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May 2014 · 3.5k
Riley Lavender May 2014
Trying to
all of the
p    i    e    c    e    s
of myself
that I've lost
over the years
May 2014 · 587
You're Fooling No One
Riley Lavender May 2014
I try
to smile at my reflection

A voice says
*"Don't ******* kid yourself."
May 2014 · 591
The Things I Love
Riley Lavender May 2014
I think about the things that I love

I think about
the books that I read
the genres I enjoy

I think about
the shows that I watch
the music I like

I think about
the thoughts I have
the opinions I hold

I think about
who I am
and what makes me so

I think about
how I don't really know anyone
who cares for the things I care for

(Except you)

I think about the things that I love
and I feel *alone
Apr 2014 · 632
Riley Lavender Apr 2014
If I
showed you
would you
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Dearest Love,
Apr 2014 · 882
A Darkness Within
Riley Lavender Apr 2014
there is a darkness within
that cannot be controlled
cannot be contained

there is a darkness within
that craves freedom
that desires to roam

there is a darkness within
i can feel it
its way to the surface

there is a darkness within
always hungry
never satisfied

there is a darkness within
and it's growing restless
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
Riley Lavender Apr 2014
I want to
S   C   R   E   A   M
and claw at
my flesh
Apr 2014 · 3.6k
Wake Up
Riley Lavender Apr 2014
there's no way
that this is me

there's no way
that this is my life

this is all just a dream

all some kind of

wake up
wake up

the pain isn't real
none of this is real
wake up

*just wake up...
Apr 2014 · 1.5k
Riley Lavender Apr 2014
I just feel
so much more
it rains
Apr 2014 · 322
Riley Lavender Apr 2014
want to be
a  l  o  n  e
with my mind
Apr 2014 · 1.1k
Rainy Day Dreams
Riley Lavender Apr 2014
I wish I was a leaf
so I could always feel
the rain
the sun
when I felt like it
I could break free
and play in the wind

I wish I was a flower
so I could always see the stars
and get kisses from butterflies

I wish I was a bird
so I could sing all day
so I could soar high in the sky
so I could finally touch a bit of cloud fluff
and then
when I felt like it
I could fly somewhere new

I wish
I was anything
but me
Apr 2014 · 365
Sound of Your Name
Riley Lavender Apr 2014
My mouth goes dry
My heart races and fills with longing
longing for something more than friendship
My mind is swarmed by thoughts of only you
My cheeks blush pink
My fingers twitch
My body trembles with excitement

My eyes smart and fill with tears
My chest swells with pain
I wonder why?
Why do I love you so?
The tears escape
I begin to weep
And all at the sound of your name
From my book "Love and Lies."
Apr 2014 · 967
Riley Lavender Apr 2014
Wind whips
through my hair
with the scent
of change
and as I smile
I know deep down
that everything
is going to be just fine
Apr 2014 · 623
Riley Lavender Apr 2014
In my head
he walks in

In my head
I'm all alone

In my head
I'm trying to hide
that I've been crying
Probably over how
I'm pretty sure
I'm not good enough for him

In my head
he sees through my mask
and takes me in his arms,
somehow knowing my thoughts

He tilts my chin up
and I'm staring into
his smiling brown eyes

"I really want to kiss you,"
he says
"You know, there's a word for that,"
I say

He laughs
I smile

But only in my head
Only in my head
Mar 2014 · 287
Head In My Hands
Riley Lavender Mar 2014
There is nothing
harder on the heart
than the choice between
holding on
and moving on

I still love you
but I adore him, too

What to do...
Oh, what to do?

*What should I do?
Mar 2014 · 323
Miss You
Riley Lavender Mar 2014
I'm eating at that place we always used to go to.
I can see our usual table.
I can see us sitting there
talking about dinosaurs.

And it makes me miss you.
Mar 2014 · 955
Riley Lavender Mar 2014
And then

without warning

without consideration

without my permission

every love song

was about you
Mar 2014 · 352
Riley Lavender Mar 2014
Whenever I see an airplane
soaring through the sky
I want to be on it

I don't much care
where it's going

I just want
to go somewhere new
I want to travel
to a place where no one knows me
Where I can just get lost
in a sea of people
Where I can be
just another girl in the crowd
Feb 2014 · 2.0k
Music To My Ears
Riley Lavender Feb 2014
Your name
like a monosyllabic sigh
like the wind through the trees
Beating like a symphony
in my heart
Feb 2014 · 311
The 'What If' Game
Riley Lavender Feb 2014
What if
I'd said "hello" at that one party

What if
I'd stayed and talked to you at the bar that one night

What if
I'd made more of an effort to talk to you

What if
I wasn't so insecure

What if
I wasn't so shy around you

What if
I tried

What if
I started conversations

What if
I actually showed my interest

What if?

Would it change anything?
Feb 2014 · 540
What's In A Name
Riley Lavender Feb 2014
Have you ever heard your name
and not recognized it?

Do you ever have moments,
when someone calls you,
where you think they're talking to someone else?

Have you ever written your name
and just stared at it,
knowing something about it is wrong,
but you can't quite figure out what?

Have you ever seen your name on a screen
and thought you were on someone else's profile?

Do you ever introduce yourself
and feel like you're lying?

Has anyone else experienced this
or is it just me?
Jan 2014 · 848
Nature's Symphony
Riley Lavender Jan 2014
there is music
all around us

it’s in the leaves
and soft petals
as they dance to the beat of the wind

it’s in a ripple
as it glides across the surface of the water

it’s in the quiet
of a bird’s wings

it’s in the river
as the water trickles over pebbles

it’s in the playful notes
of a cardinal’s song

it’s in the breeze
as it whooshes through the grass

it’s in the
pitter patter
of your shoes as you bounce along

to hear it
all you have you have to do
is quiet your mind
open your heart
and listen
Jan 2014 · 310
One Look
Riley Lavender Jan 2014
It'll never work
we both know
This love
has nowhere else to go

But one look
from those soft brown eyes
and I want to change my mind
Jan 2014 · 223
You Say
Riley Lavender Jan 2014
you say
you want a girl
who's like this

you say
you want a girl
who's like that

you say
you want her
to speak like this

you say
you want her
to think like that

you say
you want her
to care like this

you say
you want her
to love like that

when will you notice
when will you realize
that the girl who's like this
and the girl who's like that
is sitting right here
Jan 2014 · 658
Riley Lavender Jan 2014
bring on the day
let me face new challenges

i'm ready

let demons snarl in my face
let goblins mock me
let all evil try to send me to my knees

bring it on

**i'm ready
Jan 2014 · 362
For the Love of Poetry
Riley Lavender Jan 2014
into the depths of the soul
we catch a glimpse
with every stroke

we hear the sighs
feel the longing

we see the tears
feel the sorrow
the ache

we rejoice in the triumphs
feel the love
the joy

in this world
are one
Jan 2014 · 443
One More Day Without You
Riley Lavender Jan 2014
bounces off
cars passing by

sing from
the tree outside

and play in the street

roll in

roars above

then dissipates

The sun
peeks out

The sky
is patched with
gray and blue

all I see
is one more day
without you
From my book, "Love and Lies," available for Nook and on iTunes.
Jan 2014 · 996
Riley Lavender Jan 2014
love is a lot like the flame of a candle. i know it’s terribly cliche, but stay with me. once lit, love dances wildly and unabashedly, illuminating even the darkest of corners. it brings warmth to the places where warmth seemed impossible. it bathes everything in a new light and gives the world a whole new glow.

but, expose it to even the smallest outside force, and it’s out, leaving you with nothing but smoke and the strong scent of what used to be.

that’s how we are, you and me. just watching the smoke curl into the blackness. every now and then, though, our candle is re-lit and our flame dances wildly and passionately, the way it did in the beginning, giving light to corners we’d forgotten about.

and then, out of nowhere……whoooosh. the most subtle breeze blows through.

it’s out.
Jan 2014 · 1.2k
Riley Lavender Jan 2014
i’m not depressed.

the only word I can think to describe this is


not being with you is just…

like this morning.
i was all happy and giggly and skipping all over the place.
i kept thinking about things i wanted to tell you and i said to myself
“i have to tell him when i get home.”

but then i remembered

i’m not coming home to you.

and suddenly home
didn’t feel like home anymore

there’s emptiness here i can’t explain
can’t escape …


i feel


without you.
Jan 2014 · 340
The Night
Riley Lavender Jan 2014
the night

the night

the night

the night

the night

the night

the night

the night

the night
is freedom
Jan 2014 · 592
Riley Lavender Jan 2014
i wish i were with you
curled up beside you
your arms around me


i wish i were with you
your fingers softly tracing patterns on my skin
your breath warm on my neck

i wish i were with you
our bodies tangled
your fingers brushing gently through my hair
your voice buzzing melodically in the air
as i drift off to sleep


i am missing you

— The End —