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 Feb 2015 Pdub
Dust Bowl
 Feb 2015 Pdub
Dust Bowl
I want to fall in love again,
But only with you.
 Feb 2015 Pdub
samantha neal
 Feb 2015 Pdub
samantha neal
I hope you look for me in everyone else
and panic when you realize that they'll
never be exactly the same.

I hope you know I feel no remorse
for what I said to you that night
and all that followed.
 Feb 2015 Pdub
samantha neal
I became so addicted to the feeling of nothing
that when I started to feel you
I went through withdrawals.
I wanted so desperately to forget about
the nice feelings that ran through my mind
when I thought of you,
because I became so intimate with being alone
that leaving the vast isolation of myself behind
felt like I was killing the part of me
that taught me how to survive.
 Feb 2015 Pdub
space between
 Feb 2015 Pdub
I don’t think

I could ever forget

the twinkle in your eyes

whenever you talked about

your love for the stars

Or how we dreamt

about traipsing our way

into the distant galaxies

and naming them as ours

I love how we talked about the universe-

even though we’re worlds apart.

 Feb 2015 Pdub
Dust Bowl
Stop treating me like I'm the cut on your wrist your sweater just barely covers.
I am so sick of being something your ashamed of.
Your secret, your mistake.
But you know as well as I do that the guiltiest of pleasures are the most rewarding.
Maybe that's why you keep ending up back in my bed
And maybe that's why I keep letting you.
 Feb 2015 Pdub
Joseph Schneider
I've had enough, I'm done
Your standards are no fun

You're a broken wordsmith
Lost in a world of words
Searching for realization
While your story is unsung

Your screams from mountaintops
Heard only by cowards ears
Your brightest light
Can't catch my darkest hour

Good day to you sir
A forever blur*

*Joseph B Schneider
© Joseph B Schneider. All rights reserved
 Feb 2015 Pdub
Shannon Delaney
I’m not scared I will never know you
I’m more scared you and I are more alike than we know
Desperate and unprecedented in the worst way
Do I really want to love you?

I know you far better than you realize
I know myself the way I know you
We have the same souls
I don’t fall in love with strangers
But I could never love myself either
And if we are made of the same thing
Can I really stay with you?
 Feb 2015 Pdub
I am thankful for media chips,
and memories of lips;
of still mornings,
and warm warnings.

I am thankful for lightning,
for every bit of string,
a feeling of self-autonomy,
and the stars I see.

I am thankful for the hope,
college and all its dope;
for your hand there,
and the wear and tear.

I am thankful for this noose,
and my ability to tie it loose.
I used to think I couldn't go a day without your smile. Without telling you things and hearing your voice back.

Then, that day arrived and it was so **** hard but the next was harder. I knew with a sinking feeling it was going to get worse, and I wasn't going to be okay for a very long time.

Because losing someone isn't an occasion or an event. It doesn't just happen once. It happens over and over again. I lose you every time I pick up your favorite coffee mug, whenever that one song plays on the radio, or when I discover your old t-shirt at the bottom of my laundry pile.

I lose you every time I think of kissing you, holding you, or wanting you. I go to bed at night and lose you, when I wish I could tell you about my day. And in the morning, **when I wake and reach for the empty space across the sheet, I begin to lose you all over again.
This is one of my favorite Lang Leav's write. Just wanted to share here for i'm having the same feeling now. :)

Because I'm in awe of her. And of you.
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