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Aug 2021 · 229
Naked With You
My dress, sheer as blood
Under light, falls so soft,
Your fingers, stone hard
And pointed as the sun,
Free me from cold body,
I loose as my dress, fallen
And my spirit, bare, fresh
As the lighted moon, quakes
Without sound.  

Touch me  .  .  .
My prince, rake my nudes
With tooth and lip, smell
My breaking waters living,
This spring is autumn, live,
Like a pool shudders in rain,
My skin kippering in cloud
And my *** unleashed from
Shroud, you, my man are all,
I wake in a garden full, ripen,
Of leaves and old embracings.
My springs, eternal sprouting
From a source, branch to earth
Spend me, my Lord, fire me up.
So afar and tall are you to me,
For you are from shining mountains,
Higher than the clouds, your brow,
Darker than the heavens, your hair.

So small and fey am I to you,
For I am but lone whisper in glens,
Slight as one firefly on the moors
And my reflection but a tiny glow.

    Only to spark at edge of pools dark,
    Only to fly when in harnessing arms.

I crossed a bridge to be with you,
The streams slipping times away,
Beneath my girlhood, all in a rush,
Then I entered the deepest wood.

So small and wan was I to you,
For you are from snowy mountains
And I am from rain-watery glens,
For you are portrait and I bokeh.

    One day the woods engulfed me strong,
    One night the bridge I crossed was gone.
Mar 2019 · 884
I Burned For You
When first I did see you,
My heart was a drum, beaten,
A fog horn blew out to sea.

When you looked at me,
Stark, true, across blue sky,
Sunshine piercing the clouds.

When you touched me,
Frost thawing at first light,
Misted dews on the heathers.

When you were upon me so,
Could I not but open, bloom,
Softly, wind on the petal.

When your hot eyes got me,
Set smoulder to stoked flame,
Aye, I burned for you.
Feb 2019 · 739
What Blight Moon Shows
in the whites of our eyes,
no language can interpret,
in the skins of lost bodies,
no soul can birth rich flesh,
in two hearts beating twined,
by all what blight moon shows.

i have walked alone as you,
creeping in avenues so alone,
i have made peace in sorrows,
that you share and i sure know,
we both stride with mists of rains,
white washed by what moon shows.

this world, cast for walking ghosts,
those who know but shadow speak,
avenues trod, unspoken indifferences,
spoke fingers that long for heated touch,
bodies crying need for moist engulfments,
beneath shroud, beams, what moon shows.
So afar and tall are you to me,
For you are from shining mountains,
Higher than the clouds, your brow,
Darker than the heavens, your hair.

So small and fey am I to you,
For I am but lone whisper in glens,
Slight as one firefly on the moors
And my reflection but a tiny glow.

    Only to spark at edge of pools dark,
    Only to fly when in harnessing arms.

I crossed a bridge to be with you,
The streams slipping times away,
Beneath my girlhood, all in a rush,
Then I entered the deepest wood.

So small and wan was I to you,
For you are from snowy mountains
And I am from rain-watery glens,
For you are portrait and I bokeh.

    One day the woods engulfed me strong,
    One night the bridge I crossed was gone.
Dec 2018 · 501
Heavens' Dawn
In still morning light,
There is new beginning,
Early birds so joyous,
On wings into the sky,
How the sun is painting
A paradise for my eyes.

I will wake into dream,
On this day so spectral,
I will sing with the breeze
And interpret the songs
Of birds in trees a flame,
Sailing into heavens' dawn.
Dec 2018 · 915
Empty Mass
The indifferent sky,
Cold as marbled altar,
Starless, plain as scripture
Blasphemed with conviction,
In communion with flocks,
Says nothing about love
Nor trust nor truth nor
Blood offered in cold
Cup of chalice
Only priests
Thirst up.
Nov 2018 · 386
Our eyes,
So shy in sun
Want each other,
Yet pretend so strong,
That flesh is ghost shine,
Colour, shadow with sweat,
Body without touch, blood red
As brick in weathers, strained by
Time and fade of photos in old box,

Our eyes see nothing till all is goner,
Youth, beauty, innocence, mists of soul.
Aug 2018 · 1.5k
Take this flesh,
Make me unreal,
Let voice expose,
Solidify, delusions,
Let body rule most
In this make up set,
Your beauty shine out
Like light blinding eyes,
Interrogate my soul as it
Vibrates within cell made lit
Like fire caught in cauldrons.
Apr 2018 · 480
Lovers Shy
The looking at you
Destroys my mask
And a sun ignites
Heating the blood
That was buried
In window flesh,
Slits break, lid of eyes,
The souls’ shutter.

The breathings with you
Lays me asunder
To bedrooms starry
Where faith succumbs
Only to be reborn
In spooning after love,
The fae body spirals
In positions foetal.

The touching with us
Rakes the ghost moon
Which lies within truths
Dark as reddest rose
Rising in thorny stalk
Where treasure is sunk,
In cavities of chest,
Beat hearts shudder.
Mar 2018 · 666
After Love
In a flower bed
Of rose and thorn,
Scarlet and green,
As we stem into one
Growth under blankets
White with joy, blue
As blood, we pluck
The petals left for us,
We tangle in thickets,
Moisted lips of heaven
Of clover and of daisy,
Milky as the wet stars,
Honeyed in the night
Hive and sumptuous
Joining, like clouds,
Opening above, we
Drench ourselves, cry
In drops, teary rains
That break, inwards,
Eyes, entwining with
Hot limbs unknotted
Till there is the spent
Wonder of skin scent,
Steeps of salt and sea,
Each leftover of touch
An outcast, a grieving.
Feb 2018 · 513
Passing Time
Lad, so strong and fresh,
My arms stretch in surrender,
Your eyes are drowning mine.

Man, of stone and flesh,
My softness itches, aches for hard,
Two bodies found entwined.

Your touch is remaking my soul,
Tied in the knots that are we,
Your lips are the waters that cut,
The fertile glens that are free.

Dear man, remote, so alive,
Break my locks without cold key,
Free my being with heat, my kind.

Your touch is remaking my soul,
Tied in the knots that are we,
Your lips are the waters that cut,
The fertile glens that are free.

Strange, what species enjoin,
In the darks ever unwinding us,
We are but spirits passing time.
Feb 2018 · 1.8k
Dry Flower
I have always known you
In this whirling tavern,
Where life is plasmic.

You speak with sweetest
In my groping, deaf ears,
Where sense is non.

And now we are laying
On this letted, fresh bed,
Without any clues.

Your are plain, beautiful
Your hands ply my soul,
As bees on dry flower.
Dec 2017 · 475
In Daylight Open
In the open,
Sun alight and in flame
Makes us bare
And we suffer alone.

In the daylight,
Sun addresses our calm
Colours us black
And we shuffle our skin.

In the outdoors,
Your eyes are blinding mine
And sight is cold
As we suffer alone.

I once loved you
And you probably loved me
Out in the open,
In sun that desecrates.
Aug 2017 · 1.4k
Skara Brae
I am an island child,
Of dire rocks and thistle,
Clear lake and lone skies,
Of bonny birds who whistle,
I race the strands with tides,
Waiting for my lad to meet,
So lonely are the night stars
I dreamt in my loft to sleep,
Far is the isle of my mind,
To slip away on new voyage,
Near is the sorrow into kind,
As I wait for keep in marriage.
Jun 2017 · 637
Must Your Arms
Must your arms
Be a circle of stones
Locked with truest heavens
Embracing me?

Must your hair
Branch in a wood so deep
Impenetrable and unspeaking
Where lost are souls?

O how your love was so tall,
Such a frame for me to climb,
But I never could see stars up there
From shy ground I felt you looking down.

Must your eyes
Make me see as someone
Who suffered lifelong blind
Lidless in the sun?

*O how your love was precious,
A plaything just to dole out only,
The driest morsel after long famine
And I, a feather in winds without sky.
May 2017 · 846
If our eyes
Should latch
Whilst pretending
To gaze unconcerned,
On some inconsequential street
Into days with sun and rainbows,
Dandy as lions on fields of praise,
Magical in bluish skies, mysterious
As eyes grasping without guile nor plan
Nor pains, then we might love as birds low,
Sing above, then we might truly be, become
Alive in the light of another lone, pining star
Under the infinite, shining, unruly heavens.
Apr 2017 · 1.4k
Rain comes down,
Heavy as ache, wet as blood,
Makes dirt sound
That shatters ground and mood
Drumming onto leaves.

Rain scabs earth,
Murky as love, dark as wound,
Sprinkles the cold
Forest that smokes out light,
Sun smothers into moon.

Rain races down,
No things seem to matter much,
Creatures disembodied
Come and go in lazy rushes
Even heart withholds.

Rain cleanses not
And there is no sky these days
For flights so empty,
Lost in the faraways of nows,
Sun blots away by moon.
#sad #love #heartache
Mar 2017 · 1.0k
Ideal Love
I long for an ideal love,
But I cannot spin on a reel,
Tape myself with magnetic
Energy, that lights up rooms.

I pine for an ideal love,
But I cannot enter a screen
That flashes imaginary truth
In dimly, dear lit theatre halls.

Why is pain so real, so concrete?
Why is joy so abstract, illusory?

I ache for an ideal love,
More actual than godly stars,
Lovers living within golden light,
Always faithful, printed on film.

*Why is isolation so universal, so dark?
Why do only movie idols glow, spark?
Mar 2017 · 1.1k
Fathoms Deeper
My eyes,
Saw the light in yours
And became
True enlightened.

Fathoms deeper than blindsight

My lips,
Were sunken treasures
You grabbed,
Hoarded from others.

Fathoms deeper than oceans

My flesh,
You sailed uncharted
To bewitching shores,
Only mermaids could dream.

*Fathoms deeper than body
Feb 2017 · 922
Kiss On The Sea Bluffs
We were stormy, at arms,
So brave on the heather bluffs,
Starry eyes would nae surrender,
Nor great battered seas, to us above.

You took me with a shy shrug,
My flesh broke about violet skies,
I rushed to greet your body greedy
On dizzy bluffs, so dangerously high.

I could not move away from you,
So tangled were we becoming near,
Your touch was rapier, on fire, lethal,
My heart was stricken, punctured there.

In one just moment we destroyed
Each other, blood laden within bliss,
Both of us conquered on the sea bluffs,
Rivals implode to smithereens, by first kiss.
Feb 2017 · 1.1k
Behind Me The Moon
Pale faced is bone true,
Lit in darkness like a match,
Two lovers in flame.

The moon is low monster,
High above any scream,
Our lives asunder.

The moon is one faced,
Judge without any jury,
My love for you is plain.

The moon is great Poet,
Above all mountains, pious
In the indifferent skies.

I once loved a dark lad,
Who laid me so blindly bare,
Even the nightingale was mute.

And love is a glowing ghost,
On my shoulders to keep,
Behind me the moon.
Jan 2017 · 1.0k
I Am Starlight
Your face,
Louder than the moon,
Drowning me
Out into the long night,
Is so warm,
Like sun tendering heather.

Your voice,
Lifting me like a feather,
Into great sky
Weightless as I fall high,
Downy and rich,
As babe is swaddled nigh.

Your touch,
Sets my weary soul aflame
And I call out
Into the night carving names,
Writ in comets,
Yet to crash, that I am starlight.
Dec 2016 · 974
Your Spell
I visioned you,
With her in fields
Of long green grass
Underneath the sun.

I watched you,
****** each other
Like shears to a lamb
Naked and joyous.

You left me here,
In the plots of blade
And purple thistle crown
A princess undone.

I will nay curse you,
Nor she who destroyed
Me as I was once alive,
Woke under your spell.
Dec 2016 · 1.0k
Another World
In another world
I give smiles come down
From the constant sky,
My breath is sea spray,
My hair a net for you
And the butterfly is kin,
Not larger than me.

In another place
My name, forged with yours,
Set in light of stars,
Blasted about the heavens,
Playful as the otter in winter
And the mountains high,
So small among us.

In another dream
We wake about splendours
So grand, unruly rooks
Disappear before they judge
And all our days, rapt in love
In wove blankets of ocean
So warm because of us.
Dec 2016 · 1.0k
On The Strands
When I fell, from you,
Into loves' violet eye,
Sea spray in my ears,
I was on the strands,
By the creeping seas.

Sky called, a tannoy,
Screed from seabirds
And the sands sunken,
Tapered me by footfall,
Such recurring dreams,

Air howling our names,
The horizon lit in flame,
We were twined in kelp
And arms rail embrace
On strands where I fell.
Nov 2016 · 1.5k
Naked With You
My dress, sheer as blood
Under light, falls so soft,
Your fingers, stone hard
And pointed as the sun,
Free me from cold body,
I loose as my dress, fallen
And my spirit, bare, fresh
As the lighted moon, quakes
Without sound.  

Touch me  .  .  .
My prince, rake my nudes
With tooth and lip, smell
My breaking waters living,
This spring is autumn, live,
Like a pool shudders in rain,
My skin kippering in cloud
And my *** unleashed from
Shroud, you, my man are all,
I wake in a garden full, ripen,
Of leaves and old embracings.
My springs, eternal sprouting
From a source, branch to earth
Spend me, my Lord, fire me up.
Nov 2016 · 9.2k
Heavens' Dawn
In still morning light,
There is new beginning,
Early birds so joyous,
On wings into the sky,
How the sun is painting
A paradise for my eyes.

I will wake into dream,
On this day so spectral,
I will sing with the breeze
And interpret the songs
Of birds in trees a flame,
Sailing into heavens' dawn.
Oct 2016 · 671
Love Shifts
What compromises we make,
Steppings of love, so steep
The breathless air in seeing,
Eyes that waver like untruths,
Yet to be revealed, to shame
When love, in its coals, rakes
Us, burns ephemeral flesh
And soul, shows that life can
Be smoke and fog-mirror even
In light of days, makes us wake
Like Lazarus into an indifferent
Dawn, full of frightened believers
Made of stuff sown with nothings.
Oct 2016 · 798
Hill Stones
Patches of grass spot the hill,
Interspersed are old stones
Wind blown, like bones
Buried deep in the sun.

Wildflowers are crowding
There too, scorching bloom
In desolation, windy blown,
Sacred as any high tomb.

Crows circle above, waiting
For new soiled dreams to end,
I watch them from a shy window
Cold as the hill stones, remaining.
Sep 2016 · 1.2k
Late Lass On A Date
So fresh his face,
Nutmeg and ginger
Like mine.  I made
Apologies for being,
Being late.

He was more than
Kind, so mannered
Like minded, unwild,
Not unpredictable,
Like my ex.

In the cafe, earthy
Smells wafted at me,
Hints of loss, of sad
Things unsaid, wet
Piney black hair.

Black hair and blue
Unfathomable eyes,
Eyes of a lad I miss,
A wildness uncaged,
Once caging me.
Sep 2016 · 981
Yet To Come
All the sea is lighted
And the sky above flashes,
Rains down on me, innocently,
Cupped as my new prayer hands
Are cupped like flowers, drunken,
The water falls from places higher
High as heavens only dreamt of,
I will stay here, low stationed -
For you my love, something,
Precious, yet to come.
Sep 2016 · 975
Breath Spells
Cloud covers the sky,
Flashes shimmer through,
Golden rims surrounding blue.

Your breath was lighted language

I could hardly breathe, nil airs,
The earth was smothered on highs,
My only breaths broke out into sighs.

Our breaths enjoined us once unto sun

For you, my deathly lad took all,
I look into wee, empty, cold heavens,
See shout out names of babes forsaken.

*In heaven is a moon taking breaths away
Aug 2016 · 1.2k
Smile at the world,
See what doesn't happen,
The moon is so sharp
And indifferent in the sky,
The lovers sink as they try
Never knowing each fall
Of smile as they eye.

Smile in the overgrowths,
The wastelands of the mind,
Touch the ghosts at meetings,
They will shock you raw,
White as the moon rages
And the sun, cold burning
Each day as it brands you.

Let go, let your face rest,
There are no smiles real
As you dream them to be,
Let your life be limp as death,
See the waters as they climb,
Up from the muddy tomb,
So few can feel rising.
Aug 2016 · 1.1k
All The Rage
I saw you with her,
One day in the sun,
I was only shadow,
Blankness overrun.

Rains fell as I flew,
In greyest courtyards,
Hard as stone set low,
I was but a lone shard.

You looked so happy,
So tame with her light,
I felt a shudder growing,
Held back with all might.

There you were together,
My past one dead page,
You two so happy there,
And my life all the rage.
Aug 2016 · 629
True Vision
Was I not real, tenderly with you?
All my love wrapped in new flower
As you held me, so were you held
And the spring was a bloom dower.

Did we not paint some finer picture,
You and I amid sweet dawning sun,
I make no stories up, nor any later
We were one perfect plateau above.

You my lad, I dreamed feverish true,
Real as dearest, deathly delusions,
Sweet as any meadow which sings
You my lad, I made up a true vision.
Aug 2016 · 1.2k
I Fear I Was Once Dead
Alive as a stone is cold, frozen,
Unmoved as drying statuary -
No blood was running in my veins,
No song was sung behind my brain.

Was I black as rock in wintry shroud?
Was I a phantasm that caught your eye?
My ends were sewn, threaded with hands,
That room, with you, was clothed in dream.

And I slept in a loft that chastened all airs,
I lived in a box which you buried out there,
Out in the hollows of the winds and rains,
I fear I was dead, before we became.
Aug 2016 · 3.6k
Once we lied,
On wooden floors,
Shy as sun in the rains,
Blue as the skies to come,
After the soak and cleanse,
For we were so young, so alive,
Happy pursing sweetest nothings,
Laughs and smiles, tickles, noses
Together on the pines of the floors,
I felt weightless under you as I lost
Myself in the rushes of your night hair,
Dark and strange, musk and heather,
And the depths of your eyes.  I bore
No name, my lit flesh was all for you,
My lips never so hungry, my breathing,
Never so short, my eyes never so held.
Lying on that floor, in my simple room,
All the earth unfolded, all the world
Unraveled, and then we awoke.
Jul 2016 · 1.1k
Old Fiddle
The heat of you,
Bairn in my hands,
I am strung with you,
My song sings out ever
To one unbridled listener,
A lad as wild as gusty seas
And I keen on tighten strings,
Casted about thee, four winds
And am latched with old moon,
My tunes are loudy, unheard of,
Sadder than empty airs in hollow
Bars, bereft of any joy dancers.

Like you I have known love,
In gentle touches that swoon
And take flight up dizzy reels,
I hold you, like fresh newborn,
Child of melody an sleepy dove,
But still, in swells of driest fears,
Unlike you, body of live, heart
Wood, colour of striped tiger,
Regal structure, unchained,
Aged about languid truths,
My fingers unleash you,
Yet they lock, in frieze,
Captive, painting nil
Dreams of brood.
Jul 2016 · 1.0k
My eyes were yours,
Lost in sight of sky,

My lips were yours,
Drowns in flight of eye,

My flesh was yours,
Waiting to be conquered,

My heart was yours,
True beating, forevermore.
Jul 2016 · 1.2k
Mermaid Drowning
I had too much,
Swirling in a bar,
Swells after swalley,
My girlfriends gone
And I, lost, alone with
Familiar strangers.

They circled me,
Paddling, soles holey,
Rafting under rafters,
My red hair drawing
Them in, motley moths
To a flame, locks lit by ****
And glinting with flit of glass
In peat drub smoking pub.

One brave soldier, sailed
On over and our glaze eyes
Danced, deftly avoided any
Glance as we swayed, silent,
His breath was dank, of sea,
Moist and salty on raw flesh,
I could nae help but wake from
Dream by the scent of only you,
But it wasn't you dreamful laddie,
In shelled ears some brigand shot,
Sprayed a cold loss awakening,
His words, nothings, oak aged,
I felt loudly drowning, caught
In a corner of rusted, hulled
Ship now sinking, he threw
Himself a line and I saved
My soul, a life preserved
By a leaving, breaching
Heavy waves, bobbing
Into the out of doors.
Jul 2016 · 1.9k
I see an angel slouching,
In the sky, as if heaven
Were so heavy.

Seabird, where do you come
From?  Is the earth too much,
To take all in?

I know how you feel sailing,
Above it all yet drawn too,
As I am drawn.

Wraith, I want to feel that place
You are winging from here,
As now, forgetting.

  But it's so hard to fly,
  Unlike you, just easily,
  I will close my blind eyes
  And trail your mission starry.

I will tread in air backwards,
Deep into sky heavens,
Sloughing all the way.
Jul 2016 · 948
O White Love
I loved you so
White as the swan
In purest snow

O white love
I will hover high
Let me sail above

I loved you true
Real as sky, oak on hill
Dancing in blue

O white love
Sing me eternal
In healing flame

I lost my one self
In the narrow straights
Sea depths, outer shelfs

O white love
I remember our face
Prideful without name

I wanted to wake
But was drowned in dream
A daymare you would nae break
Jun 2016 · 1.1k
Dark Wind
A dark wind bellows about
Staining all of grey moors,
The whole dire frozen sky,
Shivers and dearly quakes,
Let mine rag out over seas
With clearest sails of eyes,
Let me hear one bold stag,
Stately shout in mossy bog,
Let me fly with black of crow,
Splash over the sodden sun,
Free me from bane sorrows,
Ancient Rowan trees who run,
My love has left, sure as time,
And tears are lost in frost hails,
What will become of only mine?
Jun 2016 · 1.8k
Lost Together
We walked together, found
In town centre, on the mark,
We were a bullseye, joyous,
Shy, striding opened streets,
So proudly paved, just for us,
To trip and now, here faraway,
In white shops we sprung free,
Tried on silly scarves and hats,
Imagining rendezvous in London,
Paris on the Seine, the long boot
Of Italy, sleeping inside a railway
Station on our way for Provence,
Or Barcelona, even dare Istanbul,
It was too fun, so brilliant to dream,
In return those tickets got punched,
Now we travel solo on lost avenues,
Waking up is not as nice as it seems.
Jun 2016 · 938
The Sky
Shuttering like an eye,
Come to me as you once
Were, fly into truest sun
And be reborn in flesh,

Be cradled unto wings,
Proffered from above,
Let the lit earth remove
Itself from unbridled soul,

Fall into love so deep
That the moon is sunk,
Travel with winged dream
Over the vastness of seas,

Old as creation, young
As love in windy looks,
New as a swaddled babe
Wrapped in sheet of sky,

Never wanting to land
On any mortal soil, never
To sully any heavens by
Such seep into wakings,

Muck on a spinning rock,
Where gravity traps one
Slouch of soul after another
With arms begging to sky.
May 2016 · 993
Woken Rose
I was once
Your rose,
Lap of bloom,
As we laid
In the meadows,
Water beading
On petals,
Your breaths
My flower.

And rains
Linked down
From heaven
Into the cup
Of my love,
Held on a stem,
You grew
Into the sky
And I fell,
Frail, deeper
Than you,
Yet higher we
With thorns
Under bud.

We came to
Shudder in light,
To see dawning
Destroyed, move,
Into mold days,
We past, grew,
Such flung scent,
Fragile beauties,
By burnish blush
Of faded bloom.
May 2016 · 5.8k
Each morning I rise unto hours,
Wheeling in sun, with wee wild flowers.

An hearty wish, on hills by the sea

Each day I skip about live stones,
In winds I run, deep dancing my bones.

I am made of each, cairn on hillocky

Each sweep of air a breathy kiss,
On skyline by the sea, one mighty bliss.

Dancing my bones, in winds I run

Each hour a new turning of page,
Each heap on hill, of these I am made.

*Wild wee flowers, wheeling in the sun
May 2016 · 1.0k
Tarry Mist
Bumping into you was dire.
I could see her in your eyes
And your smiles were past
Any joys that I once knew,
She, with the blackest hair
Like yours, so suffocating,
So solemn and indifferent,
Burning my heart into ash,
Such weight, raying locks,
Flaming in the sun, smoke
That tears at that sky, shut
Eyes you turned about me,
My soul like raging coal fire,
Smothered daylight and air
As dirt on a casket sinking,
No need to state you were
So happy as I drifted away,
Like tarry mist upon the sea.
May 2016 · 5.3k
Petals And Palms
Lids open like blooms,
Blush of lips on skins,
Light sparks as we feel
Each touch of impress
Out of dark, into a sol,

Morning on the shores,
With hands leafing new
We branch over water,
Palms unlatch on lochs,
Tied bodies unhidden.
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