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 Feb 2015 Pdub
Dust Bowl
 Feb 2015 Pdub
Dust Bowl
I've got a ghost in my head
His voice sounds the way your nails did
Sliding down my spine.
I've got a ghost in my head
And he keeps asking me why
I didn't let myself die.
I've got a ghost in my head
He keeps knocking on my door.
I've got a ghost in my head
Been there since the day your head
Hit the floor.

There's a little girl
Who keeps talking to me
She says I should let her in.
There's a little girl at my door
Wants to know what she did.
There's a little girl
Got a lot of questions
She wants to know why I stay hid.
There's a little girl
And shes perfect
No ones ever broken her rib.
There's a little girl
She's living in a time before
Your head ever broke
Against my bedroom floor.
 Feb 2015 Pdub
 Feb 2015 Pdub
Stop lying and admit
That you are gone.
you've been gone for
Some time now.
And I'm not convinced
That you will ever come
Back for me.

You left me to the lion
And lioness. They were
Hungrier than we ever
Could've imagined.

All that is left of me is
My skeleton that got
Stuck in their teeth.
 Feb 2015 Pdub
Sam Ciel
 Feb 2015 Pdub
Sam Ciel
I watch you when you go to gaze at stars
Twinkling, sparkling, all so very far
Away from me, away from you, from us
Away from all their shallow prejudice.

They call you names, they speak of vanity
"You don't mind" and in moonlight I see
Your true friends support you from above
They share with you the traces of their love.

You say they speak, they tell you tales of life
Each one, alone, has learned in times of strife
That in the darkness, brightest light is found.
And despite the distance, light rebounds.

And as you beam a smile back, I see
Another star amidst the astral sea.
The moon sure is beautiful tonight.
©Sam Ciel
 Feb 2015 Pdub
Anthony Garcia
I will wait for that day
That day my pen will no longer write my wrongs
I will be set free from the bonds of my mind that day
The rage and sorrow inside will finally dissolve
And for that day I pray
I await the time when I will no longer have to use poetry as an emotional output
 Feb 2015 Pdub
Dust Bowl
 Feb 2015 Pdub
Dust Bowl
We were two severely broken things
and though I was promised someone to mend me
I couldn't bear to get better before you.
so I replaced all your lost pieces with my own
and glued you back together with the blood I lost from slicing my hands when I touched you.
And when you were whole again
you decided there weren't enough parts in the world to fix me
and even if there were, I wasn't worth the effort.
And now I am even more broken than before
and there aren't enough pieces  for anyone else to mend me with
and I wonder if you ever touch your wrist and feel my veins under your skin
or look at your eyes and see my glass shining through.
Because I can feel every piece I lost
and every time my mother hugs me she asks me about the crater between my shoulder blades
that piece went to your ribs i think
and every ******* time you get hurt I know
because I can ******* feel it
and I can feel her cold fingers on my neck every time she touches your leg and I just want my ******* pieces back.
 Feb 2015 Pdub
light and Dark.
 Feb 2015 Pdub
Understand that where there is the tenebrific,
there is the lambent.
Their comorbidity is rampant.
But if you think luminosity is dead and gone,
we'll show you the love to go on.
 Feb 2015 Pdub
 Feb 2015 Pdub
So emotionally receptive is the perception of a woman
To see her eyes light up with intense caring
In the presence of a child
To hear a flutter in her voice
As it echoes from her heart
The warm greetings of her touch
She can read the eyes of the ones she loves
And feel the pain of a suffering stranger

And it is very true that there is no fury
As the woman scorned
And that is a lesson
Best not empirically learned

The loving spell of a woman has power
Over the leaders of great nations
And can cause a good man to fall from grace
I landed on my knees once
When I was young and naïve

The beauty of a woman, the contours of her womanhood
Can be so alluringly addictive
That even a glimpse can take the breath away
Yet despite all her powerfully dangerous compelling properties
I’ll take my chances
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