesn’t even know
if only we’d swallow the jagged fact
that conclusions don’t always make sense
not everything folds out into a translated answer
alas, what you’re analyzing  is already what is, period
life isn’t about warrantees and guarantees
sure, some risks have you smiling relieved
others naked holding the short straw that once looked so potentially tall
a “mistake” is a character building experience to endure
if absorbed properly could leave one mentally bulletproof
drain the average coward coughing up raw regret
worrying only works into wrinkles and backwards steps
accumulating memories generate wisdom after the second party blindness is
our scabs are ironically what help us relate
we sit cupping our coffee
spilling guts
connecting cuts
with the individual before us
we gotta feel
to understand
and I had to accept an underlining factor called realism
before I could let these letters soak this pad
it is what it is
is a balanced statement
and it’s about ****** time

© Ronza Jairy.
Back when I was heavily inspired by spoken word and competed in youth slams
Ronza Jairy Jan 2019
Endure the heartbreak
with sunshine, fine wine, bath time
fall back into you!
Ronza Jairy Jun 2020
You will look back
wonder why it took so long
wrong can not be made right
Ronza Jairy Mar 2019
We are here for good-
Not forever
So skip the judgement
And justify kindness
Spread seeds of hope
Ronza Jairy Mar 2022
You are so worthy
Of being showered with love
Made of your honour
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