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1.9k · Apr 2014
peurdelavie Apr 2014
and isn't it funny how
i spent each second of last night
listening to that **** clock tick
from 3am til 7
but the second i was in your arms
sleeping was almost as easy
as breathing
1.5k · Apr 2014
peurdelavie Apr 2014
maybe my biggest mistake
was never learning how
to regret you
peurdelavie Mar 2014
i've been to hell
and back
but still,
nothing compares
to the burn
of your fingertips
and the fire
in your eyes
1.2k · Jun 2014
let me kiss you hard
peurdelavie Jun 2014
i so desperately wanted for you
to kiss the air back into my lungs,
to inject yourself into my bloodstream
until i understood how to feel 'alive'
not to love me
but to lust after me with the intensity
of a million thunderstorms
but instead
you dug graves into my bones
and buried me alive
with the thought of you
i was very sad last night and a person linked me to born to die- lana del rey and that song meant nothing to me really and i actually didn't like it but now it's all that plays in my head and i guess this was inspired by that song
1.2k · Jan 2015
peurdelavie Jan 2015
at your first swimming lesson, they teach you to breathe through your nose and let air out through your mouth to avoid swallowing water and although i listened closely, i may have missed a step because i am sick to death of wishing myself six feet underground but my love, it's not an easy feat to breathe with litres of salt water flooding your lungs
1.1k · Nov 2014
peurdelavie Nov 2014
scientists say that a fingerprint develops when a baby is only 12 to 19 weeks along and that it is impossible for two people to develop the same print and although i believe in science i am still hoping there is a chance that someone in the world might have the same etches on the tip of his fingers as you did because to find the same hair colour and the same eye colour and the same smile is almost too easy but your touch against my skin made even the brightest of fireworks envious and darling something like that is irreplaceable
i don't remember the last time i wrote something that wasn't about you.
1.1k · Dec 2014
peurdelavie Dec 2014
i am an avid non believer in many things
but sweetheart, i believe wholeheartedly
that your mind works in the most mysterious of ways,
that your body's framework is built on nothing but constellations,
that your eyes encompass thunderstorms and
that if you bled, you would bleed golden galaxies.
do not get me wrong, i remain a non believer
in happy endings and romance and love that lasts
but oh my god, even the shortest presence of your gasoline-being
could set a wildfire alight inside of me.
I have finally stopped writing about the one boy that everything on this page is about. Is this moving on?
978 · Oct 2014
ten-pin affairs
peurdelavie Oct 2014
darling i have a lot of spare time and lately i have been using it to compare us to a game of bowling and maybe that seems like a wild comparison to make but quite frankly if i pretend that you are a bowling ball and my heart is the bowling pins and you have just knocked them down in a brilliant strike and celebrated it then it isn't as absurd as it once seemed, is it?
this is as close to somewhat decent as i could get because my mind is a blur and i am terribly sorry for that
920 · Mar 2014
peurdelavie Mar 2014
you have a reputation
for being a bad boy
for tearing girls down
and baby, i thought
i'd be different
that i might be the good girl
that can sway you over
and baby, you were
just that much stronger
i drink now
and i lie now
i foolishly trust now
and i even curse now

i wasn't like this
before you
you played this song for a reason
i see the reason now
896 · Apr 2014
gloomy with a chance of you
peurdelavie Apr 2014
the truth is,
with you i saw
a thousand storms
that soaked my clothes
and chilled me
to the *bone
i'm ******* miserable again
875 · Nov 2014
peurdelavie Nov 2014
saw through me
as if i was transparent
and watched my hollow heart
beat,  attempting to match  your
rhythm but changed pulse ever so
slightly the second i was almost
close enough so i ****** my
skin and  bones  for  being
built of cellophane and
bit my cheeks and
blood for
you didn't
love me when you
should have, i built walls
around my ghostly body just high
enough to keep you out, then watched
you burn them down and dance in the ashes.
859 · Apr 2014
peurdelavie Apr 2014
your eyes remind me
of thunderstorms
echoing a harsh lullaby
of overpowering thunder
against a hushed drizzle
so **** the world, baby
i could get lost in them
forget what my mother told me
about gumboots and umbrellas
we were never the kind
to stay dry anyway
this just ended up being one big ramble. my apologies.
851 · Dec 2014
peurdelavie Dec 2014
come here
limbs laced in cotton sheets
my bottom lip between your teeth
tell me the blood drawn tastes like cherries
when we both know it's made of tar
trace a world map on my hipbones in bruises
mark the capital cities with your fingernails
millimeters deep into flesh
let your breath on my neck tell me stories
about who you are and where you've been
your mind spilling ink on pillow cases and skin
and with the left side of this mattress weighed down
let me pretend your hollowed bones
are more than a momentary home
831 · Jun 2014
peurdelavie Jun 2014
it's raining and i can't help but
think about how funny it is that
even rain starts and stops and darling
last night i spent hours burning matches
that flickered and faded and left little
marks on my skin and everything
seems to come and go and believe me
i'm okay with that but you were the one
thing i was hoping would stay
829 · Apr 2014
peurdelavie Apr 2014
i'd rather you tell me
those sickly sweet three words
as an april fools joke
than never hear them at all
and i think
that makes me pathetic and weak
but god,
i've never loved anyone
as much as i love you
823 · Oct 2014
peurdelavie Oct 2014
maybe i fell  in  love  with the
way  you  would  look  at  me
and look away when i caught
you staring or maybe i fell  in
love  with  your   smile  when
you felt brave enough to keep
your gaze and maybe i fell  in
love   with   your  demanding
personality and your reckless
ability to abandon everything
or  maybe  i  fell  in  love with
your     dreams,     fears     and
twisted    thoughts   and   you
only   fell   in   love   with  my
s      u      r        f       a      c      e
i am desperately trying to figure out why this didn't work
812 · Mar 2014
peurdelavie Mar 2014
if you were wondering
i'm doing much better, baby
only every second thought
is about you now
800 · Apr 2014
peurdelavie Apr 2014
you said
"goodnight, for now"
and i was foolish enough
to believe that 'for now'
meant you'd stay.
790 · Oct 2014
peurdelavie Oct 2014
were electric, each
touch lit a thousand sparks
and as your hands traced patterns up
my back and you tangled your fingers in my
hair i almost thought we were invincible, a force to
be reckoned with, but we were never enough to light a fire
I haven't written anything in months so please forgive how absolutely terrible this is. Writing doesn't come easily to me anymore.
752 · May 2014
peurdelavie May 2014
i am a hopeless disaster
of bones that run hollow
and blood that runs tar
but you,
baby you're a constellation
a firework exploding with
infinite galaxies
palms lined with gold

let me rain a little
on that parade of yours
746 · Mar 2014
you're past tense
peurdelavie Mar 2014
i hope you find me
on the tongue
of every girl you kiss,
at the bottom of
your cup of tea,
in the sand
that lines the backseat of your car,
in the moments
after 11pm,
in everything
that belonged to you and me.
peurdelavie Mar 2014
the back of my hand
is so unfamiliar
compared to the
of your eyes,
the stray hairs
on your chest,
the pace
of your breathing,
so unfamiliar
compared to
644 · Feb 2015
peurdelavie Feb 2015
are a glazed lolly
a crystallised sugar coating
with jagged edges
and a sickly sweet inside that i could
never quite reach,
constantly and consistently cutting
my hollowed cheeks on your
razor blade edges
and ironically,
the blood building in my mouth
has more volume than the metallic liquid
filling your veins
and surprisingly,
i have learnt to more loathe you
than love you anymore.
i walked past a person that well and truly destroyed me for a small period of time yesterday. i didn't flinch and i am so proud of myself.
635 · Mar 2014
click. click. click.
peurdelavie Mar 2014
i once read somewhere
that sometimes when you meet someone
there’s a click
not love at first sight
but a click
so honey,
what am i meant to do if you’re my click
and i was just the cheapest version of craft glue
you could get your hands on?
619 · Mar 2014
peurdelavie Mar 2014
i want to tangle my fingers
in your hair
and my legs
with your legs
and my lips
with your lips

i want to kiss
your temple
your jawline
and just beneath your ear
your lips suppressing
the most tempting sound

i want to watch
your chest
and your eyelashes flutter
while you sleep

i want to wake up
with a heavy weight
on my chest
your head
resting delicately
on my stomach

i don’t want to see you
gently wake
fists brushing your eyes
hands running
through your hair
eyes eyeing the door

i don’t want to watch you
as you lightly hold
that golden handle
the way
you cup my face
in your hands

i don’t want to breathe
as you open the door
head moving
wanting to look back
but flicking forward

i want to scream
cry out your name
hurt you
for leaving
for existing

i don’t want to watch
my fingers trembling
my lips
moulding to form your name
my mind



never escaping

593 · Mar 2014
s e v e n
peurdelavie Mar 2014
it's been seven days
well, to be exact
four days since i stopped making contact
seven days since you did
and on crowded busses
i often wondered
if i crossed your mind
and on empty sheets
i wondered if your hands
were touching someone else
and i hoped that your mattress
wasn't weighed down by two
and that the passengers seatbelt
remained unbuckled
and let me tell you,
that after seven days
waking up to a text that reads
"fkn lol"
is more of a stab in the heart
than your silence ever was
577 · Mar 2014
peurdelavie Mar 2014
peurdelavie Mar 2014
i’ve been sitting here
for more hours
than i can count on one hand
attempting to describe the way
i can feel my chest crushing into pieces
in a poetic way that sounds beautiful
but this isn’t beautiful
this is a ******* disaster
you are a hurricane that is destroying me
you are the coffee that slips out of my hand
and stains the walls when i’ve spent hours
and hours cleaning
you’re a ******* ******* natural disaster
laced with irrationality and mood swings
and you are killing me

this is old. i found it again.
562 · Mar 2014
loving you wasn't optional
peurdelavie Mar 2014
i wrote 'i miss you'
on a cigarette,
lit it,
let it burn
and drowned you out
with enough *****
to set us on fire
can you relight an old flame?
562 · Mar 2014
one love, two mouths
peurdelavie Mar 2014
they keep telling me
that love at first sight
doesn't exist
but baby,
how can they say that?
i'm pretty sure
i loved you even
before we met
551 · Jun 2014
peurdelavie Jun 2014
39 days and i'm beginning to forget the way you look
sleepy eyed, half dressed and next to me
533 · Nov 2014
peurdelavie Nov 2014
they tell  you  that  when  you  meet  'the one',
you just know. there are fireworks and sparks
and  your  heart  finally  begins  beating like it
should  but  no  one  told  me  that  i'd  be  in a
*******   library  and  i'd   look   up,   feel   my
stomach  drop  to the floor and sell my soul to
a  boy  that  appeared  like  a  dream  but  was
made                 of                 hell's                 fires.
i'm not sure what this is at all
peurdelavie May 2014
i spend most of my time crying and listening to the same ******* front porch step song and it's ironic because the song is called drown and that's exactly what i want to do and i can't tell if i want to drown in an ocean or drown in you but i guess they both come with the exact same feeling because i am suffocating either way
502 · Mar 2014
i prefer you
peurdelavie Mar 2014
he has a smile
that shines like a million stars
and eyes
so full of hope
but when he laughs
i hear your deadly snicker
and when he smiles
i miss your mischievous grin
and when he looks into my eyes
i crave your lustful stare
and as i let him build me up
i'm begging for you to tear me down again
491 · Mar 2014
stop 44
peurdelavie Mar 2014
a handful of texts
each wrapped with a ribbon that read
“you should see me”
lead up to this moment
it lead up to your fingertips
reaching into my soul,
your favourite song echoing
in my mind,
making tea
just the way you like it
(when you like it, it’s occasional),
traffic reminding me of
your face when a terrible driver angered you,
the tap of your fingers
against the steering wheel,
the calm of your voice
against my irrationality,
waking up
to remember that you’re gone
all over again
480 · Nov 2014
peurdelavie Nov 2014
i swear to god i have not felt my heart beat a single ******* time since the day you walked out of my life and even though i have no idea how to drive there is nothing more that i want right now than to pick up the keys to a car and crash in hopes that the impact might force the blood to flow through my veins again
476 · Apr 2014
peurdelavie Apr 2014
i haven't written in 3 days
and i guess i've lost my muse
cause lately, you remind me
of blank walls
and empty spaces
but maybe that defines
exactly what's become of us
470 · Jun 2014
peurdelavie Jun 2014
25 kilometers
from my house to home
to the place where you made me guess
which baby in the photo was you
to the place where i learnt more about you
from what was on your desk
than from anything you had ever said
where i spent hours on your bed
and watched cartoons with you all afternoon
25 kilometers
from home to my house
to the place where you parked your car
shook your head and said
"just stay calm," laughed
and never spoke to me again
469 · May 2014
w a v e s
peurdelavie May 2014
you painted
t h e  i n d i a n  o c e a n
between o u r  b o d i e s
even though
we were lying
merely i n c h e s  a p a r t
all i ever did was try to love you
455 · Mar 2014
peurdelavie Mar 2014
i look at you
and my mind rehearses

lines of poetry,
words that define
the creases around your eyes
and the way
the deep brown haze
glimmers like a million stars,

sentences that describe
the way
your smile taunts
even the saddest of minds
into recreating that
perfect half moon,

emotive imagery
that instills
every heart in the universe
with the feelings
that you
cause mine

but no words
can summarise
the details of you
because you are
and eternally endless.
448 · Mar 2014
peurdelavie Mar 2014
if i was nicotine
i’d kiss your lips
leave my taste on your tongue
and inject you with the most lethal dose of myself

i’d swim through your veins like bad *******
leave your knees quivering
body shaking
tracing patterns along your jawbone

i’d make your throat burn like dry whisky
make your mind swirl
consumed by thoughts
you can’t arrange

i’d leave you with wasted efforts
to keep you addicted
marks along your skin remnant
of my short lived hold on you.
442 · Oct 2014
peurdelavie Oct 2014
It has been 309 days since last Christmas. 309.  On Christmas eve, you sent me a message and wished I would be in your bed when you woke. I replied, and I wished that you'd be under my tree. On the 25th day of December, you wished me a Merry Christmas and and asked me if I had forgotten how tall you were (I had not seen you in over a year), there was no way you would fit under my tree, and signed it with an 'x'. I laughed and told you that you could try anyway. 7 days after christmas, the 1st of January, you wished I was with you and kissed no one at midnight and I thought, oh my god maybe this time things will work out. Maybe this time you'll be mine. And in between trips to your favourite spots, the sand underneath our feet, constant messages, photos, mornings in your arms, funnily enough, you were. Mine. Though it was never in the ways I wished you were, you still were. And then you weren't. Messages were ignored, I didn't understand what you wanted, you didn't understand what I wanted and suddenly 6 months passed without seeing your face. There are 55 days until Christmas, 54 until Christmas eve and this year, you'll wake up with her in your bed or maybe you'll make do and crouch under her tree and you'll kiss her when the clock strikes 12 on the 1st of January and I will wish that you were here and **** the time for changing who you were to me and who I was to you.
I'm not exactly sure what this is. Maybe I'm just trying to clear my mind out, maybe I'm trying to grow. But for some reason I used capital letters and full stops and that is not something I'm used to working with when I do not write formally. This is a summary of the boy that all of my work has been focused on. It has been 319 days since the first message that meant something.
438 · Jun 2014
peurdelavie Jun 2014
you are still made of
the same stardust
that used to light
my entire sky

but as the sun rises
the moon must fall
and the stars only know
how to follow
title influenced by one of my favourite versaemerge songs
415 · Mar 2014
white lies
peurdelavie Mar 2014
i required permanence
in the form of your heartbeat
echoing in my chest
and you required transience
in the form of lips colliding
and skin touching

i used to be yours
410 · Apr 2014
two thirds
peurdelavie Apr 2014
i read a poem once

"My mother tells me
that when I meet someone I like,
I have to ask them three questions:

1. what are you afraid of?
2. do you like dogs?
3. what do you do when it rains?"

1. you're afraid of being alone. of dying alone. of your life never being enough. and of ships.

2. you have two. you once told me a story about a dog you had when you were a child. i'm quite certain you love them.

3. i'm afraid i'll never know. you left before i had the chance to find out and that scares me more than any other fear i've ever had.
401 · Apr 2014
peurdelavie Apr 2014
i didn't think you cared,
but you told me at 6am
that you hoped
you don't wake me up
and it's strange
because two months ago
you were pleading
to my silent phone
for me to wake
but i guess this is your way
of saying you still care
even though we hadn't spoken
in 23 days
i still love you
391 · Mar 2014
i've seen your wrists
peurdelavie Mar 2014
i once met a boy
who had eyes as dark as a storm
a face as beautiful as mona lisa’s smile
and a personality as reckless as a hurricane
and he spent his days
hiding his sadness in music
and slashing his pretty little wrist
wincing as the blood ran down his arm
and sighing when the feeling of ‘alive’ hit him
deeper than the wound he had inflicted
only for the joy in his eyes and the freedom in his veins
to fade back into hollowness
almost straight away
367 · Jun 2014
peurdelavie Jun 2014
you were a cheap high
that never lasted long enough
and for ***** sake,
i am shaking like a recovering addict
without you around
361 · Jun 2014
peurdelavie Jun 2014
it's been thirty five days or
eight hundred and forty hours or
fifty thousand four hundred minutes and
i've spent almost every single night

i wonder if you remember how you felt
when you rolled over in the morning and
there i was, next to you
i wonder if you knew
that at that moment i had
never seen someone so beautiful
in my entire life

my mother says you can tell a lot
about a person from what
their hands are like
whenever i think of yours i can
still feel the patterns you spent forever
tracing on my back

i drove down  
every single road it took
to take me home that one night and
i'm still curious as to why
you took the long way home

i spend a lot of time thinking, wondering
1. about you
2. still, you

i forgot how to stop
when it came to us
i should have known it
would be 11:46:38pm
thirty five days later
and i would still be writing
about the boy who didn't
give a ******* ****
358 · Mar 2014
peurdelavie Mar 2014
your hands could transform
an entire city into ashes
and your eyes
could melt diamonds
veins bleeding
blue and black
until you run

make room for me
in that empty chest
of yours
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