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Three cheers for broken things!
Those who god rapes
and what the cat brings
inside causing screams. The last laugh.
Reduced to a shocking object;
denied personal being, a personal hell,
alone, touched by shadows.
All shadows imply light.
Torture of existence transforms to bliss.
This is what you signed up for now give it a kiss.
See and be seen.
Be vulnerable, be keen to love the ugly.
Cringing dancing singing -
Obscene wisdom, divine pain:
******* of fate.
Tainted blood yet the soul won't stain.
pilgrims Feb 10
Never a day has passed

that my heart did not break
as our Sun hides behind Earth.

When the dawn wakes
lids separate, I stretch and yawn
Another shift sifting mirth from dearth
Holding together this disparate ache
If you're reading this, I love you
pilgrims Feb 10
Now! is the time
for those loved least
A howl!
assembles the spooks, kooks, and beasts

An autumnal lense looks
at cracks between light
Be brave! Embrace inspired fright
Reach into the shadow
and we just might make friends
with the spectre called Life

We are alive! Let's celebrate this
divergent experience we co-create
Pretend this came out around October.
pilgrims Feb 2024
I feel sick, so sick of myself.
I don't exist: calloused layers of shell.
This world is sick. War is more real than Hell.
Does good love exist? Is it more real than Death?
What will you love when nothing is left?
The soil is poisoned. Seeds freed from cycles.
Purge odious life.
Tears salt the Earth from true peace disciples.
No pain. No struggle. No strife.
Behind the mask there is nothing.
Behind my eyes there is nothing.
Before my eyes there is nothing.
Embracing void. Immortality.
Cannot be destroyed. Empty.
Embrace the truth.
I quit. I quit pretending.
Pretending I am not everything. At last,
I find annihilation
in you.
pilgrims Mar 2023
I am
beyond what you see
when you turn your I on me
pilgrims Mar 2023
Without the value of shadow
bells of divinity ring hollow
I am stronger with the fear I swallow
Unending hunger of my spear
bleeding color; Death alive.
Allowing chaos, law abides
Time of unity drawing near
Shedding tears, the inner eye
is washed clean by shifting tides
Ascend the light!
Descending depth...
Float in the pool inner peace wept
pilgrims Nov 2022
First snow
Embrace the cold
The trials we endure are what make us bold

Changing face
The strange weather of my secret place
I saw in a mirror that form turns old

Cycle forward
Rearranging story of what we are told
Spiralling trail, compelled to go
Looking forward
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